Alex Jones begging for donations to keep going

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Begging "rich people" for handouts somehow jars with this great patriots defence of American values. In fact it sounds a bit socialist to me. People who havent got enough money should just work a bit harder and not beg.

In fact we all know that helping out the poor only makes their condition worse. It comes from the bible and is laid out in the Book of Recidivists.

Maybe Alex should try and sell a few more bottles of Snake Oil ?

Begging "rich people" for handouts somehow jars with this great patriots defence of American values. In fact it sounds a bit socialist to me. People who havent got enough money should just work a bit harder and not beg.

In fact we all know that helping out the poor only makes their condition worse. It comes from the bible and is laid out in the Book of Recidivists.

Maybe Alex should try and sell a few more bottles of Snake Oil ?
I hope that POS ends up in the poor farm.

Begging "rich people" for handouts somehow jars with this great patriots defence of American values. In fact it sounds a bit socialist to me. People who havent got enough money should just work a bit harder and not beg.

In fact we all know that helping out the poor only makes their condition worse. It comes from the bible and is laid out in the Book of Recidivists.

Maybe Alex should try and sell a few more bottles of Snake Oil ?
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
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Begging "rich people" for handouts somehow jars with this great patriots defence of American values. In fact it sounds a bit socialist to me. People who havent got enough money should just work a bit harder and not beg.

In fact we all know that helping out the poor only makes their condition worse. It comes from the bible and is laid out in the Book of Recidivists.

Maybe Alex should try and sell a few more bottles of Snake Oil ?
Politicians beg for money all the time, I can't think of any bigger snake oil salesmen than them, can you?

Begging "rich people" for handouts somehow jars with this great patriots defence of American values. In fact it sounds a bit socialist to me. People who havent got enough money should just work a bit harder and not beg.

In fact we all know that helping out the poor only makes their condition worse. It comes from the bible and is laid out in the Book of Recidivists.

Maybe Alex should try and sell a few more bottles of Snake Oil ?
Thanks for reminding me...I'll get my checkbook....

Begging "rich people" for handouts somehow jars with this great patriots defence of American values. In fact it sounds a bit socialist to me. People who havent got enough money should just work a bit harder and not beg.

In fact we all know that helping out the poor only makes their condition worse. It comes from the bible and is laid out in the Book of Recidivists.

Maybe Alex should try and sell a few more bottles of Snake Oil ?

It isn't socialism to ask people to voluntarily contribute donations. As for Alex Jones, whatever. Don't care if he rakes in a billion or loses a billion.
All is lost!! The shape shifting reptile space people finally got him. His only hope now is to take off his shirt, and hope that Glenn Beck's tears can eat through the chains that bind poor old Alex and rescue him. WE'RE ALL DOOMED!!!
It isn't socialism to ask people to voluntarily contribute donations. As for Alex Jones, whatever. Don't care if he rakes in a billion or loses a billion.
Hes a beggarly bastard looking for a handout. Fuck him. He can get a shift in maccys.
Hes a beggarly bastard looking for a handout. Fuck him. He can get a shift in maccys.

In the marketplace of ideas, there is no better way to determine who sinks and who swims than to rely on voluntary donations as opposed to people being made to subsidize them whether they like it or not. Not sure how you guys do TV here, but in the US, television providers pay channels per subscriber whether they watch or not.

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