Alcohol vs. Weed

According to this table, marijuana is safer than aspirin and sex. ;)
The table does not list how commonly the use of aspirin occurs relative to the use of marijuana. Further, looking at the site it is clearly supportive of legalizing marijuana so they are only going to give credence to the facts which support their cause. Look at note 8 - all they have to do to claim there are no marijuana deaths is internally decide that all such reports are not credible.

It is known that marijuana impedes brain function.
It is known that the impairment lasts longer than the gross (easily observed/noted) effects.
It is known that marijuana, like alcohol and tobacco, has an adverse effect on fetuses.

Those facts combine to make me recommend that individuals not use marijuana, tobacco or alcohol except in medicinal amounts by a doctor's recommendation.
However, given the ludicrous ineffectiveness of the 'War on Drugs' I would not object to legalizing and regulating marijuana.

Yeah, it does seem that there are only either pro or anti marijuana websites out there ... Also, the issue is highly politicized. And there seem to be a number of conflicting studies (esp. on tumor growth.)

Here's a much more reliable source that also claims no deaths from marijuana, but only prescription marijuana: Deaths from Marijuana v. 17 FDA-Approved Drugs - Medical Marijuana -

About impaired brain function ... that is why people smoke it, it slows down the brain functions, relaxes you, etc. That is also the reason why is marijuana claimed to slow down the progression alzheimers's disease. (Besides the proven effect on slowing down MS and reducing the pain resulting from MS). Besides that, alcohol also impairs brain function.

Marijuana impairment .. varies from person to person: depending on how much and how often the person uses it, how much one weighs (THC is stored in fat, so fatsos are worse off, another reason to get them pounds off), etc. When it comes to alcohol impairment - we all know that visible impairment from alcohol can last well into the next day, not to mention the plague of a hangover.

Marijuana and pregnancy ... according to a study during which actual pregnant women smoked weed during pregnancy, and their childrens' development was subsequently compared with those of women who were non-users did not produce any differences. About | Patients Out of Time | Board of Directors | Studies done on mice did find some very undesirable effects, but only at extremely high doses of cannabis. On the other hand, the use of alcohol during pregnancy causes myriad of proven and well-documented problems.

All in all, I wouldn't recommend marijuana use to anyone, unless it is for medical purposes, but I would not try to scare them shitless about it either as there is NO reason for it.
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I'd be more interested in discussing Swedish Fish vs. Swedish Meatballs.

And what the deal with all the funny names at IKEA? Do I really want to purchase a sofa called Fuksplat?

Xotoxi! You're a doctor! Why don't you share your knowledge and opinions on the topic of weed vs. alcohol :)
I decided to create this thread because I'm miffed at the Swedish attitude towards weed, considering what gargantuan amounts of alcohol is being consumed by people around here. It seems to be ok to get drunk almost anywhere, including family reunions and work-parties. Yet, after mentioning weed to even people of my age (mid-twenties) most of the time you get the deer-in-the-headlights look or some sort of a hurried ... 'I don't do drugs' retort. I've even heard from a few people that are regular marijuana users that pretty much everyone above the age of fourty equates marijuana to heroin, here in this open-minded liberal Sweden.

It's funny, dontcha think?

Here is a number of this years' dead from alcohol-consumption: 1,556,993 (the number is probably higher in reality as there are many developing countries that do not have the statistics-collecting capabilities of developed countries)

Got that from here: Alcohol Statistics - Worldometers

I wonder how many dead there are around the world from marijuana consumption ... I'd venture a guess ... directly caused by marijuana 0, major contributing factor ... probably a bunch of goddamn idiots that decided to drive while high and ran over a kid.

What do y'all think?
Got anything to add?

Alcohol is more dangerous overall than Marijuana, IMO.
Having previously used both, marijuana seems better than alcohol in every way conceivable other than convenience. Vaporize it and it's smooth, harmless, and gives you a superb high. :cool:
I decided to create this thread because I'm miffed at the Swedish attitude towards weed, considering what gargantuan amounts of alcohol is being consumed by people around here. It seems to be ok to get drunk almost anywhere, including family reunions and work-parties. Yet, after mentioning weed to even people of my age (mid-twenties) most of the time you get the deer-in-the-headlights look or some sort of a hurried ... 'I don't do drugs' retort. I've even heard from a few people that are regular marijuana users that pretty much everyone above the age of fourty equates marijuana to heroin, here in this open-minded liberal Sweden.

