Afghan Girls Live As Boys To Survive Islamist Woman-hate


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
In the Muslim world, where women are denied basic human rights — from divorce to drivers’ licenses, no protection from abuse or honor killings — there is no worse place than Afghanistan.

The United Nations, Save the Children and the Thompson Reuters Foundation have ranked Afghanistan as the worst place in the world to be a woman, a mother, a child and a newborn. The average life expectancy for a woman is 44.

Little surprise, then, that girls there don’t want to be girls.

In her new book “The Underground Girls of Kabul: In Search of a Hidden Resistance in Afghanistan” (Crown), journalist Jenny Nordberg explores the little-known phenomenon of the bacha posh — the girl or woman who passes, at home and in society, as male.



Does not matter, cause islam scumbags would not be doing this to women if booooooosh did not invade Iraq with democrats approval.
Why this incessant hatred of Islam and Muslims?

Don't you know Christians are much worse?

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