Again, Why Do We Pay Federal Taxes?

Those people are dead and therefore irrelevant.
At least that’s the Leftist POV.


Their Socialist Saint, the 32nd President, the party decided they no longer had to be bound by the enumerated powers of article 1, section 8.
The Democrats set aside the guidance of the Constitution.

In his farewell address of our first President, George Washington, in reference to our constitution, warned, "Let there be no change [in the Constitution] by usurpation. For though this, in one instance may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed." But, change there has been.

In 1937: up until that year the Congress of the United States conducted its business within the boundaries of seventeen enumerated powers granted under Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution; these powers defined clearly the areas within which Congress could enact legislation including the allocation of funds and levying of taxes. Anything not set down in the enumerated powers was considered outside the purview of the national government and hence, a matter for the states. There were occasional challenges to the concept but it was not until Franklin Roosevelt's new deal that it was attacked in deadly earnestness. The General Welfare Clause

During the Depression, FDR asked for an receive unprecedented powers. Some poorly crafted legislation went to the courts. The first of the new deal statutes to reach the Supreme Court for review, arrived in January 1935. In the sixteen months following, the court decided ten major cases or groups of cases involving new deal statutes. In eight instances out of ten the decisions went in favor of the United States Constitution and against the new deal. Eight of the ten pieces of "must legislation" were found to be unconstitutional.

Under FDR’s threats to pack the court, they threw in the towel. In doing so, they said in effect, Congress would no longer be held to enumerated powers but instead could tax and spend for anything; so long as it was for "general welfare." The supreme court surrendered to the new deal on the most fundamental of constitutional issues.

Now they use our money to keep themselves in office: it is the real reason they hate Trump.

Most important to the, that by producing regulations that stymie businesses....said businesses have to, lobby....the Representative to put in loopholes.
Ending regulation is an existential danger to their sinecures: they go to Washington to do good, and end up doing well.

Every notice how many Congressmen leave government far richer than when they went in?

..the establishment GOP, never-Trumpers and the like see Trump as a detriment to their profits/wealth, and here is the explanation:

Most regulations are, in terms of what they are alleged to do, are actually there to be bribed away by the industries that they inhibit.
The pols write them, the corporations pay lobbyists to bribe the pols to insert loopholes....

....hence poor men come to Washington to do good, and leave as millionaires, having made good.

Trump is a threat to their sinecures.

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