It's funny, dontcha think?

Here is a number of this years' dead from alcohol-consumption: 1,556,993 (the number is probably higher in reality as there are many developing countries that do not have the statistics-collecting capabilities of developed countries)

Got that from here: Alcohol Statistics - Worldometers

I wonder how many dead there are around the world from marijuana consumption ... I'd venture a guess ... directly caused by marijuana 0, major contributing factor ... probably a bunch of goddamn idiots that decided to drive while high and ran over a kid.

What do y'all think?
Got anything to add?

Alcohol is more dangerous overall than Marijuana, IMO.

Of course it is.

The difference is so great that to try to prove any parity between the two is just silly
I decided to create this thread because I'm miffed at the Swedish attitude towards weed, considering what gargantuan amounts of alcohol is being consumed by people around here. It seems to be ok to get drunk almost anywhere, including family reunions and work-parties. Yet, after mentioning weed to even people of my age (mid-twenties) most of the time you get the deer-in-the-headlights look or some sort of a hurried ... 'I don't do drugs' retort. I've even heard from a few people that are regular marijuana users that pretty much everyone above the age of fourty equates marijuana to heroin, here in this open-minded liberal Sweden.

It's funny, dontcha think?

Here is a number of this years' dead from alcohol-consumption: 1,556,993 (the number is probably higher in reality as there are many developing countries that do not have the statistics-collecting capabilities of developed countries)

Got that from here: Alcohol Statistics - Worldometers

I wonder how many dead there are around the world from marijuana consumption ... I'd venture a guess ... directly caused by marijuana 0, major contributing factor ... probably a bunch of goddamn idiots that decided to drive while high and ran over a kid.

What do y'all think?
Got anything to add?

Alcohol is more dangerous overall than Marijuana, IMO.

Of course it is.

The difference is so great that to try to prove any parity between the two is just silly

Well, Mr. Know-it-all, not everyone considers it such a matter-of-fact issue. ;) Especially considering the fact that there are not that many 'un-politicized' studies of weed and its effects out there.
I decided to create this thread because I'm miffed at the Swedish attitude towards weed, considering what gargantuan amounts of alcohol is being consumed by people around here. It seems to be ok to get drunk almost anywhere, including family reunions and work-parties. Yet, after mentioning weed to even people of my age (mid-twenties) most of the time you get the deer-in-the-headlights look or some sort of a hurried ... 'I don't do drugs' retort. I've even heard from a few people that are regular marijuana users that pretty much everyone above the age of fourty equates marijuana to heroin, here in this open-minded liberal Sweden.

It's funny, dontcha think?

Here is a number of this years' dead from alcohol-consumption: 1,556,993 (the number is probably higher in reality as there are many developing countries that do not have the statistics-collecting capabilities of developed countries)

Got that from here: Alcohol Statistics - Worldometers

I wonder how many dead there are around the world from marijuana consumption ... I'd venture a guess ... directly caused by marijuana 0, major contributing factor ... probably a bunch of goddamn idiots that decided to drive while high and ran over a kid.

What do y'all think?
Got anything to add?



I decided to create this thread because I'm miffed at the Swedish attitude towards weed, considering what gargantuan amounts of alcohol is being consumed by people around here. It seems to be ok to get drunk almost anywhere, including family reunions and work-parties. Yet, after mentioning weed to even people of my age (mid-twenties) most of the time you get the deer-in-the-headlights look or some sort of a hurried ... 'I don't do drugs' retort. I've even heard from a few people that are regular marijuana users that pretty much everyone above the age of fourty equates marijuana to heroin, here in this open-minded liberal Sweden.

It's funny, dontcha think?

