All Hell breaks loose in Colorado--FIRE


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains

Never seen fire move this fast. Colorado Springs and Ute Pass is on fire Entire subdivisions eaten by fire within 30 seconds.
Do Colorado teabaggers want the Federal government to stay out and let them come up with a state-based solution?

Much of the wildfires are on federal property.

Add this to the equation:

Much of what’s burning is the Pike National Forest, which is federal property. Yet it took almost three days to get federal fire fighting aircraft off the ground to begin dumping meaningful loads of slurry to slow the fire’s growth. Because the Forest Service has a shortage of planes, Air Force C-130s finally joined the effort Monday afternoon to battle a fire that began Saturday morning

Washington-based Human Events magazine reported in September of 2011 that nearly half of the federal government’s air tankers sat idle at a California airport, as wildfires ripped through national forests throughout California, Texas, New Mexico, and other states.

It turns out the Obama administration ended a long-standing contract, leaving the Forest Service with only 11 tankers to battle 50 wildfires that were burning nationwide. A decade ago, the Forest Service had 40 firefighting tankers.

The Obama administration canceled the government’s contract with Aero Union — a company with 60 employees that had been under contract with the Forest Service for 50 years. Though it canceled that contract, the administration had no plan for an immediate replacement. Aero Union CEO Britt Gourley told Human Events the administration provided no details on why the contract was ended.

Read more: Obama shrunk aerial firefighting fleet (poll) | obama, edge, rages - TOWN HALL - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

Either way, polotics out I can only hope that everyone is safe and the fires go out soon.
Pubs cut federal aid, FOOLS.

Strange, it was a "pub" who wrote a letter about it:

Why were they grounded? National Forest Service bureaucrats and some media accounts cite "safety" concerns. But as California GOP Rep. Dan Lungren noted in a letter obtained by reporter Audrey Hudson of the conservative D.C. newspaper Human Events last year, a Federal Aviation Administration representative said it was a contractual/compliance matter, not safety, that doomed Aero Union's fleet.

"I am deeply troubled by the Forest Service's sudden action," Lungren warned, "particularly as California enters into the fire season. Our aerial firefighting fleet is already seriously undercapitalized." Both the U.S. Government Accountability Office and the Department of Agriculture's Inspector General have been critical of the Forest Service's handling of the matter. All of this has been known to the Obama administration since it took the reins in 2009.

How Obama Bureaucrats Fueled Western Wildfires |
CaféAuLait;5521421 said:
Pubs cut federal aid, FOOLS.

Strange, it was a "pub" who wrote a letter about it:

Why were they grounded? National Forest Service bureaucrats and some media accounts cite "safety" concerns. But as California GOP Rep. Dan Lungren noted in a letter obtained by reporter Audrey Hudson of the conservative D.C. newspaper Human Events last year, a Federal Aviation Administration representative said it was a contractual/compliance matter, not safety, that doomed Aero Union's fleet.

"I am deeply troubled by the Forest Service's sudden action," Lungren warned, "particularly as California enters into the fire season. Our aerial firefighting fleet is already seriously undercapitalized." Both the U.S. Government Accountability Office and the Department of Agriculture's Inspector General have been critical of the Forest Service's handling of the matter. All of this has been known to the Obama administration since it took the reins in 2009.

How Obama Bureaucrats Fueled Western Wildfires |
Anchor baby Michelle Malkin!

Do Colorado teabaggers want the Federal government to stay out and let them come up with a state-based solution?

National Defense Dumb Fuck. Fighting Out of Control Wild Fires is Exactly the kind of thing the Government should do, and is actually good at, But then only because the Mostly use the Military or Ex military to do it. :)

So in case it is to hard to grasp for your Liberal Though Process. Limited Government Types like my self, and your so called tea baggers think the Government should stick to the Basic Duties laid out to it in the Constitution. Like Defending the nation, Which Would include Fighting Fires.

what we don't want is some Fucking Unelected life long Bureaucrat in DC having the Power to Decide if the Treatment I need is Cost effective, Or how much Horrible Polluting C02 I am allowed to Fucking BREATH out of my mouth.

When I was a Kid, the left back then, they had not forgotten the most important thing. Never Trust the Fucking Government. I don't care how well we write out laws, how Noble our intentions. In the End we rely on Hundreds of Thousands of unelected, Life Long, Bureaucrats. To actually Carry out the laws. Which leads to over half of every Dollar we send them being lost to Waste, Fraud, and plain Stupidity, Not to Mention the Cost of paying all those Bureaucrats.

That is what is so alarming to me about what has Happened under Obama. More than Before anyways. It seems He and the Dems in Congress have almost ceded a Bunch of Power to the Unelected Bureaucrats By writing sweeping bills, with many of the actual Details to be worked out later by the Various Federal Agencies that they Involve. The EPA for example.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... its dem flames, fire an' vapors of smoke...

... inna Bible inna endtimes...

... all ye lefty, lib'rals better repent...

... an' get right with Jesus."
(possum thinks there oughta be a Jesus icon)
Do Colorado teabaggers want the Federal government to stay out and let them come up with a state-based solution?

