Academic Institutions That Backed Obama Caught Red Handed

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
I do love seeing the academic elitist set getting caught red handed. Academics like Libertarians, live in a world of ideals, papers, models and stances where the principles never hold up in real life---for them

The academic community is usually telling people to do as I say, not as I do. I think some of the feelings of ill will towards Obama stem from the fact that he was so identified with the academic community.

The academic community backed Oabam's health care proposals and many even criticized the proposal(s) for not going far enough.


College-sponsored health plans often pay out far less in benefits than they collect in premiums, skirting state regulations and shortchanging students, according to an investigation by Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo’s office. Many plans also do not cover common situations that affect students, including injuries suffered in suicide attempts or while drunk. And some colleges force students to purchase college-sponsored coverage even if they are enrolled in a parent’s plan or covered by Medicaid.
Cuomo Says Colleges Shortchange Students on Insurance -

gotta love them liberals like Cuomo going after the progressive nitwits.

Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review: A Detailed Analysis of Barack Obama's Health Care Reform Plan

Analysis -
Should they be covering injuries caused by being drunk?

I don't really see why recklessness should be rewarded.
Should they be covering injuries caused by being drunk?

I don't really see why recklessness should be rewarded.

So fat people should not be offered operations on things that were caused by overeating?

It isn't about how injuries are caused . If that were the case most medical issues would go untreated.

you're about as stupid as a fucking ant. you're only purpose here in this thread is to attack your betters, as if doing so will make you look better. It doesn't

good day
How did you throw libertarians in this mix? Every libertarian and conservative has to remain silent among the elitist progressive/liberal controlled academia for fear of retribution. The professors make HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars a year in salaries robbing our young, and get tax breaks for NOT being the big business they are. Many hack DEMOCRAT politicians run to the administrations of state run universities for increased pay checks AND unfunded pension increases. Academia, a very protected society. True that!
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Should they be covering injuries caused by being drunk?

I don't really see why recklessness should be rewarded.

So fat people should not be offered operations on things that were caused by overeating?

It isn't about how injuries are caused . If that were the case most medical issues would go untreated.

you're about as stupid as a fucking ant. you're only purpose here in this thread is to attack your betters, as if doing so will make you look better. It doesn't

good day

Why should you engage in high risk activities and be given care when you injure yourself doing stupid things? Why should any insurance be obligated to treat such cases? Ive never said insurance can't offer to cover them. But if you are reckless, why should you not deal with the consequences?
Should they be covering injuries caused by being drunk?

I don't really see why recklessness should be rewarded.

no... of course not... they should be denied treatment and forced to die for their indiscretions.

jesus would have wanted it that way.

funny thing is...

She passed up a chance to lay into Obama. I'm flattered that she hates me more than she hates him. I had assumed there wasn't that much hate in her to go around.

wonders never cease...

Should they be covering injuries caused by being drunk?

I don't really see why recklessness should be rewarded.

no... of course not... they should be denied treatment and forced to die for their indiscretions.

jesus would have wanted it that way.

Who said anything about denying someone treatment? What is wrong with being honest about what is being said instead of trying to set up straw men?

Why should insurance cover the costs of reckless behavior?
How did you throw libertarians in this mix? Every libertarian and conservative has to remain silent among the elitist progressive/liberal controlled academia for fear of retribution. The professors make HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars a year in salaries robbing our young, and get tax breaks for NOT being the big business they are. Many hack DEMOCRAT politicians run to the administrations of state run universities for increased pay checks. Academia, a very protected society. True that!

I can see you're not very bright. I'll just assume you have principles you could never live by, principles you want to hold others to.
Should they be covering injuries caused by being drunk?

I don't really see why recklessness should be rewarded.

no... of course not... they should be denied treatment and forced to die for their indiscretions.

jesus would have wanted it that way.

funny thing is...

She passed up a chance to lay into Obama. I'm flattered that she hates me more than she hates him. I had assumed there wasn't that much hate in her to go around.

wonders never cease...


I've seen no evidence that Jillian hates Obama or any evidence that anyone here has laid into you. Or hates you.
Should they be covering injuries caused by being drunk?

I don't really see why recklessness should be rewarded.

So fat people should not be offered operations on things that were caused by overeating?

It isn't about how injuries are caused . If that were the case most medical issues would go untreated.

you're about as stupid as a fucking ant. you're only purpose here in this thread is to attack your betters, as if doing so will make you look better. It doesn't

good day

Why should you engage in high risk activities and be given care when you injure yourself doing stupid things? Why should any insurance be obligated to treat such cases? Ive never said insurance can't offer to cover them. But if you are reckless, why should you not deal with the consequences?

I think you have stumbled upon the big loophole that will allow them to cover people with pre-existing conditions....

Deny coverage to those who behave "stupidly". It has the added benefit of allowing liberals to control your behavior as well. You are forced to purchase medical coverage...but you must act in a prescribed manner in order to access it.

Should they be covering injuries caused by being drunk?