Here is a number of this years' dead from alcohol-consumption: 1,556,993 (the number is probably higher in reality as there are many developing countries that do not have the statistics-collecting capabilities of developed countries)

Got that from here: Alcohol Statistics - Worldometers

I wonder how many dead there are around the world from marijuana consumption ... I'd venture a guess ... directly caused by marijuana 0, major contributing factor ... probably a bunch of goddamn idiots that decided to drive while high and ran over a kid.

What do y'all think?
Got anything to add?




Actually, I'd say that weed makes a much better pairing with 'peace' :D
I decided to create this thread because I'm miffed at the Swedish attitude towards weed, considering what gargantuan amounts of alcohol is being consumed by people around here. It seems to be ok to get drunk almost anywhere, including family reunions and work-parties. Yet, after mentioning weed to even people of my age (mid-twenties) most of the time you get the deer-in-the-headlights look or some sort of a hurried ... 'I don't do drugs' retort. I've even heard from a few people that are regular marijuana users that pretty much everyone above the age of fourty equates marijuana to heroin, here in this open-minded liberal Sweden.

It's funny, dontcha think?

Here is a number of this years' dead from alcohol-consumption: 1,556,993 (the number is probably higher in reality as there are many developing countries that do not have the statistics-collecting capabilities of developed countries)

Got that from here: Alcohol Statistics - Worldometers

I wonder how many dead there are around the world from marijuana consumption ... I'd venture a guess ... directly caused by marijuana 0, major contributing factor ... probably a bunch of goddamn idiots that decided to drive while high and ran over a kid.

What do y'all think?
Got anything to add?




Actually, I'd say that weed makes a much better pairing with 'peace' :D

I am a Peaceful Drunk...


I don't like intoxicating my brain on a regular basis with any chemical.

Good for you. What about on an occasional basis?
Personally, I have little respect for stoners', even occasional users', choice to use; and that is based on a bad 'professional' experience with one who claimed he used occasionally but almost blew me and others up at work. Ironically, earlier that week I had noticed his eyes after lunch, asked him if he was high, he said yes and he often does that for lunch (back in 2001 or 2002).

I then asked him not to do that (he was a peer). He was offended and even went as far as to say that I was being unreasonable because pot is not as dangerous as alcohol. So the hell what? You're working.

Then he accidentally blew the place up later in the week.

So, both alcohol and pot are intoxicants. Both affect judgment. The only thing is, alcohol impairs motor function much worse than weed and I believe the stupid-ass and sometimes quite selfish stoners end up getting a false sense of security that their intoxication is not as bad as another type of intoxication. Intoxication is intoxication - keep me out of your intoxication.
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I don't like intoxicating my brain on a regular basis with any chemical.

Good for you. What about on an occasional basis?
Personally, I have little respect for stoners', even occasional users', choice to use; and that is based on a bad 'professional' experience with one who claimed he used occasionally but almost blew me and others up at work. Ironically, earlier that week I had noticed his eyes after lunch, asked him if he was high, he said yes and he often does that for lunch (back in 2001 or 2002).

I then asked him not to do that (he was a peer). He was offended and even went as far as to say that I was being unreasonable because pot is not as dangerous as alcohol. So the hell what? You're working.

Then he accidentally blew the place up later in the week.

So, both alcohol and pot are intoxicants. Both affect judgment. The only thing is, alcohol impairs motor function much worse than weed and I believe the stupid-ass and sometimes quite selfish stoners end up getting a false sense of security that their intoxication is not as bad as another type of intoxication. Intoxication is intoxication - keep me out of your intoxication.

Anyone that smokes before or during work is an idiot in my book. I've had a friend or two that claimed that they're fully - if not more - functional after they smoke, but I refuse to believe that. Simply based on the fact that it does slow the brain down (which is it's entire claim to fame).

I understand why you feel the way you do, but believe me, just as it is with any group of people - not everyone that smokes is a pothead or a stoner or an idiot. There are a lot of responsible pot-smokers out there - and most of my friends are some of them.

I would never encourage the use of any drug - be it alcohol or weed - but I think people should have the freedom to use both - responsibly.
I don't like intoxicating my brain on a regular basis with any chemical.

