Airlines are packing flights to near full capacity! So much for social distancing.

This is, once again, a failure of the Trump administration to lead on regulation. They could have put a cap on the number of passengers per plane, and made that a condition of the bailouts! All middle seats should be empty, for one thing!!!
Nope .... He could not do it.
At 75% capacity they don't brake even.
It would in affect b a grounding order.

That very well may be the case, but they should be nationalized if they don't play ball after being bailed out.
I don't know that we want the airlines going the route of Amtrak. Do you?
Good luck all you frequent fliers. Hope it works out for you.
This is, once again, a failure of the Trump administration to lead on regulation. They could have put a cap on the number of passengers per plane, and made that a condition of the bailouts! All middle seats should be empty, for one thing!!!
Empty middle seat on an airplane to try to control the spread of a virus is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard in my life. YOU'RE ALL IN AN ALUMINUM TUBE FOR SEVERAL HOURS!!!

Fauci and Obama we're putting people with Ebola on commercial airliners headed for the USA

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