Alex Jones Ordered To Pay $4.1 Million In Compensatory Damages. Punitive Damage Amount To Come Tomorrow. Bad Week For Conservatives Only Gets Worse

All those who lied about the dossier should be in jail then, right. After all the lied to a Federal court.
Sure. Are you planning on bringing a case or go the Nazi route and throw everyone who you don't like in concentration camps?

Have a feeling you idiots will go the Nazi route but hey, surprise me.
Libs have been supporting Pedos for years, in fact, we have a pedo POTUS right now.
But...but.. Biden! LOL. For retards who follow the orange douche bag who had the hots for his own daughter, I would have thought you idiots will not go near that word. But, then you guys have no shame, do you?
Discuss as much as you like, retard. It still does not change the fact that you retards are long on accusations. Short on facts. :itsok:
Your use of the term 'retard' hurts those of us who have handicapped children. We've been having to put up with your arrogant name calling of those who, through not fault of their own, are suffering.
Sure. Are you planning on bringing a case or go the Nazi route and throw everyone who you don't like in concentration camps?

Have a feeling you idiots will go the Nazi route but hey, surprise me.
Hey, if you guys can take the 'Nazi route' so can we, you entitled kunts.
Your use of the term 'retard' hurts those of us who have handicapped children. We've been having to put up with your arrogant name calling of those who, through not fault of their own, are suffering.
You don't like the word? Then stop behaving like one. Learn to debate intelligently. Let me know if you are still confused.
So, you are going the Nazi route? Yup, I did call that. Thanks for playing.
And I call you a Nazi, stupid. When you start calling names, expect US to push back, snowflake.
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You don't like the word? Then stop behaving like one. Learn to debate intelligently. Let me know if you are still confused.
No, I don't like the word. You arrogant coward-bastard, using the mentally handicapped for your personal fun. Screw you. Now I know why I had you on 'ignore'....bye, asshole.
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InfoWars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was ordered by a Texas jury to pay $4 million in compensatory damages for defaming Sandy Hook parents Scarlett Lewis and Neil Heslin. The jury in the case was tasked on Thursday with determining compensatory damages for the direct harm the family suffered and awarded a little more than $4 million.

On Friday, the jury will discuss the amount of punitive damages, which is designed to punish Jones to prevent further harm.

Said bad words about Sandy Hook, he said it was a hoax. Some parents saw an opportunity to sue for money. The media wants to say it's some kind of conservative conspiracy.
I’ve never listened to Jones but why would he be liable to pay anyone anything because he said Sandyhook was a hoax?
Much like his idol Trump, Alex Jones won’t pay whether it is $4 or $40 million
He will hide his assets, declare bankruptcy, claim he is mentally incompetent and file endless appeals
Why do you think he owes these people any money. Other than the court ruling I mean. Why do you think it’s a good decision?
Why do you spend so much time on a court case that has no bearing on anything other than those directly involved in the case? Maybe you haven't noticed but your President Potato is destroying the country, that's a lot more significant.
So, Alex Jones invokes direct harm caused by Epstein and Clinton mafia. What's the value of that per each scapegoat-victim? Alex: "Touche!"
Words have meaning

Subjecting grieving families to ridicule from your loyal listeners is reprehensible
Especially when you profit off their continued suffering
"We are meaning."
(Jean Luc Nancy, The Gravity of Thought)
He appeared, he testified. He wasn't there today for the amount of the award.
He never offered an appeal of the trial

He showed up at the penalty phase
Did not help his case
Just $4 million? A guy who recklessly lied about a shooting thereby adding needless pain and suffering to parents who lost their children? I would have added at least a couple of 0s to that figure.

But, what does it say about right-wing nut jobs who listen and believe this creep? The same idiots who claim long and loud how much they care about kids?


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