Al Qaeda & Pakistan


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Could it be that the message is finally getting through to Islamic states that terrorism will not be tolerated?

Has the war against AQ/Taliban and in Iraq started to drive the message home or is Pakistan purely making a political gesture?

I feel it is anyones guess. I would like to believe the former but suspect the latter.
I believe they are starting to get the message. The capture of Saddam has them quaking in their boots. At heart, terrorist leaders and totalitarian despots are cowards.

Other evidence that the war is having the desired effect:

- Qadaffi willing to disarm
- DPRK willing to negotiate nuclear disarmament

And if that is true, all the justification for the Bush/Blair stance has been provided.

Forget WMD's etc.
No kidding!

But the malcontents will continue to harp about WMDs instead of thanking the people who took leadership stance to throttle back the growing global threat of Radical Muslim Terrorists.

Fortunately, saner heads are prevailing.
The worrier in me is asking," What if it IS just a policital gesture?"

Trust, but verify.
I believe that TBV will be part of the program.

There is too much evidence from the disastrous Clinton foreign policy fiasco that just cannot be ignored. Fortunately, Bush didn't bluff and then back down. The rest of the world knows the U.S. now means Serious Business.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
The worrier in me is asking," What if it IS just a policital gesture?"

Trust, but verify.

I have the same worries RWA .

But with Gaddafi and North Korea finally facing reality along with the now proven military capability, and willingness to use it, of the US and it's allies, it may well be that other Islamic nations will be forced to rethink their attitude to terrorists as Pakistan hopefully has.

If not I do think GWB is unfortunately right, the rogue states should be hit until their sponsorship of terrorism is halted.

That does not mean, of course that terrorism will stop. I think it was Che Guevara who labelled terrorism as the new form of warfare, but without the support currently provided by certain states, the effects will diminish.

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