Afghan women fade from White House focus as exit nears


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Wonder what will become of the women of Afghanistan once we're out. They've come so far, but with the Muslim Brotherhood and other radicals poised to take over, these women will likely be put back in their place, which is having no rights at all. The latest laws added to Sharia by the MB state that men can have sex with their dead wives for up to 6 hours after their death and women will be denied education. I hate it that Obama treats the MB as a credible government when they are ultra radical. Obama hasn't spoken of the women of Afghanistan and the progress they've made and what they stand to lose, so wonder if they even matter. I guess he's still evolving on that one.

WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - Shortly after sending U.S. troops to Afghanistan in October 2001, President George W. Bush focused so intently on freeing Afghan women from the shackles of Taliban rule that empowering them became central to the United States' mission there.

More than a decade later, as his successor Barack Obama charts a way out of the unpopular war, Afghan girls are back in school, infant and maternal survival rates are up and a quarter of the parliament's seats are reserved for women who at least on paper have the same voting, mobility and other rights as men.

But Obama rarely speaks about that progress, delegating discussion of women's rights to his secretary of state and other top diplomats so he can focus on narrower goals for Afghanistan: uprooting the militants there and getting out.

Obama's lack of overt attention to Afghan women has led many to fear their hard-fought gains will slip away as the United States hands off security responsibility to Afghan President Hamid Karzai, with ever-present Taliban leaders still holding sway in much of the countryside.

Afghan women fade from White House focus as exit nears
Insight: Afghan women fade from White House focus as exit nears - Yahoo! News
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Wonder what will become of the women of Afghanistan once we're out. They've come so far, but with the Muslim Brotherhood and other radicals poised to take over, these women will likely be put back in their place, which is having no rights at all. The latest laws added to Sharia by the MB state that men can have sex with their dead wives for up to 6 hours after their death and women will be denied education. I hate it that Obama treats the MB as a credible government when they are ultra radical.

WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - Shortly after sending U.S. troops to Afghanistan in October 2001, President George W. Bush focused so intently on freeing Afghan women from the shackles of Taliban rule that empowering them became central to the United States' mission there.

More than a decade later, as his successor Barack Obama charts a way out of the unpopular war, Afghan girls are back in school, infant and maternal survival rates are up and a quarter of the parliament's seats are reserved for women who at least on paper have the same voting, mobility and other rights as men. Obama hasn't spoken of the women of Afghanistan and the progress they've made and what they stand to lose, so wonder if they even matter. I guess he's still evolving on that one.

But Obama rarely speaks about that progress, delegating discussion of women's rights to his secretary of state and other top diplomats so he can focus on narrower goals for Afghanistan: uprooting the militants there and getting out.

Obama's lack of overt attention to Afghan women has led many to fear their hard-fought gains will slip away as the United States hands off security responsibility to Afghan President Hamid Karzai, with ever-present Taliban leaders still holding sway in much of the countryside.

Afghan women fade from White House focus as exit nears
Insight: Afghan women fade from White House focus as exit nears - Yahoo! News

Sadly, they are toast. And now that Obama has handed over the ME to the MB on a silver platter who the hell knows what is going to happen next.

I got involved with womens rights issues in the ME a long time ago. This is going to hurt because it'll be back to the stone age again.

And there's not a damn thing we can do about it.
Wonder what will become of the women of Afghanistan once we're out. They've come so far, but with the Muslim Brotherhood and other radicals poised to take over, these women will likely be put back in their place, which is having no rights at all. The latest laws added to Sharia by the MB state that men can have sex with their dead wives for up to 6 hours after their death and women will be denied education. I hate it that Obama treats the MB as a credible government when they are ultra radical.

WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - Shortly after sending U.S. troops to Afghanistan in October 2001, President George W. Bush focused so intently on freeing Afghan women from the shackles of Taliban rule that empowering them became central to the United States' mission there.

More than a decade later, as his successor Barack Obama charts a way out of the unpopular war, Afghan girls are back in school, infant and maternal survival rates are up and a quarter of the parliament's seats are reserved for women who at least on paper have the same voting, mobility and other rights as men. Obama hasn't spoken of the women of Afghanistan and the progress they've made and what they stand to lose, so wonder if they even matter. I guess he's still evolving on that one.

But Obama rarely speaks about that progress, delegating discussion of women's rights to his secretary of state and other top diplomats so he can focus on narrower goals for Afghanistan: uprooting the militants there and getting out.

