All I Want For for Barron to smile


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2015
I saw the arrival of the White House Christmas tree yesterday--a beauty of a 20-foot fir that arrived in a horse drawn wagon with a little brass band playing O Tannenbaum. Melania and Barron came out to inspect it.


I'm worried about Barron. He looked a little peaked and he was thoroughly miserable. Never cracked so much as a smile although everyone else was smiling like idiots, because--well, the tree is always something to smile about, isn't it?

Barron looked pale and a little thinner and like I said, miserable. Barron seemed pretty chipper at the Inaugural Parade. He's not weathering this experience very well. I feel so bad for that kid. Hard few months with moving, a new school, all the restrictions on him as First Child. Although I remember my son at that age, and smiling was not a cool thing to do, he wasn't stone cold depressed all the time.

I wish someone could bring a smile to that kid's face. The holidays are coming.
The best thing I could ever get for Christmas, is that every liberal who said they would leave this country when Donald J. Trump won the Presidency, would actually leave.. The door is open to Cuba, the Socialist Utopian Paradise that Obama opened for them.. Make America Great Again, leave your passport at the border when you exit this wonderful CAPTIALIST country....

The best thing I could ever get for Christmas, is that every liberal who said they would leave this country when Donald J. Trump won the Presidency, would actually leave.. The door is open to Cuba, the Socialist Utopian Paradise that Obama opened for them.. Make America Great Again, leave your passport at the border when you exit this wonderful CAPTIALIST country....

Who cares what YOU want for Christmas.
Although at this point, Barron would probably agree with you--saying all that mean shit about his Daddy.
I saw the arrival of the White House Christmas tree yesterday--a beauty of a 20-foot fir that arrived in a horse drawn wagon with a little brass band playing O Tannenbaum. Melania and Barron came out to inspect it.


I'm worried about Barron. He looked a little peaked and he was thoroughly miserable. Never cracked so much as a smile although everyone else was smiling like idiots, because--well, the tree is always something to smile about, isn't it?

Barron looked pale and a little thinner and like I said, miserable. Barron seemed pretty chipper at the Inaugural Parade. He's not weathering this experience very well. I feel so bad for that kid. Hard few months with moving, a new school, all the restrictions on him as First Child. Although I remember my son at that age, and smiling was not a cool thing to do, he wasn't stone cold depressed all the time.

I wish someone could bring a smile to that kid's face. The holidays are coming.
/----/ You are a miserable, cold hearted old coot.
I saw the arrival of the White House Christmas tree yesterday--a beauty of a 20-foot fir that arrived in a horse drawn wagon with a little brass band playing O Tannenbaum. Melania and Barron came out to inspect it.


I'm worried about Barron. He looked a little peaked and he was thoroughly miserable. Never cracked so much as a smile although everyone else was smiling like idiots, because--well, the tree is always something to smile about, isn't it?

Barron looked pale and a little thinner and like I said, miserable. Barron seemed pretty chipper at the Inaugural Parade. He's not weathering this experience very well. I feel so bad for that kid. Hard few months with moving, a new school, all the restrictions on him as First Child. Although I remember my son at that age, and smiling was not a cool thing to do, he wasn't stone cold depressed all the time.

I wish someone could bring a smile to that kid's face. The holidays are coming.

I was not a smiley kid either. Sneering was cooler, as you noted.

Being publicly targeted by ISIS would tend add a bit of seriousness. I wonder how parents at his school are reacting?
The best thing I could ever get for Christmas, is that every liberal who said they would leave this country when Donald J. Trump won the Presidency, would actually leave.. The door is open to Cuba, the Socialist Utopian Paradise that Obama opened for them.. Make America Great Again, leave your passport at the border when you exit this wonderful CAPTIALIST country....

Who cares what YOU want for Christmas.
Although at this point, Barron would probably agree with you--saying all that mean shit about his Daddy.
Who gives a shit what you want? I bet Barron would smile a lot more, knowing that the lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, Lame Stream Media was now a permanent fixture of the Cuban propaganda machine....
The best thing I could ever get for Christmas, is that every liberal who said they would leave this country when Donald J. Trump won the Presidency, would actually leave.. The door is open to Cuba, the Socialist Utopian Paradise that Obama opened for them.. Make America Great Again, leave your passport at the border when you exit this wonderful CAPTIALIST country....

Who cares what YOU want for Christmas.
Although at this point, Barron would probably agree with you--saying all that mean shit about his Daddy.
Who gives a shit what you want? I bet Barron would smile a lot more, knowing that the lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, Lame Stream Media was now a permanent fixture of the Cuban propaganda machine....
Well, thanks for the bump, anyway.
I saw the arrival of the White House Christmas tree yesterday--a beauty of a 20-foot fir that arrived in a horse drawn wagon with a little brass band playing O Tannenbaum. Melania and Barron came out to inspect it.


I'm worried about Barron. He looked a little peaked and he was thoroughly miserable. Never cracked so much as a smile although everyone else was smiling like idiots, because--well, the tree is always something to smile about, isn't it?

Barron looked pale and a little thinner and like I said, miserable. Barron seemed pretty chipper at the Inaugural Parade. He's not weathering this experience very well. I feel so bad for that kid. Hard few months with moving, a new school, all the restrictions on him as First Child. Although I remember my son at that age, and smiling was not a cool thing to do, he wasn't stone cold depressed all the time.

I wish someone could bring a smile to that kid's face. The holidays are coming.
It's difficult to get kids to smile that are pampered too much by their mothers.
Especially when their parents are rich as shit.

