Afghanistan papers reveal US public were misled about unwinnable war

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Afghanistan papers reveal US public were misled about unwinnable war

Hundreds of confidential interviews with key figures involved in prosecuting the 18-year US war in Afghanistan have revealed that the US public has been consistently misled about an unwinnable conflict.

Transcripts of the interviews, published by the Washington Post after a three-year legal battle, were collected for a Lessons Learned project by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (Sigar), a federal agency whose main task is eliminating corruption and inefficiency in the US war effort.

The 2,000 pages of documents reveal the bleak and unvarnished views of many insiders in a war that has cost $1tn (£760bn) and killed more than 2,300 US servicemen and women, with more than 20,000 injured. Tens of thousands of Afghan civilians have died in the conflict.

The documents have echoes of the Pentagon Papers – the US military’s secret history of the Vietnam war that were leaked in 1971 and told a similarly troubling story of the cover-up of military failure.

Of course it isn't just Americans that were lied to. Special relationship my arse.
Hundreds of confidential interviews with key figures involved in prosecuting the 18-year US war in Afghanistan have revealed that the US public has been consistently misled about an unwinnable conflict.
Anyone remembering the Pentagon Papers couldn't help but think..'here we go again!' Not to mention that we knew what a debacle Afghanistan turned out to be for the Russians.
You have to love stupid.
Vietnam was the Americans telling the French hold my beer I'll show you how it is done.
Afganistan was more of the same.
And here crazy Tommy is acting as if he has breaking news.
You have to love stupid.
Vietnam was the Americans telling the French hold my beer I'll show you how it is done.
Afganistan was more of the same.
And here crazy Tommy is acting as if he has breaking news.
Afghanistan has never ever, ever, ever been successfully vanquished in War or permanently occupied by a foreign Power. Not by Hannibal, Not by Alexander the Great, Not by the Greeks or Romans or Germans, or Russians. It was an unwinnable war from the out set everyone was in the loop about the Ultimate outcome of Nation Building In Afghanistan. But we got to kill a lot of Terrorists over there rather than here so that's good right!
Afghanistan papers reveal US public were misled about unwinnable war

Hundreds of confidential interviews with key figures involved in prosecuting the 18-year US war in Afghanistan have revealed that the US public has been consistently misled about an unwinnable conflict.

Transcripts of the interviews, published by the Washington Post after a three-year legal battle, were collected for a Lessons Learned project by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (Sigar), a federal agency whose main task is eliminating corruption and inefficiency in the US war effort.

The 2,000 pages of documents reveal the bleak and unvarnished views of many insiders in a war that has cost $1tn (£760bn) and killed more than 2,300 US servicemen and women, with more than 20,000 injured. Tens of thousands of Afghan civilians have died in the conflict.

The documents have echoes of the Pentagon Papers – the US military’s secret history of the Vietnam war that were leaked in 1971 and told a similarly troubling story of the cover-up of military failure.

Of course it isn't just Americans that were lied to. Special relationship my arse.

So, what was the terrible lie? Who told it? WHy was it told? When was this? Is it possible for you to have a negative information in your post and yet blame America for it? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Hundreds of confidential interviews with key figures involved in prosecuting the 18-year US war in Afghanistan have revealed that the US public has been consistently misled about an unwinnable conflict.
Anyone remembering the Pentagon Papers couldn't help but think..'here we go again!' Not to mention that we knew what a debacle Afghanistan turned out to be for the Russians.
The British got their arses kicked there as well. Might have been different if there had been a plan. But of course there wasnt.
Reading about this yesterday, and it reinforces my stand, that I will never again support any U.S. military action beyond an attack on our own soil.

Today's rules of engagement prevent us from ever vanquishing an enemy. We can have all the bombers in the world, but if you're not going to use them to carpet bomb an enemy, which would include civilians, then it's a collasal waste of time.
You have to love stupid.
Vietnam was the Americans telling the French hold my beer I'll show you how it is done.
Afganistan was more of the same.
And here crazy Tommy is acting as if he has breaking news.
Afghanistan has never ever, ever, ever been successfully vanquished in War or permanently occupied by a foreign Power. Not by Hannibal, Not by Alexander the Great, Not by the Greeks or Romans or Germans, or Russians. It was an unwinnable war from the out set everyone was in the loop about the Ultimate outcome of Nation Building In Afghanistan. But we got to kill a lot of Terrorists over there rather than here so that's good right!
Excellent point, captkaos. But if you'll remember, 911 was an opportunity used by the powers that be, Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolowitz supported by GWB, to use Afghanistan as a doorway into what they wanted most...access to Iraq's oil. They even ginned up that Atta once passed thru Baghdad, so Saddam MUST be involved. And even the CIA was skeptical Hussein had WMD. Those of us against that war hoped for a covert action where OBL's head turned up on a pike sticking out of the Kaaba Stone as a wordless way of telling the world not to step on Superman's cape. Instead we got a mess called Abu Grahib which shames us to this day, and a lot of dead civilians. AND American GI's (12, I think) electrocuted in a shower. God, what a cluster! And it turned out to be a nasty tar baby. Whenever we tried to get out, our actions got us stuck even worse.

