Acting director of the FBI, and democrat, states the FBI was not asking for more money, resources.

Another fake news story from the democrat press.......comey was not asking for more money and stated by the Deputy Director of the FBI, current acting Director of the FBI...

FAKE NEWS: Acting FBI Director Says No New Funding Requested For Trump-Russia Probe Before Comey Firing

He stated he was 'not aware' which means he doesn't know. Nice try

Actually he stated that they "don't request funds for particular investigations". Meaning, they will request funding on a broader basis, not "Investigation ABC". They will allocate funding accordingly. More than one source has suggested that he didn't request additional funds for this investigation and McCabe stated that they have "all the funds needed to complete this investigation (or to this effect)".

Watching Hannity just now, he stated that this was false and also the suggestion that the deputy AG threatened to resign. These were two storylines being pushed today. Both apparently false.

Look, Comey seemed to me to be an honourable guy. He had to have known that regardless of the outcome of the election that he was dealing in a very partisan and difficult environment, an environment which would lead to some dominoes falling. Everyone is out for blood and both sides believe they have a case to have the FBI involved. It's really not fair the the FBI or the rest of the intelligence community, but it is what it is. As he said himself, he will "be alright".

Regardless, any investigation into Russia will still go forward, the firing of Comey doesn't change this. No business shuts down when a manager or CEO is dismissed. Hopefully a decision one way or another will come down quickly so American can move on to Making America Great Again. The investigation cant be dragged on and become a perpetual excuse for the Democrats to hold up vital policy changes.

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