Zone1 Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac Now Have An Adopted Dog Named Herbie

He knows we are not perfect. He has made allowances for that. It will be fixed at the end times. Do you also want to stay with sacrificing cattle sheep and birds for our sins rather than accepting the one time for all perfect sacrifice by Christ simply because that is what God provided initially before the birth of Christ?

Yes of course God knows we're not perfect. But that doesn't mean we should just throw our hands up in the air and say forget it, I'm going to live my life the way *I* want to just like a non-believer because God will fix everything in the end times. That is very unbiblical. Remember the parable about the wise virgins and the foolish virgins? The moral of that story was that we are supposed to be prepared and obey God in the here and now, while we're waiting... That's why I brought up the scripture about praying for God's kingdom to come and will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. In other words, instead of saying "this is a fallen world, so I'm just going to go with all the violence, needless killing, and all the temporary ways of this fallen world"..... why not choose to honor God's intent for mankind as stated in Genesis 1 and in the prophetic scriptures about the future peaceful world? You can do that here and now, on earth as it is in heaven.

And I have no idea why you asked if I want to stay with sacrificing animals, that makes zero sense… Why would I want to do something that is unnecessary and yet another temporary way of this fallen world? If you were trying to make some sort of comparison, that is a completely false comparison. You are the one choosing the temporary, not me. As believers, we are told to have an eternal perspective.
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Those that farm the ocean for food.........are feeding the world. What? Should the poor in 3rd world nations go hungry because you don't agree with farming the ocean for food and nourishment? Should those that kill deer and donate the venison to the poor and impoverished stop hunting and feeding the poor because you don't like hunting?

If God did not want life to eat meat.........why did God make predators meat eaters? I really enjoy wondering how all these supposed vegans, feed their pets like cats and dogs. Fed a cat only veggies and you will not have a cat very long.........yet stats prove that cats are the favorite of all the vegans from PETA...etc. LMAO.

Hypocrite: is a person that professes to a belief and opinions they really do not uphold.

^ There's so much wrong with this I don't even know where to begin. So for now I'm just going to focus on the second paragraph.

God did not make predators. Genesis 1:29–30 clearly and completely contradicts that. When God created this world, in His ideal, there were no predators. Predation didn't come until later, when the world changed because of sin. But that was not what God wanted, that was a result of OUR rebellion against God.

And what does what pets eat have to do with anything? Why use what animals do as an excuse for our own behavior? We are not cats, humans are not obligate carnivores. Eating flesh is completely unnecessary. If you think otherwise, that's because you've been deeply conditioned your entire life to believe it is necessary. By who? The animal industries who put profit first before everything else. There is zero need to eat corpses. In fact, numerous studies for many years have shown that the more animal products a person eats, the higher the risk is for heart disease and certain types of cancer... Which makes sense when you consider that flesh eating was not God's design in the first place. It is a result of this fallen world, but it doesn't have to be. You don't have to embrace the temporary ways of this fallen world. You choose to.
But you prefer NOT living as God would have you live. You look for excuses to kill .

I mean, I really don't wanna ruffle anyone's feathers here, but that's exactly what I see, people looking for excuses... (in general, not just on this thread.) Professed Christians looking for excuses to continue with the status quo. I see it every time, they always bring up the same scriptures.

Do you know what's really sad? I actually know of secular vegans (or lapsed Christians) who have become turned off to Christianity because of the actions of Christians when it comes to animals. They see the callousness, the utter lack of concern for animals (except dogs and cats) and those secular vegans wrongly assume that our God is merciless and doesn't care about the animals. When the exact opposite is true! And you know what? Those Christians who are causing people to reject God don't understand that they are clearly going against warnings such as 1 Corinthians 8:13.

Craig touched on that in this excerpt from a recent Friday Night Live:

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Reality: In order to practice.......picking and choosing one's food source because its the IN VOGUE THING TO DO, the latest LEFT WING CAUSE, YOU HAVE TO be what the majority of the world calls "wealthy". Most people who are really impoverished do not get to pick and choose a diet, they hunt, scavenge, beg, steal..........drink rain water if they are lucky......the left wing in vogue pretenders in the United States have no worldly idea what real poverty looks like.

After spending 22 years in the military...........I have seen and witnessed real poverty first hand. Real Poverty does not exist in this land of plenty we call the United States of America. You want a REAL CAUSE to justify your lifestyle? Focus on actually helping and feeding the poor instead of your EGO.
I mean, I really don't wanna ruffle anyone's feathers here, but that's exactly what I see, people looking for excuses... (in general, not just on this thread.) Professed Christians looking for excuses to continue with the status quo. I see it every time, they always bring up the same scriptures.