I don't really see why recklessness should be rewarded.

no... of course not... they should be denied treatment and forced to die for their indiscretions.

jesus would have wanted it that way.

Who said anything about denying someone treatment? What is wrong with being honest about what is being said instead of trying to set up straw men?

Why should insurance cover the costs of reckless behavior?

so you think fat people should be denied coverage?

smokers should be denied coverage?

someone who carries a pregnancy to term after a doctor tells her its dangerous should be denied coverage?

someone who has had 10 pregnancies should be denied coverage?

people who ski should be denied coverage?

people who bicycle should be denied coverage?

or is it only the things you find morally offensive that should be denied coverage?

aside from the arrogance and lack of humanity in your post which implies that the parents of these kids should go broke paying for their healthcare...

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Should they be covering injuries caused by being drunk?

I don't really see why recklessness should be rewarded.

So fat people should not be offered operations on things that were caused by overeating?

It isn't about how injuries are caused . If that were the case most medical issues would go untreated.

you're about as stupid as a fucking ant. you're only purpose here in this thread is to attack your betters, as if doing so will make you look better. It doesn't

good day

Why should you engage in high risk activities and be given care when you injure yourself doing stupid things? Why should any insurance be obligated to treat such cases? Ive never said insurance can't offer to cover them. But if you are reckless, why should you not deal with the consequences?

Rush Limbaugh abused his big fat ass and had insurance pay for treatment. President Bush drank and did lots of cocaine, and we paid for his insurance to cover him.

People engage in high risks because they are human beings. It is what people do.

Insurance is there to cover the risks that go bad.

People deal with the consequences whether they like it or not.

You are talking about personal responsibility and maturity and self-regulation. None of these belong to this discussion


Should they be covering injuries caused by being drunk?

I don't really see why recklessness should be rewarded.

no... of course not... they should be denied treatment and forced to die for their indiscretions.

jesus would have wanted it that way.

Who said anything about denying someone treatment? What is wrong with being honest about what is being said instead of trying to set up straw men?

Why should insurance cover the costs of reckless behavior?

Insurance has always covered that.

The academic institutions were not covering what they should have. Exemptions in the policies denied coverage.


Of course it belongs here. Stop being more dense than usual, Dainty.
Of course it doesn't, Alice.

just because strawman arguments by wingnuts rule on USMB, doesn't mean they belong in every thread...only that they take over every thread.

dense? it is what you are that keeps you stuck on stupid.
so you think fat people should be denied coverage?

No. How is being fat reckless behavior?

smokers should be denied coverage?

No. How is smoking reckless behavior?

someone who carries a pregnancy to term after a doctor tells her its dangerous should be denied coverage?

No, how is being pregnant reckless behavior?

someone who has had 10 pregnancies should be denied coverage?

How is having children reckless behaior?

aside from the lack of humanity in your post which implies that the parents of these kids should go broke paying for their healthcare...


Did they? Most people have no clue what they pay for because they dont bother reading the policities. These "kids" are grown adults. Their parents shouldnt be paying for them unless there is a dire emergency. They shouldnt be getting drunk and acting recklessly. They should be responsible citizens. But they won't be if you think they somehow have a right to be an idiot, injure themselves and then expect a policy they paid for that doesn't cover such injuries to pay for their reckless behavior.

If they want a policy that covers it, they should pay the price for one. If not, they take their chances and they have to pay their own bills for their reckless actions.

Where is the lack of humanity for accepting reality that people need to face the consequences of their choices. Yeah it suck sometimes. But you arent benefiting anyone by isolating them from reality. You arent helping people by demanding they get treatment that they didn't pay for and wont pay for. If people choose to offer the treatment of their own free will without payment, more power to them. But you cannot and should not force people to do anything.

We have a responsibility to take care of ourselves. We have to deal with consequences of those actions.
Sorry, Dainty. You don't determine what is important and what isn't.

Thank goodness, since you seem incapable of understanding such complex matter....
Rush Limbaugh abused his big fat ass and had insurance pay for treatment. President Bush drank and did lots of cocaine, and we paid for his insurance to cover him.

People engage in high risks because they are human beings. It is what people do.

Insurance is there to cover the risks that go bad.

People deal with the consequences whether they like it or not.

You are talking about personal responsibility and maturity and self-regulation. None of these belong to this discussion



And they pay for the coverage the are recieving. If the insurance company didnt cover a certain treatment, they are free to pay the price for insurance that will cover that treatment. But the idea that insurance companies are obligated to pay for covering reckless behavior when that person has not paid for coverage in such a situation is irresponsible and you are completely ignoring the laws of nature.

Personal responisbility, maturity, and self-regulation are a part of every discussion. Because it's inhumane to lie to people and pretend as though their choices don't have consequences. It's inhumane to lie to people and pretend as though they have no responsibility to lie to themselves and that someone else will take care of everything.

Why should an insurance company be obligated to pay to treat the injuries of reckless behavior if the person injured didn't pay for that coverage? If you pay me every month so that i provide food for you, am I thereby obligated to give you clothes as well? It makes no sense whatsoever to propose such a thing.

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