All in One Place: President Trump Truths Out Summary Report on *All Swing States* From 2020 Election – Here are the Georgia Highlights

Sorry bout that,

1. It was.
2. And, it can't be denied.
3. Thats how they stole the election of 2020.
4. And ripped out the soul of America.
5. Now they walk around like living zombies asking to be forgiven.
6. You can't be forgiven.
7. All those responsible in stealing this election, line up to your earned place in hell.
8. Thou shall not steal, this is the greatest theft ever in, humanity.
9. All you motherfuckers, who had nothing to do with, THE STEAL, and are over joyed by it, will follow those into the, line to destruction.
10 You earned as much.

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So where is the actual 32 page summary? I hate articles which don't include actual links to whatever it is they claim to be about but instead just links to a couple of tweets. Maybe you should have included that instead of your 10 points of nothingness?
And yet the following people disagree with the manipulated rubes:

The two companies TRUMP PAID to find corruption, the Cyber Ninjas, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General.

And these conservatives, who patiently debunked the lie piece by piece:

And yet the following people disagree with the manipulated rubes:

The two companies TRUMP PAID to find corruption, the Cyber Ninjas, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General.

And these conservatives, who patiently debunked the lie piece by piece:

The deed is done.
Even Trump is now saying it wasn’t stolen and that he relied on Russian disinformation to make that claim
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Sorry bout that,

1. It was.
2. And, it can't be denied.
3. Thats how they stole the election of 2020.
4. And ripped out the soul of America.
5. Now they walk around like living zombies asking to be forgiven.
6. You can't be forgiven.
7. All those responsible in stealing this election, line up to your earned place in hell.
8. Thou shall not steal, this is the greatest theft ever in, humanity.
9. All you motherfuckers, who had nothing to do with, THE STEAL, and are over joyed by it, will follow those into the, line to destruction.
10 You earned as much.

Are you off your meds again?
All serious grown ups are laughing their asses off at Trump's recent "release" of a 32 page PDF of absolute, unverified, unsubstantiated, unproveable, unhinged, bullshit garbage election fraud allegations.
The exact SAME crap that got laughed out of federal courts 63 seperate times for lack of PROOF to back any of it up back between November 2020 and Jan. 2021.
You see, the accusations themselves are not PROOF!
The two are separate things.
All serious grown ups are laughing their asses off at Trump's recent "release" of a 32 page PDF of absolute, unverified, unsubstantiated, unproveable, unhinged, bullshit garbage election fraud allegations.
In their world, it's the verified, absolute "Truth". There is no questioning it.

The alternate reality is still real, still thriving.
Are you off your meds again?
All serious grown ups are laughing their asses off at Trump's recent "release" of a 32 page PDF of absolute, unverified, unsubstantiated, unproveable, unhinged, bullshit garbage election fraud allegations.
The exact SAME crap that got laughed out of federal courts 63 seperate times for lack of PROOF to back any of it up back between November 2020 and Jan. 2021.
You see, the accusations themselves are not PROOF!
The two are separate things.

its a five State summary of known Issues - Events - Blockades - Falsehoods. It is a start. How else do you summarize 10,000 peices? The election was a mess.

Perhaps pick the most egregious and focus on that? But so much was hidden, deleted, destroyed, lied etc. the proof is not availabl. Such as Drop box video they said they had. Then its not available upon request in 100s’ of drop boxes in MilWaukee?
its a five State summary of known Issues - Events - Blockades - Falsehoods. It is a start. How else do you summarize 10,000 peices? The election was a mess.

Perhaps pick the most egregious and focus on that? But so much was hidden, deleted, destroyed, lied etc. the proof is not availabl. Such as Drop box video they said they had. Then its not available upon request in 100s’ of drop boxes in MilWaukee?
Egregious what? At best what you seem to say is that you believe voter fraud occurred but the evidence to prove it is "not available."

By the way, even IF that video was available, and even IF it showed evidence of wrongdoing. How would you go about in proving that wrongdoing was done by Democrats? And even IF you could prove that how would you go about claiming that voter fraud was so widespread to make Trump lose?

