AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers

AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers

If Hillary is elected, this "discussion" within the Justice Department of prosecuting "deniers" will become law. It will be against the law to deny climate change or global warming. If Congress won't do it, she will do it with an executive order. Then she can use the RICO statute to declare deniers are corrupt organizations, and seize their assets.

Yes, those attempting to subvert federal law through misinformation thus threatening public safety belong in jail NOW.
AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers

If Hillary is elected, this "discussion" within the Justice Department of prosecuting "deniers" will become law. It will be against the law to deny climate change or global warming. If Congress won't do it, she will do it with an executive order. Then she can use the RICO statute to declare deniers are corrupt organizations, and seize their assets.

Yes, those attempting to subvert federal law through misinformation thus threatening public safety belong in jail NOW.
What the hell are you babbling about?

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