History ignored/repeated.
The real story was Nancy Pelosi admitting that she knew Bush was lying about WMD's "BEFORE" voting to give him authorization to go into Iraq....

But NOBODY in the MSM (Including FOX NEWS) will touch it because they know blood is on their hands for how they pushed that bullshit for all of these years.....

Now 20 years later, we all want to pretend like we knew this all, only a select few were brave enough to speak out against it -- while everyone else kept quiet until the coast was clear to tell the cowards

Nancy Pelosi Knew Bush Lied About Iraq
Hundreds of confidential interviews with key figures involved in prosecuting the 18-year US war in Afghanistan have revealed that the US public has been consistently misled about an unwinnable conflict.
Anyone remembering the Pentagon Papers couldn't help but think..'here we go again!' Not to mention that we knew what a debacle Afghanistan turned out to be for the Russians.
The Russians had to deal with resistance from us in addition to the cave maggots in Afghanistan.
While the pentagon needs the business of war to maintain their business, we need a presence in Afghanistan the same way we maintain police presence between Wrigley Field and the rest of Chicago.
The real story was Nancy Pelosi admitting that she knew Bush was lying about WMD's "BEFORE" voting to give him authorization to go into Iraq....

But NOBODY in the MSM (Including FOX NEWS) will touch it because they know blood is on their hands for how they pushed that bullshit for all of these years.....

Now 20 years later, we all want to pretend like we knew this all, only a select few were brave enough to speak out against it -- while everyone else kept quiet until the coast was clear to tell the cowards

Nancy Pelosi Knew Bush Lied About Iraq
""But NOBODY in the MSM (Including FOX NEWS) will touch it because they know blood is on their hands for how they pushed that bullshit for all of these years.....""

Biff, even I knew Saddam had no WMD. All that bluster from Iraq was for his neighbors, to keep them fooled. So I have to assume most Democrats and a majority of Republicans knew as well. But THAT was not the point of the vote to authorize GWB to use military force "IF necessary". The Cheney/Wolfowitz/Rumsfeld triad handed Democrats a neat excuse..they said it was important to show 'unity'. Democrats got snookered real good on that one...backed them into a corner with 'unpatriotic' slanders if they didn't show 'unity'. Dems took the excuse and ran with it. And when things went south, Republicans turned on them and reminded them that they too voted 'for war' and no amount of the 'unity' excuse mattered to Democratic critics. They had to stand and take it.
Hundreds of confidential interviews with key figures involved in prosecuting the 18-year US war in Afghanistan have revealed that the US public has been consistently misled about an unwinnable conflict.
Anyone remembering the Pentagon Papers couldn't help but think..'here we go again!' Not to mention that we knew what a debacle Afghanistan turned out to be for the Russians.
The truth is, those Afghans are fighters.

List of wars involving Afghanistan - Wikipedia
Papers? What papers? The story is based on "confidential" interviews with anonymous sources. The timing is interesting that the anonymous sources apparently weren't available during the 8 years of the Hussein administration.
Hundreds of confidential interviews with key figures involved in prosecuting the 18-year US war in Afghanistan have revealed that the US public has been consistently misled about an unwinnable conflict.
Anyone remembering the Pentagon Papers couldn't help but think..'here we go again!' Not to mention that we knew what a debacle Afghanistan turned out to be for the Russians.
The British got their arses kicked there as well. Might have been different if there had been a plan. But of course there wasnt.

The plan should be -
Get in
Kill everybody
Break everything
Go home.

Unfortunately we pander to candy asses like you too often.
We can never completely “win” in the Middle East until all Muslims are dead. As long as there are Muslims, there will be terrorism.

The best we can do is ban Muslims from the civilized world and let them kill each other off.

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