Do you know what's really sad? I actually know of secular vegans (or lapsed Christians) who have become turned off to Christianity because of the actions of Christians when it comes to animals. They see the callousness, the utter lack of concern for animals (except dogs and cats) and those secular vegans wrongly assume that our God is merciless and doesn't care about the animals. When the exact opposite is true! And you know what? Those Christians who are causing people to reject God don't understand that they are clearly going against warnings such as 1 Corinthians 8:13.

Craig touched on that in this excerpt from a recent Friday Night Live:

Scripture........If you are turned off (wink, wink) because someone introduces you to the truth found in the word of God........that sounds like a personal problem. Because you feel OFFENDED does not make you correct.

What does God say about Animals? Animals, like men..........physically die, both man and animals flesh go back to the earth when dead. There is a difference between the species,

Animals do not have spirits that are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).......they are animals, when they die they go back into the Earth/soil from which they were created, man on the other hand is the only creature on earth whose spirit returns to the Creator God of the Universe for judgment, because only man has the capacity/ability to reason right from wrong, animals do not have a law....thus they can't sin, animals exist by their natural instincts. (Eccl. 3:21, 12:7)

I like to think.........that animals, just like all innocent creatures, those that can't reason right from wrong....i.e., the righteous laws of God.....such as children and the mentally challenged........Go to heaven because they are incapable of sinning and are not judged. If I can think of one thing that I have against the God of Creation (but its not my place to judge some things must remain a mystery........we know of God only the things He has chosen to reveal to us) I wonder why He made dogs age 7 times faster than men? I think more of dogs than I do some people.....that's my personal cross to bear, wondering why man is incapable of displaying such UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and LOYALTY.
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Let me just say as somebody who doesn't eat a whole lot of fruit and vegetables thank God He changed the rules or I would probably starve and I couldn't have meatballs for lunch. 😋
Scripture........If you are turned off (wink, wink) because someone introduces you to the truth found in the word of God........that sounds like a personal problem. Because you feel OFFENDED does not make you correct.

What does God say about Animals? Animals, like men..........physically die, both man and animals flesh go back to the earth when dead. There is a difference between the species,

Animals do not have spirits that are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).......they are animals, when they die they go back into the Earth/soil from which they were created, man on the other hand is the only creature on earth whose spirit returns to the Creator God of the Universe for judgment, because only man has the capacity/ability to reason right from wrong, animals do not have a law....thus they can't sin, animals exist by their natural instincts. (Eccl. 3:21, 12:7)

I like to think.........that animals, just like all innocent creatures, those that can't reason right from wrong....i.e., the righteous laws of God.....such as children and the mentally challenged........Go to heaven because they are incapable of sinning and are not judged. If I can think of one thing that I have against the God of Creation (but its not my place to judge some things must remain a mystery........we know of God only the things He has chosen to reveal to us) I wonder why He made dogs age 7 times faster than men? I think more of dogs than I do some people.....that's my personal cross to bear, wondering why man is incapable of displaying such UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and LOYALTY.

You completely twisted everything I said.

First of all, I wasn't talking about myself when I said "secular vegans" are turned off to Christianity because of the callousness of Christians when it comes to animals.... I was talking about non-Christian vegans. I am a Christian.

Secondly, you added to my words, I never said they were turned off to the Word of God, I said they are turned off to Christianity (their perception of it) and our God.... keyword: their perception, which is obviously not true Christianity. Their perception is that our God is merciless and doesn't care about animals. That is a FALSE perception. Why do they have that false perception? Because of people like you and others on this thread who are don't care about animals (except cats and dogs) you just care about eating cheeseburgers and bacon and you act as if animals mean nothing, which is not only unbiblical but it is what is causing people to stumble. In other words, YOU are causing people to stumble and be turned off to God because of what you eat, which is a direct contradiction to a number of scriptures. That is why Paul said, "Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble."

