Actor Seth Rogen mocked a multiple stabbing victim on twitter because the Trump supporter did not...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Actor Seth Rogen mocked a multiple stabbing victim on Twitter because the Trump supporter did not have health insurance in another shocking example of vulgar leftist rhetoric.

Actor Seth Rogen Mocks Man Who Was Stabbed 9 Times For Supporting Trump

Every single day Trump haters prove how unstable they are these are the ones who shouldn't own a gun . To bad fake radical liberals can't be denied their 2nd amendment.

Another paid post, courtesy of MindWars.

MindWars? InfoWars? Get it? Get it?

You have something to say about the OP or just the usual libtard crap of attacking the messenger?


Another paid post, courtesy of MindWars.

MindWars? InfoWars? Get it? Get it?

You have something to say about the OP or just the usual libtard crap of attacking the messenger?


As a matter of fact, Top Poster of the Month, I don't. I don't click on links to Infowars as I won't give that anti-American piece of shit even one click, so I have no idea what the thread is about or if the content contained is even true. It's most likely fake news anyway.

Another paid post, courtesy of MindWars.

MindWars? InfoWars? Get it? Get it?

You have something to say about the OP or just the usual libtard crap of attacking the messenger?


As a matter of fact, Top Poster of the Month, I don't. I don't click on links to Infowars as I won't give that anti-American piece of shit even one click, so I have no idea what the thread is about or if the content contained is even true. It's most likely fake news anyway.

So you are stating your opinion in oblivious ignorance. Yep; you sound very Democrat!!


Another paid post, courtesy of MindWars.

MindWars? InfoWars? Get it? Get it?

You have something to say about the OP or just the usual libtard crap of attacking the messenger?


As a matter of fact, Top Poster of the Month, I don't. I don't click on links to Infowars as I won't give that anti-American piece of shit even one click, so I have no idea what the thread is about or if the content contained is even true. It's most likely fake news anyway.

We know you have a close mind and cherry pick your news story's..

It's real fucking easy to use Google to double check, triple check.

Yeah, I know it's InfoWars, I know they can't be trusted and I realize this story may well be fake.

BUT, it's not unlike the true stories in the news right now.

That's the sad part.


Bodyguard for White Nationalist Stabbed 9 Times After Pro-Trump Rally—and He Doesn't Have Health Insurance
Go to his twitter you can see the loser said it .


I posted this already. Not the part about Rogen mocking him but my bet is it wasn't near as horrendous as President Asshole making fun of the disabled journalist.

But hey, in my thread, I included a link to the slimey racist's to fund mr page. Ya just oughta hit on over there and that worthless, inbred, knuckle dragging trailer trailer some bucks, doncha think?

Or maybe your heros, Jones and Drumpf already paid his bill.


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He's clearly making a (lame) joke about how the guy kind of looks like him. He's also "making fun of" (I'm not sure how) a member of a hate group. I'm not a Rogen fan-I find him annoying, arrogant, and unfunny, however this isn't newsworthy and really isn't a big deal.
Since Trumpcare was just revealed, and yet to be implemented, the Trump supporter didn't have insurance because of Obamacare. Probably why he was a Trump supporter. But don't tell Hollywood. They'll haz a sad...


But exactly the lie I would expect from a phony christian.

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So, are you on Trump care? Is that because the American Healthcare plan was just released to the public this week, and hasn't been put into effect yet?
You lie, the Christian does not...:eusa_angel:

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