Alcohol vs. Weed

naw.. smoking at work is a stupid, youthful choice which is an albatross to the legalization of weed. People don't drive "better" either. I've fired motherfuckers for showing up to work high; for smoking in company vehicles. An important distinction must be made regarding acceptable use even if it were legal. I'd fire a motherfucker for showing up high at work even if it were legal. And then i'd go home after work and smoke a giant, crater-like bowl.

ps.. no.. coke is not good for work. No one wants a cracked out, nail-biting, talking fiend at work.
Alcohol is more dangerous overall than Marijuana, IMO.

Of course it is.

The difference is so great that to try to prove any parity between the two is just silly

Well, Mr. Know-it-all, not everyone considers it such a matter-of-fact issue. ;) Especially considering the fact that there are not that many 'un-politicized' studies of weed and its effects out there.

I've never heard of a family being broken apart because of weed. Dear old dad isn't getting stoned and treating the fam like they are punching bags. I've never seen weed make anyone get violent for that matter. But drunk and violent? YOU BETCHA. Dumb asses getting drunk and committing crimes? Happens every damn day. Drunk driving deaths? Thousands a year. Death from alcohol poisoning? Happens all the time. How many drunk guys rape their dates?

This stuff doesn't when you are just smoking weed.
Rule of Thumb: Don't smoke anywhere or anytime you wouldn't get drunk.

Much like tobacco, marijuana is too expensive for me to bother. I prefer the occasional drink, thank you.
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Of course it is.

The difference is so great that to try to prove any parity between the two is just silly

Well, Mr. Know-it-all, not everyone considers it such a matter-of-fact issue. ;) Especially considering the fact that there are not that many 'un-politicized' studies of weed and its effects out there.

I've never heard of a family being broken apart because of weed. Dear old dad isn't getting stoned and treating the fam like they are punching bags. I've never seen weed make anyone get violent for that matter. But drunk and violent? YOU BETCHA. Dumb asses getting drunk and committing crimes? Happens every damn day. Drunk driving deaths? Thousands a year. Death from alcohol poisoning? Happens all the time. How many drunk guys rape their dates?

This stuff doesn't when you are just smoking weed.
All pretty true. But when apathy is the last thing needed in a situation, weed can be deadly.
naw.. smoking at work is a stupid, youthful choice which is an albatross to the legalization of weed. People don't drive "better" either. I've fired motherfuckers for showing up to work high; for smoking in company vehicles. An important distinction must be made regarding acceptable use even if it were legal. I'd fire a motherfucker for showing up high at work even if it were legal. And then i'd go home after work and smoke a giant, crater-like bowl.

ps.. no.. coke is not good for work. No one wants a cracked out, nail-biting, talking fiend at work.

I never said it was a smart thing for me to do.:lol:
And my supervisor always told us we worked harder when we were doing coke, of course she was comparing it to when we drank at work. What can I say we were grunt workers at a city park with lots of events and my boss was an ex hippie who told us, " just don't get caught."
I would never do that crap now!:razz:
Of course it is.

The difference is so great that to try to prove any parity between the two is just silly

Well, Mr. Know-it-all, not everyone considers it such a matter-of-fact issue. ;) Especially considering the fact that there are not that many 'un-politicized' studies of weed and its effects out there.

I've never heard of a family being broken apart because of weed. Dear old dad isn't getting stoned and treating the fam like they are punching bags. I've never seen weed make anyone get violent for that matter. But drunk and violent? YOU BETCHA. Dumb asses getting drunk and committing crimes? Happens every damn day. Drunk driving deaths? Thousands a year. Death from alcohol poisoning? Happens all the time. How many drunk guys rape their dates?

This stuff doesn't when you are just smoking weed.

I have seen MANY a Relationship go to Shit over both Weed and Booze...

If either Dominates your Life, instead of your Family Dominating your Life, then there are Problems.


Rule of Thumb: Don't smoke anywhere or anytime you wouldn't get drunk.

Much like tobacco, marijuana is too expensive for me to bother. I prefer the occasional drink, thank you.
Good thing it's expensive, then. :thup:
Having been under the influence of both at one time or another during college career, I can testify that both make working and studying very difficult. Still, I think both can be used responsibly.

Unlike, say, heroin.
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Well, Mr. Know-it-all, not everyone considers it such a matter-of-fact issue. ;) Especially considering the fact that there are not that many 'un-politicized' studies of weed and its effects out there.

I've never heard of a family being broken apart because of weed. Dear old dad isn't getting stoned and treating the fam like they are punching bags. I've never seen weed make anyone get violent for that matter. But drunk and violent? YOU BETCHA. Dumb asses getting drunk and committing crimes? Happens every damn day. Drunk driving deaths? Thousands a year. Death from alcohol poisoning? Happens all the time. How many drunk guys rape their dates?