You require no less than 3 separate leaps of faith to come to the conclusion that the election was stolen.
(2020 Presidential Election allegedly stolen):
It was.......And, it can't be denied......Thats how they stole the election of 2020......
All you motherfuckers, who had nothing to do with, THE STEAL, and are over joyed by it, will follow those into the, line to destruction.
Just goes to prove that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him fish.
This RWNJ/QAnon fantasy world of a "stolen election" is for the uninformed, the 'marks', the 'pigeons'...... the victims of the grift. The duped & snookered. Trump's Squeaky Frommes.

Other than that, I'm sure some of them are fine people.

We need state AGs to confirm or deny the claims.
Failing that, we need the RNC to confirm or deny the claims.
First, the AG's denied it. After all, they oversaw the certification of their state's vote count in November of 2020. That's your answer. No need to re-plow that field.

And then the good poster 'kyzr' will have the Republican National Committee decide our presidential election of 2020.

Yeah, I know. Me too.
I thought that suggestion should have stayed in the In-Basket on the Bizarro Desk.

I love this bar.
We got winners.
We got ___________.
Other than that, I'm sure some of them are fine people.
And therein in lies the most frustrating part of this whole disaster, for me.

I appear to be in the minority here on this, but it's been my experience and observation that most (not all, but most) of these people ARE fine people. They love their country, they're patriotic, they're sincere, and they want what is best for America.

The problem is that they have been so terribly manipulated by voices they have chosen to trust. A key component of that manipulation is paranoia. And paranoia makes people vulnerable to being gullible and easily conned. These people have been led down the wrong path, as well-meaning as they may be.

They're still responsible for their words and actions, of course, but I put the most blame on the craven politicians who have played along, and the opportunistic pundits who have pushed this.
Egregious what? At best what you seem to say is that you believe voter fraud occurred but the evidence to prove it is "not available."

By the way, even IF that video was available, and even IF it showed evidence of wrongdoing. How would you go about in proving that wrongdoing was done by Democrats? And even IF you could prove that how would you go about claiming that voter fraud was so widespread to make Trump lose?

You require no less than 3 separate leaps of faith to come to the conclusion that the election was stolen.

Ignorant much? AZ rec'd nearly 20,000 votes AFTER Midnight NOV03. The Mail-in Votes had began to dwindle down OCT 29. Trump was way ahead and they "found" 20,000 more AFTER the ELECTION ended?
In addition the massive 98% Vote spikes in the swing states show who gained votes. Trump was leading all by 0.5million or so. But you would have to read thru it rather than spew venom you foolish sow you look stupid.

Despite news media calling the state for Joe Biden early in the evening on Nov. 3, it took 11 days to count the 14 percent of the vote left outstanding after Election Day. Arizona did not stop counting until Saturday Nov. 14, 2020. Notably, Pima County was one of the last to report its results. They waited until they see how many they needed. This is not Rocket science. Dirty voter roll. Re-vote and re-vote for unlikely voters, those that moved, false names and addresses. On and on you sick Cow in a diseased herd.
Thousands of fraudulent “presidential only” ballots were injected into the second machine count, with huge margins favoring Joe Biden. Ballots that are blank 5except for the presidential contest were counted in batches together, with the pattern appearing in at least eight counties, including Fulton. This means Georgia did not have the votes to justify its original Election “results.”
Mule Ballots. If you ignore the Whistleblowers and refuse any look or double check then it is easy to say......there was nothing found. Duh...if you don't look. Over and over and over across the nation.

Ninety percent of these approximately 148,000 absentee ballots cast in Fulton County cannot be authenticated.
Ballot images for 132,284 mail-in votes have no .SHA file, which is created automatically when a ballot is scanned and used to authenticate the digital image of the vote, lacking evidence they were scanned and tabulated properly, or even cast by a real voter.
104,994 ballot image files of these mail-in ballots from the original count contained identical modified time stamps, suggesting electronic manipulation

Nobody is going to "make these numbers up" they can be re-generated off Excel spreadsheets you close-minded sheep. Nothing has ever been "dis-proven". The dirty MSM and GOVT simply censors any mention of it but you know all of this.
We need state AGs to confirm or deny the claims.

Failing that, we need the RNC to confirm or deny the claims.

The states' AG's have all denied all of Trump's claims. The DOJ has denied all of Trump's claims. The Department of Homeland Security has denied all of Trump's claims. Every AG, every SoS, and the head of every county election office in every state in the union has denied all of Trump's claims.


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