Air Fighters and Choppers over Ukraine


Platinum Member
Feb 24, 2021
First of all, both sides have had to go to different tactics. In the opening days, the Ukrainians went low and medium while the Russians went High, Medium and low. Both sides lost a bunch of pilots and solders fast. Since then, Ukraine has gone to low while Russian has gone to high and mediium.

The main problem the Russians are having in the air war is when they try and operate at low level, the ground troops shoot them down or they are in the vacinity of the BAK missiles. Choppers are being used only behind the lines as well. There are more problems but those are the worst of the lot right now without pointing fingers.

Ukraine has to stay low. They do have the S400 sites to worry about and the Mig-29s and SU-27s stick out like a sore thumb so they terrain mask. The other problem is, the Russains are keeping their Mig-31s with their long ranged missiles (the R-37 that only the M-31 is large enough to carry) with it's 170mile Mach 5+ speed as long as it doesn't have to shoot up. Add to the fact that the Mig-31 has extremely strong Radar. While the Ukrainians are using Natos Awacs, the Russians are much closer with theirs. And an AWACs has a much better tracking than any Fighter every did. The Ukrainians can't fire on the Mig-31s because by the time the missile gets to the Mig-31s regions, it's down to less than Mach 2 and all the M-31 has to do is just outrun it and climb. Even a Patriot can't touch them.

In order to stop the Mig-31s, it's going to take a whole bunch of F-35s with the new
AIM-260 that is just starting to be introduced into production. The 260 may only have aq 130 mile range but the stealth of the F-35A and the Radar and speed of the F-15EX would neutralize it. but it would be costly on both sides.

This is going to be decided on the ground. As long as it's too costly for either side to get too close to the other sides fighting forces then it's going to come down to armor and guts.

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