This stuff doesn't when you are just smoking weed.
All pretty true. But when apathy is the last thing needed in a situation, weed can be deadly.

Perhaps you have an example of a weed overdose you can link to. Perhaps you'll admit that the same logic applied to cold medication makes them just as deadly. Hopefully you will re-write that abysmal second sentence so that it actually makes sense.
I've never heard of a family being broken apart because of weed. Dear old dad isn't getting stoned and treating the fam like they are punching bags. I've never seen weed make anyone get violent for that matter. But drunk and violent? YOU BETCHA. Dumb asses getting drunk and committing crimes? Happens every damn day. Drunk driving deaths? Thousands a year. Death from alcohol poisoning? Happens all the time. How many drunk guys rape their dates?

This stuff doesn't when you are just smoking weed.
All pretty true. But when apathy is the last thing needed in a situation, weed can be deadly.

Perhaps you have an example of a weed overdose you can link to. Perhaps you'll admit that the same logic applied to cold medication makes them just as deadly. Hopefully you will re-write that abysmal second sentence so that it actually makes sense.
What the fuck are you on? Where did I say a thing about overdoses? Sober up, or knowing how insane you are, take some meds - you're hallucinating again.
All pretty true. But when apathy is the last thing needed in a situation, weed can be deadly.

Perhaps you have an example of a weed overdose you can link to. Perhaps you'll admit that the same logic applied to cold medication makes them just as deadly. Hopefully you will re-write that abysmal second sentence so that it actually makes sense.
What the fuck are you on? Where did I say a thing about overdoses? Sober up, or knowing how insane you are, take some meds - you're hallucinating again.

you said "DEADLY". Now, link for gtfo.
What the fuck are you on? Where did I say a thing about overdoses? Sober up, or knowing how insane you are, take some meds - you're hallucinating again.
I don't know about you, but I much prefer Shogun posting when he's high.
Perhaps you have an example of a weed overdose you can link to. Perhaps you'll admit that the same logic applied to cold medication makes them just as deadly. Hopefully you will re-write that abysmal second sentence so that it actually makes sense.
What the fuck are you on? Where did I say a thing about overdoses? Sober up, or knowing how insane you are, take some meds - you're hallucinating again.

you said "DEADLY". Now, link for gtfo.
Read the thread, you intellectual sloth. I am not repeating myself.
I will add it is more dangerous to text while driving than it is to be stoned while driving just ask Dr. Phil. :D
And I don't know about the rest of you but I used to drive stoned I always drove very slow, of course your reaction time isn't going to be the same but my friends always made fun of me because I would be cruising along at 25mph in a 35 zone.
I will add it is more dangerous to text while driving than it is to be stoned while driving just ask Dr. Phil. :D
And I don't know about the rest of you but I used to drive stoned I always drove very slow, of course your reaction time isn't going to be the same but my friends always made fun of me because I would be cruising along at 25mph in a 35 zone.

I think it's really pointless to discuss what is worse while driving - being high or texting ... anyone that is engaging in any activity that demands total focus should never be under influence of any drug.

I once drove when I was a bit high ... I was 18 at the time and I got 'talked into it' by my friends who needed to get home and I was the least intoxicated person in the entire party ... It was fucking terrible! Just keeping the car in the lane seemed nearly impossible and I drove as slow as fuck. When we got to our destination, I promised myself not to ever do anything like that again. All those people's lives depended on me at that time and that is not a good time to be high or drunk or under the influence of any drug. Not to mention texting.
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Perhaps you have an example of a weed overdose you can link to. Perhaps you'll admit that the same logic applied to cold medication makes them just as deadly. Hopefully you will re-write that abysmal second sentence so that it actually makes sense.
What the fuck are you on? Where did I say a thing about overdoses? Sober up, or knowing how insane you are, take some meds - you're hallucinating again.

you said "DEADLY". Now, link for gtfo.

She meant 'deadly' as in deadly for a relationship/relationships. Methinx.
What the fuck are you on? Where did I say a thing about overdoses? Sober up, or knowing how insane you are, take some meds - you're hallucinating again.

you said "DEADLY". Now, link for gtfo.

She meant 'deadly' as in deadly for a relationship/relationships. Methinx.
That's a possibility, I guess. But I meant deadly in the literal sense. My experience I accounted earlier in the thread with blowing up a lab is deadly. ONLY by luck (and 20 minutes after the last person left) was no one hurt.

so much for the benefit of the doubt. so, again, LINK OR STFU.

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