Obama's lack of overt attention to Afghan women has led many to fear their hard-fought gains will slip away as the United States hands off security responsibility to Afghan President Hamid Karzai, with ever-present Taliban leaders still holding sway in much of the countryside.

Afghan women fade from White House focus as exit nears
Insight: Afghan women fade from White House focus as exit nears - Yahoo! News

Sadly, they are toast. And now that Obama has handed over the ME to the MB on a silver platter who the hell knows what is going to happen next.

I got involved with womens rights issues in the ME a long time ago. This is going to hurt because it'll be back to the stone age again.

And there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

It's a shame and it amazes me that women's groups here in the states don't say much about them. Some claim to be for human rights, but certainly not willing to help others fight for them. I hate seeing our men and women killed and hope that this whole effort wasn't in vain. I think things will be worse than ever for the people there as the worst of the worst takes over. Treating the MB as a legitimate government and giving them so much money just empowers them further and they are nothing but radicals following an archaic set of rules.
Wonder what will become of the women of Afghanistan once we're out. They've come so far, but with the Muslim Brotherhood and other radicals poised to take over, these women will likely be put back in their place, which is having no rights at all. The latest laws added to Sharia by the MB state that men can have sex with their dead wives for up to 6 hours after their death and women will be denied education. I hate it that Obama treats the MB as a credible government when they are ultra radical.

Afghan women fade from White House focus as exit nears
Insight: Afghan women fade from White House focus as exit nears - Yahoo! News

Sadly, they are toast. And now that Obama has handed over the ME to the MB on a silver platter who the hell knows what is going to happen next.

I got involved with womens rights issues in the ME a long time ago. This is going to hurt because it'll be back to the stone age again.

And there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

It's a shame and it amazes me that women's groups here in the states don't say much about them. Some claim to be for human rights, but certainly not willing to help others fight for them. I hate seeing our men and women killed and hope that this whole effort wasn't in vain. I think things will be worse than ever for the people there as the worst of the worst takes over. Treating the MB as a legitimate government and giving them so much money just empowers them further and they are nothing but radicals following an archaic set of rules.

It's truly bizarre to witness the lack of national outrage on the part of women's groups against female genital mutilation to burkas to the potential legalization of necrophilia for that one last "goodbye I'll miss you baby fornication" for 6 hours after death.

Mostly what you hear is "well, it's their culture". It's appalling.

Sheesh. Some days I can't believe what I type.
Sadly, they are toast. And now that Obama has handed over the ME to the MB on a silver platter who the hell knows what is going to happen next.

I got involved with womens rights issues in the ME a long time ago. This is going to hurt because it'll be back to the stone age again.

And there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

It's a shame and it amazes me that women's groups here in the states don't say much about them. Some claim to be for human rights, but certainly not willing to help others fight for them. I hate seeing our men and women killed and hope that this whole effort wasn't in vain. I think things will be worse than ever for the people there as the worst of the worst takes over. Treating the MB as a legitimate government and giving them so much money just empowers them further and they are nothing but radicals following an archaic set of rules.

It's truly bizarre to witness the lack of national outrage on the part of women's groups against female genital mutilation to burkas to the potential legalization of necrophilia for that one last "goodbye I'll miss you baby fornication" for 6 hours after death.

Mostly what you hear is "well, it's their culture". It's appalling.

Sheesh. Some days I can't believe what I type.

I know what you mean. The truth about what is happening gets stranger all the time. We say things we never dreamed we'd have to say when talking about it.

It's one thing to ignore their "culture" when it's in other countries, but some of them want to bring their culture here. I can't figure out why people would come here knowing our laws don't go along with Sharia law, unless they want to change that. There have been numerous cases of Muslims demanding that our courts respect their laws. There should be no discussion on that. Our laws win, period. Sharia should never trump America's laws and we can't allow the cruel treatment of women in the name of religion.
Duh, why would Obama be blamed for this? Cruelty to women exists in many countries. Hell, even here in the USA the right-wingnuts are waging war on women.
I pray that these women will be protected by the hand of Divine Providence.
It's a shame and it amazes me that women's groups here in the states don't say much about them. Some claim to be for human rights, but certainly not willing to help others fight for them. I hate seeing our men and women killed and hope that this whole effort wasn't in vain. I think things will be worse than ever for the people there as the worst of the worst takes over. Treating the MB as a legitimate government and giving them so much money just empowers them further and they are nothing but radicals following an archaic set of rules.

