Absurd, Shameless WASTE of $40 Million


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
For the $40 Million that Obama administration Democrats wasted, by perpetuating the Russian collusion hoax/witch hunt, 40 homeless US military veterans could have been given grants of $ 1 Million each.

80 homeless US military veterans could have been given grants of $ $500,000 each.

400 homeless US military veterans could have been given grants of $ $100,000 each.

1,000 homeless US military veterans could have been given grants of $ $40,000 each.

Instead, we say to them > "Thank you for your service", while giving them nothing of the $40, Million wasted on the Russian collusion scam/hoax.

The most guilty ones >>







Top 10 Propagandists Who Pushed Russia Collusion Hoax

Tucker Carlson: There Must Be "Consequences" For Those Claiming Russian Collusion if Mueller Report Shows None
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There should be consequences but don't count on it. Everyone involved is going to want to sweep this under the rug.
The OIC investigation brought several felons to justice. We all owe Mr. Mueller a debt of gratitude for his fine work.
HA HA. The defection of the month. Yeah, we got Papadopolous in jail for 10 days. We were safe then.

But we're not safe from the Clintons, who have murdered DOZENS of people (that we know of) - worst serial killers in America, who still walk free. Adding the ones we don't know about, the Clinton Body Count could be in the hundreds. The family members of their victims have been crying out for justice for years, while cops, DAs, etc have all been in cahoots.

If Trump doesn't do anything else in this presidency over the next 2 years, he has got to go after these 2 low-lifes, with everything and everybody he's got.

And before anybody thinks they're going to come in here flashing their INVALIDATION CARD and blabbering about "conspiracy theories", be advised, there will be a quiz on the CBC, and when you have no clue what you're talking about, you'll be displaying that, loud & clear.

Try actually reading the link. You'll see the evidence is overwhelming, undeniable.

There should be consequences but don't count on it. Everyone involved is going to want to sweep this under the rug.
All criminals want to sweep their crimes under the rug. The prisons are full of them.
“Russia Collusion Hoax”

“Tucker Carlson”



This is the beginning, not the end.
Beginning of what? More investigations? More lies? You people are completely insane.
The OIC investigation brought several felons to justice. We all owe Mr. Mueller a debt of gratitude for his fine work.
HA HA. The defection of the month. Yeah, we got Papadopolous in jail for 10 days. We were safe then.

But we're not safe from the Clintons, who have murdered DOZENS of people (that we know of) - worst serial killers in America, who still walk free. Adding the ones we don't know about, the Clinton Body Count could be in the hundreds. The family members of their victims have been crying out for justice for years, while cops, DAs, etc have all been in cahoots.

If Trump doesn't do anything else in this presidency over the next 2 years, he has got to go after these 2 low-lifes, with everything and everybody he's got.

And before anybody thinks they're going to come in here flashing their INVALIDATION CARD and blabbering about "conspiracy theories", be advised, there will be a quiz on the CBC, and when you have no clue what you're talking about, you'll be displaying that, loud & clear.

Try actually reading the link. You'll see the evidence is overwhelming, undeniable.


There should be consequences but don't count on it. Everyone involved is going to want to sweep this under the rug.
All criminals want to sweep their crimes under the rug. The prisons are full of them.
“Russia Collusion Hoax”

“Tucker Carlson”



This is the beginning, not the end.
Beginning of what? More investigations? More lies? You people are completely insane.

There are still at minimum two investigations into the Trump administration. The House is still investigating the blob as well.
That 40 million dollars could have been spent feeding and housing illegal immigrants,abortions and exotic vacations for Congress.
“Russia Collusion Hoax”

“Tucker Carlson”



This is the beginning, not the end.
The ravings of an utter lunatic! For some people finding out they've been fed bullshit and kept dumb and angry by their
party leaders only makes them more convinced to double down on stupid.
There should be consequences but don't count on it. Everyone involved is going to want to sweep this under the rug.
All criminals want to sweep their crimes under the rug. The prisons are full of them.
“Russia Collusion Hoax”

“Tucker Carlson”



This is the beginning, not the end.

If you REALLY want to investigate election fraud and collusion you're right, Clayton! This should be just the beginning! Let's take a good look at what the OTHER side was doing in the last election! Investigate the Clinton campaign...Fusion GPS...Glenn Simpson...Clinton's minions over at the FBI...the Obama Justice Department! Let's have a little fair play for a change!

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