Good for you. What about on an occasional basis?
Personally, I have little respect for stoners', even occasional users', choice to use; and that is based on a bad 'professional' experience with one who claimed he used occasionally but almost blew me and others up at work. Ironically, earlier that week I had noticed his eyes after lunch, asked him if he was high, he said yes and he often does that for lunch (back in 2001 or 2002).

I then asked him not to do that (he was a peer). He was offended and even went as far as to say that I was being unreasonable because pot is not as dangerous as alcohol. So the hell what? You're working.

Then he accidentally blew the place up later in the week.

So, both alcohol and pot are intoxicants. Both affect judgment. The only thing is, alcohol impairs motor function much worse than weed and I believe the stupid-ass and sometimes quite selfish stoners end up getting a false sense of security that their intoxication is not as bad as another type of intoxication. Intoxication is intoxication - keep me out of your intoxication.

What about musicians, who make their greatest hits whilst being high? Smoking at work is not always bad ;). Still, I think no one should drink or smoke during workday.
Marijuana should be legal. The hundreds of billions of dollars that have been spent to fight it is mind-boggling, especially given that it isn't particularly harmful, certainly safer than alcohol and cigarettes.

Its not my thing, though. Used it occasionally when I was young but I'm out of college and see no reason to get baked now that I've grown up.
I decided to create this thread because I'm miffed at the Swedish attitude towards weed, considering what gargantuan amounts of alcohol is being consumed by people around here. It seems to be ok to get drunk almost anywhere, including family reunions and work-parties. Yet, after mentioning weed to even people of my age (mid-twenties) most of the time you get the deer-in-the-headlights look or some sort of a hurried ... 'I don't do drugs' retort. I've even heard from a few people that are regular marijuana users that pretty much everyone above the age of fourty equates marijuana to heroin, here in this open-minded liberal Sweden.

It's funny, dontcha think?

Here is a number of this years' dead from alcohol-consumption: 1,556,993 (the number is probably higher in reality as there are many developing countries that do not have the statistics-collecting capabilities of developed countries)

Got that from here: Alcohol Statistics - Worldometers

I wonder how many dead there are around the world from marijuana consumption ... I'd venture a guess ... directly caused by marijuana 0, major contributing factor ... probably a bunch of goddamn idiots that decided to drive while high and ran over a kid.

What do y'all think?
Got anything to add?
besides maybe an accident caused by being high and driving like you say there has never been any deaths from marijuana ever from just consuming it or smoking it. It has been 40 years since it has become mainstream and still no one has lung cancer from it, so there goes that whole arguement. I have also read recently that in some patients it can stop an asthma attack. It doesn't kill brain cells like the government wanted us to believe for so many years.
According to this table, marijuana is safer than aspirin and sex. ;)
The table does not list how commonly the use of aspirin occurs relative to the use of marijuana. Further, looking at the site it is clearly supportive of legalizing marijuana so they are only going to give credence to the facts which support their cause. Look at note 8 - all they have to do to claim there are no marijuana deaths is internally decide that all such reports are not credible.

It is known that marijuana impedes brain function.
It is known that the impairment lasts longer than the gross (easily observed/noted) effects.
It is known that marijuana, like alcohol and tobacco, has an adverse effect on fetuses.

Those facts combine to make me recommend that individuals not use marijuana, tobacco or alcohol except in medicinal amounts by a doctor's recommendation.
However, given the ludicrous ineffectiveness of the 'War on Drugs' I would not object to legalizing and regulating marijuana.
actually marijuana does not impede brain function, it's effects are only temporary. Don't believe everything the government has told you. And the have no real proof that marijuana impeded fetuse development.
And besides an accident due to driving marijuana has never killed anyone.
I do not advocate smoking weed at work or while performing tasks which may affect others; like driving. That being said..

I'm HIGH right now!

I used to smoke at work when I was younger and some customers at Kmart are lucky I did because I might have killed them if I had not been stoned. Smoked at another job also but it slowed me down.
Best drug to do at work is coke though, you always get done with your work fast and you always stay busy. :D

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