Thirdly, animals DO have both souls and spirits, so apparently you didn't read the whole book that you quoted from, because in the same book (Ecclesiastes) it clearly says that humans have no advantage over animals and it clearly indicates that both (humans and animals) have spirits. I'll bold the pertinent parts for you:

For the fate of humans and the fate of animals are the same:​
As one dies, so dies the other; both have the same breath.​
There is no advantage for humans over animals,
for both are fleeting.​
Both go to the same place,​
both come from the dust,​
and to dust both return.​
Who really knows if the human spirit ascends upward,​
and the animal’s spirit descends into the earth?”​
Ecclesiastes 3:19-21​

You also implied that we matter and animals don't because we were made in the image of God and they weren't. That is a very common response from flesh-eating Christians, but it is rooted in pride and an anthropocentric mindset. Being made in the image of God does not mean that God only cares about us and not the animals. It does not mean that we have an advantage over the animals. (as was just stated in Ecclesiastes 3:19)

ETA: You DID say that you hope animals go to heaven, for the reasons you stated, well your intuition on that one is correct. I firmly believe that animals go to heaven, and I can back that up scripturally, but that's getting even more off topic. So, contrary to what many people assume, I think it's the other way around. It's more difficult for HUMANS to get to heaven, because unlike animals, we must be saved. Animals don't need to be saved, because they are just like small children, they are innocent and don't have the capability to understand things like the Gospel and salvation.

My take on being made in God's image is different than most Christians. I wrote a blog post on the topic of dominion and I also talked a little about being made in God's image, so if you want to read it, here it is: A Closer Look At Dominion - Live Mercifully

To sum all that up, you twisted everything I said and then proceeded to attack straw men. Please get back to me when you're ready to honestly address what I actually DID say, as opposed to changing my words. Thanks. :)
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You completely twisted everything I said.

First of all, I wasn't talking about myself when I said "secular vegans" are turned off to Christianity because of the callousness of Christians when it comes to animals.... I was talking about non-Christian vegans. I am a Christian.

Secondly, you added to my words, I never said they were turned off to the Word of God, I said they are turned off to Christianity (their perception of it) and our God.... keyword: their perception, which is obviously not true Christianity. Their perception is that our God is merciless and doesn't care about animals. That is a FALSE perception. Why do they have that false perception? Because of people like you and others on this thread who are don't care about animals (except cats and dogs) you just care about eating cheeseburgers and bacon and you act as if animals mean nothing, which is not only unbiblical but it is what is causing people to stumble. In other words, YOU are causing people to stumble and be turned off to God because of what you eat, which is a direct contradiction to a number of scriptures. That is why Paul said, "Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble."

Thirdly, animals DO have both souls and spirits, so apparently you didn't read the whole book that you quoted from, because in the same book (Ecclesiastes) it clearly says that humans have no advantage over animals and it clearly indicates that both (humans and animals) have spirits. I'll bold the pertinent parts for you:

For the fate of humans and the fate of animals are the same:​
As one dies, so dies the other; both have the same breath.​
There is no advantage for humans over animals,
for both are fleeting.​
Both go to the same place,​
both come from the dust,​
and to dust both return.​
Who really knows if the human spirit ascends upward,​
and the animal’s spirit descends into the earth?”​
Ecclesiastes 3:19-21​

You also implied that we matter and animals don't because we were made in the image of God and they weren't. That is a very common response from flesh-eating Christians, but it is rooted in pride and an anthropocentric mindset. Being made in the image of God does not mean that God only cares about us and not the animals. It does not mean that we have an advantage over the animals. (as was just stated in Ecclesiastes 3:19)

ETA: You DID say that you hope animals go to heaven, for the reasons you stated, well your intuition on that one is correct. I firmly believe that animals go to heaven, and I can back that up scripturally, but that's getting even more off topic. So, contrary to what many people assume, I think it's the other way around. It's more difficult for HUMANS to get to heaven, because unlike animals, we must be saved. Animals don't need to be saved, because they are just like small children, they are innocent and don't have the capability to understand things like the Gospel and salvation.

My take on being made in God's image is different than most Christians. I wrote a blog post on the topic of dominion and I also talked a little about being made in God's image, so if you want to read it, here it is: A Closer Look At Dominion - Live Mercifully

To sum all that up, you twisted everything I said and then proceeded to attack straw men. Please get back to me when you're ready to honestly address what I actually DID say, as opposed to changing my words. Thanks. :)
This Is what the Holy spirit looks like
I wonder why He made dogs age 7 times faster than men? I think more of dogs than I do some people....
Some say God loves dogs so much that He won't let the dog see the death of his master. So he"allows" the dog the blessing of being with his master his entire life.
You completely twisted everything I said.

