CDZ Action and Reaction - Germany between the World Wars


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I am concerned about the growing political divide in the U.S. which evidences parallels with Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. Recall that a feeling of betrayal over the Treaty of Versailles fueled resentment on the Right while depressed economic and social conditions created bold street demonstrations and attempted revolutions by the Communists. With fewer and fewer people supporting the democratically elected government, the Right and the Left became embroiled in a fight to the death over control of Germany.

Could the same thing be happening her? The Right in this country feels betrayed by liberal politicians (e.g., Iran Nuclear Agreement), while the Left organizes street demonstrations to unseat the elected government. Are we nearing a breaking point where one side or the other will ultimately assume absolute control?

We have a tradition of heated rhetoric during election campaigns and protests of specific policies (e.g., Viet Nam War), but I do not recall having read about an organized attempt to deny the legitimacy of the Federal government since the Civil War.

The Left LOVES government..and the bigger the better in their minds.

They are not trying to unseat the government. They are trying to unseat Trump.
I am concerned about the growing political divide in the U.S. which evidences parallels with Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. Recall that a feeling of betrayal over the Treaty of Versailles fueled resentment on the Right while depressed economic and social conditions created bold street demonstrations and attempted revolutions by the Communists. With fewer and fewer people supporting the democratically elected government, the Right and the Left became embroiled in a fight to the death over control of Germany.

Could the same thing be happening her? The Right in this country feels betrayed by liberal politicians (e.g., Iran Nuclear Agreement), while the Left organizes street demonstrations to unseat the elected government. Are we nearing a breaking point where one side or the other will ultimately assume absolute control?

We have a tradition of heated rhetoric during election campaigns and protests of specific policies (e.g., Viet Nam War), but I do not recall having read about an organized attempt to deny the legitimacy of the Federal government since the Civil War.

Vietnam was a lot worse in terms of the type of disharmony you describe above...this could all change for the worse of course, but all you really have right now is one party voted out of government with no voice in our government at all and they are a group that believes governing is their birthright, so they are now trying to legislate from the curb...that's really all that's going on now.

The left has absolutely nothing in the tank, zip zero zilch...a good day for them [one that will probably even make them cheer] will be Mike Pence becoming our next president...that's known as less than zero.
Condition in America have been this bad twice.

During the Administration of John Adams and the Control Freaks in New England/New York....they were using their Sedition Law to put citizens in jail for criticizing the Administration. They put Benjamin Franklin's Grandson in jail. This is one reason Jefferson ran against Adams, and beat his ass, after which he pardened all put in jail for exercising their right of Free Speech.

Then Jefferson, and the Virginians who followed him, Madison and Monroe, govern so mildly and fairly....that it became known as the Era of Good Feeling.

Then there was the 1850's and the country drifted into the worst Civil War until the Bolshevik Revolution.

I expect it to be different this time. America is in Decline...too many ask what the Country can do for them, instead the other way around...and it will bring our children to Bankruptcy.

I look for California to leave before too long....and rather than a shot being fired to stop it...the rest of America will be ready and glad to see them go. It will turn into another Mexico; and the entrepreneurs in Sicilian Valley will skeedadle over to some place like Nebraska.
Don't know about a direct to civil war path but Blue wall insolvency feeds tax flight which further increases insolvency and that goes back to the 70s and pres Ford bailing out NYC.
Condition in America have been this bad twice.

During the Administration of John Adams and the Control Freaks in New England/New York....they were using their Sedition Law to put citizens in jail for criticizing the Administration. They put Benjamin Franklin's Grandson in jail. This is one reason Jefferson ran against Adams, and beat his ass, after which he pardened all put in jail for exercising their right of Free Speech.

Then Jefferson, and the Virginians who followed him, Madison and Monroe, govern so mildly and fairly....that it became known as the Era of Good Feeling.

Then there was the 1850's and the country drifted into the worst Civil War until the Bolshevik Revolution.

I expect it to be different this time. America is in Decline...too many ask what the Country can do for them, instead the other way around...and it will bring our children to Bankruptcy.

I look for California to leave before too long....and rather than a shot being fired to stop it...the rest of America will be ready and glad to see them go. It will turn into another Mexico; and the entrepreneurs in Sicilian Valley will skeedadle over to some place like Nebraska.
I doubt california will go anywhere, to many liberals in this country will never see another federal election victory to let it happen

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