National Defense Dumb Fuck. Fighting Out of Control Wild Fires is Exactly the kind of thing the Government should do, and is actually good at, But then only because the Mostly use the Military or Ex military to do it. :)

So in case it is to hard to grasp for your Liberal Though Process. Limited Government Types like my self, and your so called tea baggers think the Government should stick to the Basic Duties laid out to it in the Constitution. Like Defending the nation, Which Would include Fighting Fires.

what we don't want is some Fucking Unelected life long Bureaucrat in DC having the Power to Decide if the Treatment I need is Cost effective, Or how much Horrible Polluting C02 I am allowed to Fucking BREATH out of my mouth.

When I was a Kid, the left back then, they had not forgotten the most important thing. Never Trust the Fucking Government. I don't care how well we write out laws, how Noble our intentions. In the End we rely on Hundreds of Thousands of unelected, Life Long, Bureaucrats. To actually Carry out the laws. Which leads to over half of every Dollar we send them being lost to Waste, Fraud, and plain Stupidity, Not to Mention the Cost of paying all those Bureaucrats.

That is what is so alarming to me about what has Happened under Obama. More than Before anyways. It seems He and the Dems in Congress have almost ceded a Bunch of Power to the Unelected Bureaucrats By writing sweeping bills, with many of the actual Details to be worked out later by the Various Federal Agencies that they Involve. The EPA for example.

BS- Everthing you know is wrong- ACA stops INSURERS from cutting you off, stops the prices from skyrocketing, stops lifelong limits. Idiot corporate dupe- change the channel.

Romneycare now has 2% yearly rise (FRONTLINE)...And ACA is better.
Do Colorado teabaggers want the Federal government to stay out and let them come up with a state-based solution?

National Defense Dumb Fuck. Fighting Out of Control Wild Fires is Exactly the kind of thing the Government should do, and is actually good at, But then only because the Mostly use the Military or Ex military to do it. :)

So in case it is to hard to grasp for your Liberal Though Process. Limited Government Types like my self, and your so called tea baggers think the Government should stick to the Basic Duties laid out to it in the Constitution. Like Defending the nation, Which Would include Fighting Fires.

what we don't want is some Fucking Unelected life long Bureaucrat in DC having the Power to Decide if the Treatment I need is Cost effective, Or how much Horrible Polluting C02 I am allowed to Fucking BREATH out of my mouth.

When I was a Kid, the left back then, they had not forgotten the most important thing. Never Trust the Fucking Government. I don't care how well we write out laws, how Noble our intentions. In the End we rely on Hundreds of Thousands of unelected, Life Long, Bureaucrats. To actually Carry out the laws. Which leads to over half of every Dollar we send them being lost to Waste, Fraud, and plain Stupidity, Not to Mention the Cost of paying all those Bureaucrats.

That is what is so alarming to me about what has Happened under Obama. More than Before anyways. It seems He and the Dems in Congress have almost ceded a Bunch of Power to the Unelected Bureaucrats By writing sweeping bills, with many of the actual Details to be worked out later by the Various Federal Agencies that they Involve. The EPA for example.

BS- Everthing you know is wrong- ACA stops INSURERS from cutting you off, stops the prices from skyrocketing, stops lifelong limits. Idiot corporate dupe- change the channel.

Romneycare now has 2% yearly rise (FRONTLINE)...And ACA is better.
but everything you know is right? that what your saying Frankie?...
I live in Colorado Springs (about 5 miles east of the evacuation zone) and ash was falling in my driveway yesterday around 4pm, and breathing was extremely hard. Naturally, I took the opportunity to bust out the gas mask (Only have the standard filters attached) and drive around taking pictures. The following are pictures that I personally took.




Yeah, I know I am not a professional.
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seriously guys.....i hope you and yours are safe ...remember if you have to leave take the pets with you....i hope rain comes soon...that is the only hope right now
CaféAuLait;5521413 said:
Do Colorado teabaggers want the Federal government to stay out and let them come up with a state-based solution?

Much of the wildfires are on federal property.

Add this to the equation:

Much of what’s burning is the Pike National Forest, which is federal property. Yet it took almost three days to get federal fire fighting aircraft off the ground to begin dumping meaningful loads of slurry to slow the fire’s growth. Because the Forest Service has a shortage of planes, Air Force C-130s finally joined the effort Monday afternoon to battle a fire that began Saturday morning

Washington-based Human Events magazine reported in September of 2011 that nearly half of the federal government’s air tankers sat idle at a California airport, as wildfires ripped through national forests throughout California, Texas, New Mexico, and other states.

It turns out the Obama administration ended a long-standing contract, leaving the Forest Service with only 11 tankers to battle 50 wildfires that were burning nationwide. A decade ago, the Forest Service had 40 firefighting tankers.

The Obama administration canceled the government’s contract with Aero Union — a company with 60 employees that had been under contract with the Forest Service for 50 years. Though it canceled that contract, the administration had no plan for an immediate replacement. Aero Union CEO Britt Gourley told Human Events the administration provided no details on why the contract was ended.

Read more: Obama shrunk aerial firefighting fleet (poll) | obama, edge, rages - TOWN HALL - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

Either way, polotics out I can only hope that everyone is safe and the fires go out soon.

You made Synth's head spin with that slap

Synth conveniently forgets basic facts - or is well, just that stupid.

The latter would be my guess.

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