If Donald Trump has his way Barron will soon be earning his keep working for the company.
I feel so bad for that kid.
I too.

a new school
I'm surprised the Trumps chose St. Andrews. It's a fine school, but there's a very good chance the poor boy will have to change schools yet again in four years (or less), unless his parents opt to take up residence in the D.C. area after Trump's term ends. If Trump wins a second term, that won't matter; however, given Trump's intransigence, the prospects for him doing so are less rosy, at least right now, than were those of any of his recent predecessors. On the other hand, his father's foul character may have something to do with why they didn't enroll him in a school (D.E. area or otherwise) that wouldn't have necessitated his transferring if his parents weren't of a mind to temporarily reside nearby.
I'm the type that probably would have been giving mommy bunny ears. :rolleyes:

I feel for the kid having to hear all the vile lies spewed about his pops daily.
I saw the arrival of the White House Christmas tree yesterday--a beauty of a 20-foot fir that arrived in a horse drawn wagon with a little brass band playing O Tannenbaum. Melania and Barron came out to inspect it.


I'm worried about Barron. He looked a little peaked and he was thoroughly miserable. Never cracked so much as a smile although everyone else was smiling like idiots, because--well, the tree is always something to smile about, isn't it?

Barron looked pale and a little thinner and like I said, miserable. Barron seemed pretty chipper at the Inaugural Parade. He's not weathering this experience very well. I feel so bad for that kid. Hard few months with moving, a new school, all the restrictions on him as First Child. Although I remember my son at that age, and smiling was not a cool thing to do, he wasn't stone cold depressed all the time.

I wish someone could bring a smile to that kid's face. The holidays are coming.

Christmas is a time for civility and being kind to one another. Perhaps more of that across the country, especially in Washington - from EVERYONE, could help with that, OL.
If Donald Trump has his way Barron will soon be earning his keep working for the company.
Do you have any idea what Barron wants? For that matter do you even know what the President wants for his son? I suspect the President wants what every one of us who are parents want for our children and would give them if we could.
If Donald Trump has his way Barron will soon be earning his keep working for the company.
Do you have any idea what Barron wants? For that matter do you even know what the President wants for his son? I suspect the President wants what every one of us who are parents want for our children and would give them if we could.
I imagine so....but Trump has a strong work ethic he likes to pass on to his kids.
Rich kids who don't have anything to do other than spend their parent's money usually end up being spoiled.
I don't see the Donald allowing that to happen.
I feel so bad for that kid.
I too.

a new school
I'm surprised the Trumps chose St. Andrews. It's a fine school, but there's a very good chance the poor boy will have to change schools yet again in four years (or less), unless his parents opt to take up residence in the D.C. area after Trump's term ends. If Trump wins a second term, that won't matter; however, given Trump's intransigence, the prospects for him doing so are less rosy, at least right now, than were those of any of his recent predecessors. On the other hand, his father's foul character may have something to do with why they didn't enroll him in a school (D.E. area or otherwise) that wouldn't have necessitated his transferring if his parents weren't of a mind to temporarily reside nearby.
St. Andrews is a residential school, yes? Barron stays there during term?
It seems to me, staring at Barron, longing to see him smile is rather creepy.
I saw the arrival of the White House Christmas tree yesterday--a beauty of a 20-foot fir that arrived in a horse drawn wagon with a little brass band playing O Tannenbaum. Melania and Barron came out to inspect it.


I'm worried about Barron. He looked a little peaked and he was thoroughly miserable. Never cracked so much as a smile although everyone else was smiling like idiots, because--well, the tree is always something to smile about, isn't it?

Barron looked pale and a little thinner and like I said, miserable. Barron seemed pretty chipper at the Inaugural Parade. He's not weathering this experience very well. I feel so bad for that kid. Hard few months with moving, a new school, all the restrictions on him as First Child. Although I remember my son at that age, and smiling was not a cool thing to do, he wasn't stone cold depressed all the time.

I wish someone could bring a smile to that kid's face. The holidays are coming.

Christmas is a time for civility and being kind to one another. Perhaps more of that across the country, especially in Washington - from EVERYONE, could help with that, OL.
You think his unhappiness is all because of the political mud slinging? I don't think so.
I just hope he's got other kids to hang with and do stuff with, and he needs to be getting out and doing stuff outside, it looks like. Jeez, he's pale. Hope he's not sick.
I saw the arrival of the White House Christmas tree yesterday--a beauty of a 20-foot fir that arrived in a horse drawn wagon with a little brass band playing O Tannenbaum. Melania and Barron came out to inspect it.


I'm worried about Barron. He looked a little peaked and he was thoroughly miserable. Never cracked so much as a smile although everyone else was smiling like idiots, because--well, the tree is always something to smile about, isn't it?

Barron looked pale and a little thinner and like I said, miserable. Barron seemed pretty chipper at the Inaugural Parade. He's not weathering this experience very well. I feel so bad for that kid. Hard few months with moving, a new school, all the restrictions on him as First Child. Although I remember my son at that age, and smiling was not a cool thing to do, he wasn't stone cold depressed all the time.

I wish someone could bring a smile to that kid's face. The holidays are coming.
For Xmas OldLady I would buy you a big bottle.

Enjoy !!
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I feel so bad for that kid.
I too.

a new school
I'm surprised the Trumps chose St. Andrews. It's a fine school, but there's a very good chance the poor boy will have to change schools yet again in four years (or less), unless his parents opt to take up residence in the D.C. area after Trump's term ends. If Trump wins a second term, that won't matter; however, given Trump's intransigence, the prospects for him doing so are less rosy, at least right now, than were those of any of his recent predecessors. On the other hand, his father's foul character may have something to do with why they didn't enroll him in a school (D.E. area or otherwise) that wouldn't have necessitated his transferring if his parents weren't of a mind to temporarily reside nearby.
We can only hope !!!

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