Alas/Twixter: TrumpUSA Drive-Thru


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a contract-pensive vignette about 'alter-ego politics' inspired by the humanism-disintegration film Killing Zoe.

I think such a 'life-fate' vignette is symbolic of our modern commercial age of self-determined gambling (i.e., 'TrumpUSA').

Signing off,


Alas was a ski-mask wearing IRA terrorist, while his 'evil-twin' Twixter, lived in the imaginary world inside a mirror. Every time Alas looked in the mirror, he saw Twixter --- in a rabbit mask and with machine-guns and swords. Alas was a fanatical-crusader, while Twixter was obviously simply a trickster. Alas one day asked Twixter what he should expect from this modern 'IRA-Britain' struggle drama in the media.

TWIXTER: Your 'real world' is very calculated...
ALAS: It's not predictable; there's adequate drama/romance!
TWIXTER: Really? In this mirror-world, I have a gorgeous girlfriend...
ALAS: I don't have time for 'human chatter'!
TWIXTER: Yet, you 'fight for humanity.'
ALAS: That's my claim at least...
TWIXTER: Don't you realize there's a whole 'other' world on the flipside of the mirror?
ALAS: Are you talking about vanity/carnivale?
TWIXTER: Yes! I'm talking about the exuberant joy of anarchy and masquerade.
ALAS: I'm a 'politician.'
TWIXTER: Yet you defy civilization as if it were a Caesar...
ALAS: I'm only as 'romantic' as I need to be for the people.
TWIXTER: Don't tell the people your focus is not at all obsession!
ALAS: You're partially correct; the masses crave raves.
TWIXTER: You need to find a girlfriend...
ALAS: I'll tell her I've been blind.

Alas found a beautiful Irish woman named Maureen who became his 'muse' for his pro-IRA struggle. Alas then told Twixter (in his mirror) that Maureen would redeem him and withdraw the poison of the 'killer-instinct' bred in him by his IRA mission (unfortunately a 'necessary evil'), but Twixter suggested that no woman could alter a man's attractiveness. Thus began a long democracy-critical metaphysical exchange between Alas and Twixter regarding the pure risk of terrorism.



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