Al-Nusra large-scale offensive in southern Aleppo


Nov 14, 2012
Like cockroaches, they come back soon after the vermin exterminator has left. With TOWs of the FSA, the Al-Qaeda groups Al-Nusra and Al-Aqsa launched an offensive near the M-5 Highway and captured the hilltops of Tal SyriaTel and Tal Qinsarin. 24 hours thereafter they withdrew and abandoned these hilltops which are now under the control of the Syrian forces again. No details were reported. The Syrian army and their allies will soon continue their offensive their after a break caused by the situation in northern Aleppo.

"The Syrian Al-Qaeda groups “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and “Jund Al-Aqsa” are on the offensive in southern Aleppo, targeting the strategic villages of Tal Al-Eiss and Banes that are currently under the control of the National Defense Forces (NDF), the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), and several Iraqi paramilitaries.

On Monday morning, the Al-Qaeda factions – with help from the Free Syrian Army’s TOW missiles – seized two hilltops from the Syrian Armed Forces after a violent battle that lasted two hours.

Among the hilltops captured by Jabhat Al-Nusra and Jund Al-Aqsa from the Syrian Armed Forces was Tal SyriaTel; this hill is strategically located near the villages of Banes and Tal Al-‘Eiss in southern Aleppo.

Following these gains, the Al-Qaeda factions turned their attention to the village of Tal Al-‘Eiss, striking the Syrian Armed Forces’ front-line defenses at the hilltops surrounding te western flank.

Preliminary reports from the Syrian opposition’s social media activists indicated that the extremist rebels capture Tal Al-‘Eiss; however, according to a Syrian military source, the village was not seized by the Al-Qaeda factions.

A video was released by an opposition media group, declaring Tal Al-‘Eiss “liberated”, but the footage was far away from the actual village itself; this was corroborated by the so-called “Syrian Observatory for Human Rights” (SOHR).

As of now, there is no proof that this strategic village was captured and Syrian military sources assert that Tal Al-‘Eiss is under their control for the time being.

The Russian Air Force, the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division, and Hezbollah were absent from this battle on Monday; however, the Russians are reportedly bombarding the extremist rebels tonight."

Jabhat Al-Nusra reaches strategic village in southern Aleppo | Al-Masdar News

"Just 24 hours after launching their large-scale offensive in the Aleppo Governorate’s southern countryside, the Syrian Al-Qaeda groups “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and “Jund Al-Aqsa” abandoned their posts outside of Tal Al-‘Eiss, resulting in another victory for the Syrian Armed Forces.

Preliminary reports from the Syrian Opposition’s social media activists indicated that Jabhat Al-Nusra and Jund Al-Aqsa captured Tal Al-‘Eiss from the government forces; however, several sources from the Syrian Arab Army in Aleppo confirmed that this hilltop village never fell to the extremist rebels.

The military personnel that were tasked with protecting Tal Al-‘Eiss were from the National Defense Forces (NDF), Harakat Al-Nujaba (Iraqi paramilitary), Liwaa Al-Badr (Iraqi paramilitary), and Kataebat Al-Ba’ath (Al-Ba’ath Battalion).

As a result of the mass retreat by the Al-Qaeda factions from the western perimeter of Tal Al-‘Eiss, the government forces were able to regain control of the hilltops that are located to the north of Banes; this includes Tal SyriaTel.

The death toll for the Al-Qaeda factions is currently unknown.

With Banes and Tal Al-‘Eiss secured; it is only a matter of time before the government forces continue their offensive in southern Aleppo after taking a long hiatus to concentrate on the northern countryside of this large province."

Jabhat Al-Nusra's southern Aleppo offensive ends in failure | Al-Masdar News
Al-Nusra militants massing around Syria's Aleppo - Russian military...

Russia says there are no plans to storm Syria's Aleppo
12 Apr 2016 : There are no plans to storm the Syrian city of Aleppo despite thousands of Al-Nusra militants massing around the city, the Russian military general staff, which is providing air support to the Syrian army, said on Monday.
Fighting between rebels opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and forces loyal to Damascus has flared around Aleppo in recent weeks, threatening a fragile ceasefire in the run-up to the a new round of peace talks on the conflict. Sergei Rudskoy, head of the Russian General Staff's main operations command, said around 9,500 Al-Nusra fighters had gathered to the south-west and north of Aleppo and were planning a large-scale offensive to cut the city off from the Syrian capital of Damascus.

"All actions of the Syrian military and Russian air force are directed at disrupting the plans of Jabhat al-Nusra. No storming of the city of Aleppo is planned," he said. Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halaki said on Sunday the Russian air force and Syrian military were preparing a joint operation to take full control of Aleppo from rebel forces.

Half of the city, Syria's largest before the war, has been in rebel hands for years. Syrian media reported a large build-up of troops and equipment by the Syrian army and its allies around Aleppo on Monday, with the pro-Damascus al-Mayadeen TV station reporting it had seen tanks and rocket launchers heading towards the city.

Russia says there are no plans to storm Syria's Aleppo

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