It's truly bizarre to witness the lack of national outrage on the part of women's groups against female genital mutilation to burkas to the potential legalization of necrophilia for that one last "goodbye I'll miss you baby fornication" for 6 hours after death.

Mostly what you hear is "well, it's their culture". It's appalling.

Sheesh. Some days I can't believe what I type.

I know what you mean. The truth about what is happening gets stranger all the time. We say things we never dreamed we'd have to say when talking about it.

It's one thing to ignore their "culture" when it's in other countries, but some of them want to bring their culture here. I can't figure out why people would come here knowing our laws don't go along with Sharia law, unless they want to change that. There have been numerous cases of Muslims demanding that our courts respect their laws. There should be no discussion on that. Our laws win, period. Sharia should never trump America's laws and we can't allow the cruel treatment of women in the name of religion.

We have rocking Muslim women up here. They aren't taking any shit lying down and they are very outspoken. Ditto with a lot of very great muslim men who back their women and don't want "stone age ways" to engulf their lives in Canada.

In Ontario a few years back a very Liberal politician called Dalton McGuinty thought a great way to get votes was to allow Sharia law in the province. All hell broke loose and I am thrilled to say as a participant in the "no way in hell" movement, they lost.


But hey, one always has to be "en garde". We still have pockets of "old country" thinking in various communities.
Duh, why would Obama be blamed for this? Cruelty to women exists in many countries. Hell, even here in the USA the right-wingnuts are waging war on women.

Did someone say it was his fault? No. It's just that he doesn't say a word about real atrocities going on, yet goes on about minor things. There is no war on women by the right and that's been discussed and debunked. Muslims are living here in the U.S. and treating their women horribly, yet no outrage from the left or women's groups. What gives with that? Some Muslims insist that Sharia law should be their law regardless of where they live. Shouldn't Obama speak out considering some of these radicals are U.S. citizens?
Duh, why would Obama be blamed for this? Cruelty to women exists in many countries. Hell, even here in the USA the right-wingnuts are waging war on women.

Don't even equate conservatives in America to the men who dictate the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation must be enforced.

Check it out under images and be prepared to barf your guts out.

Let alone to compare American conservatives to men who want the right to screw their dead wives up till 6 hours after death.

Get back to me when Republicans make a motion in the house that they want to legalise necrophilia.


You just look ridiculous making that argument.
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Measures of well-being include life expectancy, education, purchasing power and standard of living. Not surprisingly, the top 10 countries are among the world's wealthiest.

1. Iceland
2. Norway
3. Australia
4. Canada
5. Ireland
6. Sweden
7. Switzerland
8. Japan
9. Netherlands
10. France

SOURCE: UNDP Gender-related development index

The Ten Worst Countries for Women - The Feminist eZine

The U.S. is not on this list, and never will be until the right-wingnut war on women ends.
Sadly, they are toast. And now that Obama has handed over the ME to the MB on a silver platter who the hell knows what is going to happen next.

I got involved with womens rights issues in the ME a long time ago. This is going to hurt because it'll be back to the stone age again.

And there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

It's a shame and it amazes me that women's groups here in the states don't say much about them. Some claim to be for human rights, but certainly not willing to help others fight for them. I hate seeing our men and women killed and hope that this whole effort wasn't in vain. I think things will be worse than ever for the people there as the worst of the worst takes over. Treating the MB as a legitimate government and giving them so much money just empowers them further and they are nothing but radicals following an archaic set of rules.

It's truly bizarre to witness the lack of national outrage on the part of women's groups against female genital mutilation to burkas to the potential legalization of necrophilia for that one last "goodbye I'll miss you baby fornication" for 6 hours after death.

Mostly what you hear is "well, it's their culture". It's appalling.

Sheesh. Some days I can't believe what I type.

There is a clear pattern of misogyny in the Owebama Administration.

It continues to go underreported that 92% of the job losses under his Administration have been those of women.
It is far easier to change a government or a national border than it is to change a cultural value or behavior.

Basically the FAMILY VALUES of the strick Moselms is what you believe we here in the USA ought to change in Afghanistan.

Other then by creating a daconian authoritaian government that imposes its will on the people by FORCE, that culture will have to WANT to change.

It doesn't.
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