After Breaking the Law and Damaging Our national Security, Hillary Is 'Compromised'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Career-long scandals and continuous lying aside, Hillary should not be elected President because she has been completely compromised.

The Clintons are arguably the most corrupt pair to ever run for President. THAT aside, they are about power and money, and in that pursuit they have spanned the globe in pursuit of both. They are 'power brokers', usually achieving power while others go broke. They have and do sell 'ACCESS'. In that pursuit, partly, Hillary has compromised herself, making her an untrustworthy candidate for President and a threat to our national security.

Hillary has and does continue to take millions of dollars in campaign and Clinton Foundation 'donations'. While she claims that the two have never mixed and no Clinton Foundation donations have caused any conflict of interest, this is not completely true. One report came out recently stating the 'administrative costs' of the Clinton Foundation is approximately 80%, the Clintons - to include Chelsea - receiving massive salaries, leading many to believe the Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a Clinton Family slush fund. (Top Clinton Foundation Official: "This Is Not Charity") As far as not allowing Clinton Foundation donations to effect her judgment, that has all been disproven as well - As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton protected a billionaire donor from punishment after he was caught violating US Sanctions against Iran. (Clinton Foundation accepted money from donors who violated Iran sanctions) Hillary, of course, declares it was all legit. There has been more.

Hillary has sold 'Influence and Access' to nations that support and aid terrorists, nations that oppress / mutilate / stone women to death for BEING raped, and nations that murder LGBTs. It is safe to say that their millions have already bought certain 'benefits' within the Clinton administration.

Then, of course, there is Hillary's illegal activity that resulted in some of the United States most valuable secrets being stolen. Hillary illegally used an un-authorized, un-encrypted e-mail server and multiple illegal, un-encrypted devices in an attempt to work outside the law, hidden from the public eye as well as from the oversight of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.

Hillary SAID she was authorized to use the server - SHE LIED.
- The State Department clearly stated she was never authorized to use a private server and had she ASKED she would have been told 'NO'.

Hillary SAID she only used one device - SHE LIED.
- According to FBI Director Comey she used MULTIPLE devices.

Hillary SAID there was no classified on her server - SHE LIED.
- According to Comey there was classified.

Hillary SAID she never sent / received classified information - SHE LIED.
- According to Comey she did send AND receive HIGHLY classified information.

So Hillary SAID she did not send / receive classified information that was marked as such AT THE TIME - Yeah, you guessed it, SHE LIED
- According to Comey she did send AND receive HIGHLY classified information that WAS marked at the time

Hillary SAID she turned over ALL State Department-related e-mails and information to the State Department, thereby NOT breaking the law
- According to Comey the FBI found THOUSANDS (approx. 20,000) State Department-related e-mails and documents Hillary never turned over, thereby breaking the law - specifically the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. The State Department confirmed they never received any of the items found.

Hillary SAID her server and date was NEVER Compromised, the HIGHLY Top Secret Compartmentalized information NEVER getting into the wrong hands - OF COURSE SHE LIED!
- According to FBI Director Comey, according to Hillary's personal IT technician, and according to her own lawyer this was not true:
--- Her own IT Specialist testified that her personal server was hacked TWICE and he was forced to try to shut down the server to prevent the illegal, un-encrypted server from being fully hacked and the information on it be accessed.
--- The investigation found Hillary's highly classified server and data in the hands of a small IT company who was storing the server IN THEIR BATHROOM, and the employees handling and maintaining the server / data did NOT have the required security clearances to do so.
--- Her own lawyer was running around bragging about how he was carrying a memory stick with all her classified information on it...without the required clearance to have it in his possession, not to mention his unlawful handling of classified information, illegal transportation of classified information, and illegal storage of classified information for starters.

According to the FBI, they warned Hillary about MORE potential Russian hacking of DNC / her computers, and Hillary refused to work with them and refused them access to her campaign computer/server. Hillary's computers were hacked a 3rd (THIRD) time, presumably by the Russians again, who also hacked and have begun to release a host of embarrassing / damaging DNC e-mails.

As a result of Hillary's illegal activities and un-willingness to work with the FBI the Russians, the Chinese, and who knows who else have access to what was on Hillary's private e-mail server, which contained information the WH called 'so secret it can't be released in any format because it would cause grave damage to our national security'. E-mails on Hillary's server, for example, if released could put CIA Operatives' lives in danger. (Experts: Clinton Emails Could Have Compromised CIA Names)

Guccifer, the Russian, Assange - this is only a FEW of the people / groups we KNOW have Hillary's personal server and campaign server information.

The possibility of information gleaned from Hillary's servers being used against her, to blackmail her, is almost certain. Right now Assange is doing a steady, calculated 'data dump' of Hillary e-mails and date designed to destroy Hillary Clinton...Imagine what our nation's enemies would do with that data once she became President.

Hillary has broken the law, has HARMED our national security, and has compromised herself, eliminating herself as a truly viable alternative as President.

Forget the politics. Hillary Clinton is entirely compromised by foreign governments - Hot Air

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