Agenda: Grinding America Down...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
I strongly advise folks to check out this fascinating documentary. Socialism does = Totalitarianism. And that's where we'll end up if we don't stop the Socialists/Globalists. Americans need to understand what's happening. Time's running out.

You can access the full documentary on places like Amazon Prime. There's a couple of parts. There is an agenda. And it's been ongoing for decades.
You can access the full documentary on places like Amazon Prime. There's a couple of parts. There is an agenda. And it's been ongoing for decades.
The commies never went away. They just re-branded.

Sing it with me, Boy George-style:

Commie Commie Commie Commie
Commie Chameleon
You come and go
But never really go
'Useful Idiots.' I truly believe most American Socialists/Progressives mean well. They don't really understand what they're supporting. They're not bad folks, they're just misguided.
Yeah, it all does date back to Communism. Socialism is Communism. I know most Socialists try to deny that, but they're wrong.
Correct. Socialism is the result of a communist revolution.

Socialism can only lead to Totalitarianism. Whether it be Communism or Fascism. The Nazis considered themselves loyal Socialists. Today's American Socialists/Progressives are very misguided folks. Most don't really understand what they're supporting.
Watching part 2 on Amazon Prime. Incredible. Will Americans wake up?
In light of recent reports of a 'Secret Society' within the FBI, folks really should watch this documentary. They'll never be the same after viewing it.

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