ACLU and Atheists Do Not Support Constitutional Rights


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
What amazes and upsets me is that ASCS and ACLU are practicing censorship by suing to eliminate Intelligent Design from schools. They are apparently afraid that some students and teachers might, if exposed to Intelligent Design theory and evidence, find it persuasive and begin to have doubts about their precious Darwinian evolution. If they believed in free speech, they would let schools present whatever they want and allow the students and faculty decide what they find persuasive. Obviously, these people do not support Constitutional rights.
What amazes and upsets me is that ASCS and ACLU are practicing censorship by suing to eliminate Intelligent Design from schools. They are apparently afraid that some students and teachers might, if exposed to Intelligent Design theory and evidence, find it persuasive and begin to have doubts about their precious Darwinian evolution. If they believed in free speech, they would let schools present whatever they want and allow the students and faculty decide what they find persuasive. Obviously, these people do not support Constitutional rights.
Amen. The ACLU has devolved into just another radical sect of the Democrat party. Our constitution is obviously only a secondary consideration in their thinking.
What amazes and upsets me is that ASCS and ACLU are practicing censorship by suing to eliminate Intelligent Design from schools. They are apparently afraid that some students and teachers might, if exposed to Intelligent Design theory and evidence, find it persuasive and begin to have doubts about their precious Darwinian evolution. If they believed in free speech, they would let schools present whatever they want and allow the students and faculty decide what they find persuasive. Obviously, these people do not support Constitutional rights.

Sure because the seperation of state and religion is found nowhere in the constitution....

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