First of all, I wasn't talking about myself when I said "secular vegans" are turned off to Christianity because of the callousness of Christians when it comes to animals.... I was talking about non-Christian vegans. I am a Christian.

Secondly, you added to my words, I never said they were turned off to the Word of God, I said they are turned off to Christianity (their perception of it) and our God.... keyword: their perception, which is obviously not true Christianity. Their perception is that our God is merciless and doesn't care about animals. That is a FALSE perception. Why do they have that false perception? Because of people like you and others on this thread who are don't care about animals (except cats and dogs) you just care about eating cheeseburgers and bacon and you act as if animals mean nothing, which is not only unbiblical but it is what is causing people to stumble. In other words, YOU are causing people to stumble and be turned off to God because of what you eat, which is a direct contradiction to a number of scriptures. That is why Paul said, "Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble."

Thirdly, animals DO have both souls and spirits, so apparently you didn't read the whole book that you quoted from, because in the same book (Ecclesiastes) it clearly says that humans have no advantage over animals and it clearly indicates that both (humans and animals) have spirits. I'll bold the pertinent parts for you:

For the fate of humans and the fate of animals are the same:​
As one dies, so dies the other; both have the same breath.​
There is no advantage for humans over animals,
for both are fleeting.​
Both go to the same place,​
both come from the dust,​
and to dust both return.​
Who really knows if the human spirit ascends upward,​
and the animal’s spirit descends into the earth?”​
Ecclesiastes 3:19-21​

You also implied that we matter and animals don't because we were made in the image of God and they weren't. That is a very common response from flesh-eating Christians, but it is rooted in pride and an anthropocentric mindset. Being made in the image of God does not mean that God only cares about us and not the animals. It does not mean that we have an advantage over the animals. (as was just stated in Ecclesiastes 3:19)

ETA: You DID say that you hope animals go to heaven, for the reasons you stated, well your intuition on that one is correct. I firmly believe that animals go to heaven, and I can back that up scripturally, but that's getting even more off topic. So, contrary to what many people assume, I think it's the other way around. It's more difficult for HUMANS to get to heaven, because unlike animals, we must be saved. Animals don't need to be saved, because they are just like small children, they are innocent and don't have the capability to understand things like the Gospel and salvation.

My take on being made in God's image is different than most Christians. I wrote a blog post on the topic of dominion and I also talked a little about being made in God's image, so if you want to read it, here it is: A Closer Look At Dominion - Live Mercifully

To sum all that up, you twisted everything I said and then proceeded to attack straw men. Please get back to me when you're ready to honestly address what I actually DID say, as opposed to changing my words. Thanks. :)
As I said, simply because you find yourself OFFENDED.......does not make you correct. Find one post where I have twisted the scriptures. If I can't document Truth as Found in the Word of God by Book, Chapter and Verse.....I don't open my mouth because everyone is allowed to speak their opinion........even if they are wrong. Question? What's the difference between a (wink, wink) Christian Vegan and a Secular Vegan? Either both are wrong, or 1 is correct.........the point being, there is no doctrine in the word of God that instructs and limits anyone to a vegan diet. I judge no one on their diet......but I do defend the truth when its challenged.
As I said, simply because you find yourself OFFENDED.......does not make you correct. Find one post where I have twisted the scriptures. If I can't document Truth as Found in the Word of God by Book, Chapter and Verse.....I don't open my mouth because everyone is allowed to speak their opinion........even if they are wrong. Question? What's the difference between a (wink, wink) Christian Vegan and a Secular Vegan? Either both are wrong, or 1 is correct.........the point being, there is no doctrine in the word of God that instructs and limits anyone to a vegan diet. I judge no one on their diet......but I do defend the truth when its challenged.

Wow! Even after I corrected you in my last post to tell you that's not what I'm saying, you're STILL putting the same words in my mouth. Let me say this again for the THIRD time. It's not *me* who is offended. It's not *me* who you're causing to stumble. It's the NON-CHRISTIAN vegans who don't know God, THEY are the ones you are causing to stumble, not me!

I'm not even going to address anything else you said because your first sentence did the same exact thing you did last time, you're flipping what I said upside-down and putting words in my mouth.

When you do that repeatedly, it leads me to think that you're either dishonest or you have terrible reading comprehension. Which is it? In any event, I'm not going to repeat myself a 4th time with you.
Who cares?

The fact that you bring attention to it makes you no better than the entity that wrote it.

The Bible is the path to righteousness and salvation - for those that understand it and accept it on both a spiritual and carnal level.

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