Again- Obama Speaks- Then Goes and Golfs w/2 Week Vacation

Bush just went to an "undisclosed location" after changing his underwear when the US was attacked on his "watch". Four more strikes today on ISIS, so Obama must have ESP, or unlike baby Bush, let those who have know how handle it. When Bush decided to invade Iraq, some military advisors quit in disgust, not the case now. Those who got brownie points, and RANK for kissing butt 2001-2008 may bitch, but the are useless in any case.

Well I suppose you think it's better for the world to see a President give a important speech then see him run off to play golf...that shows real strength and focus eh? while the terrorist in Iraq laugh their asses off

Too bad this bozo fails to provide important speeches, then, isn't it? Blah, blah, blah...PC point. Strength...nevah happin with this organizer-in-chief. And his focus? Yeah, his golf handicap, raising campaign funds, and kissing muslim dictator ass.

I know, I've been reading some the crap he said. Did you see where he called us, occupiers? I can't stand him as a man or a human being
Obama the klutz. Keep golfing asswipe


No optical illusion: Obama balances world crises with golf, time off

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama gave Americans an update on U.S. military strikes in Iraq on Saturday from a podium on the White House lawn with Marine One, the presidential helicopter, parked in the background.

Four hours later, he offered an altogether different tableau: a golf game with friends at a lush course on Martha's Vineyard, the upscale Massachusetts island where the president and his family began a two-week vacation.

No optical illusion: Obama balances world crises with golf, time off | Reuters

So what? Is this out of the norm for Presidents? It's a well know fact that a POTUS takes work with them wherever they go. So what if he spends a couple of hours golfing and relaxing, it helps people clear their minds so they can make better judgments and not be burned out. If a person sat in a "situation room" 2-4-7 , it would make them burned out and less effective.

Have you ever played golf and handled business calls while doing that slow paced game?

Explain how this POTUS can be any less effective?

Less effective at what?
I play Tennis 2 hours a day before work, I also get up at 4:45am. You don't think that President Obama has early hours and deserves a little R&R every day? Imagine if you had all of the responsibility and pressure that he has day in and day out, you don't think that a couple of hours of daily golf, bike ride, tennis, etc. is a legit way to recharge one's batteries?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ same stupid BS....READ SOMETHING, chumps of the greedy idiot disastrous rich...

As if it's his fault that Pubs mindlessly block EVERYTHING for five years, put on phony crises that stall the recovery, and call him a dictator and no leader...WHICH IS IT, brainwashed racist dingbats? Ay caramba! LOL at functional morons...
So what? Is this out of the norm for Presidents? It's a well know fact that a POTUS takes work with them wherever they go. So what if he spends a couple of hours golfing and relaxing, it helps people clear their minds so they can make better judgments and not be burned out. If a person sat in a "situation room" 2-4-7 , it would make them burned out and less effective.

Have you ever played golf and handled business calls while doing that slow paced game?

Explain how this POTUS can be any less effective?

Less effective at what?

As the list grows of far left programmed followers who will not denounce Obama for his illegal acts in Iraq.
Why is it that Obama Derangement Syndrome gets stronger on Sundays? It's really kinda weird how all the ODS'ers come out in all their full throat hatred on the Lords Day.
He can be advised and have a phone anywhere, why stay in Washington when the GOP is just taking up space. If they can do nothing but talk about how rotten he is, he may as well go to the golf course for some fresh air and exercise while they are stewing.
the utter stupidity of liberliars goes beyond just plain stupidity, constantly giving that muslime mulatto commie ape a pass on his daily golf outings.

i just hope all the liberatheists enjoy their golf games in HELL with him. :lmao:

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