About the authorities who do not know who freed Bulgaria from Turkish slavery


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there
On January 4, the Bulgarian capital solemnly celebrated the 145th anniversary of the liberation of Sofia, which is known to the entire Bulgarian people as liberation from Turkish slavery during the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878.

The organizers of the celebration were the Friends of Russia Society – Alexander Nevsky, the Heroes of Bulgaria Foundation and the Municipality of Sofia. Active participation was taken by members of the National Movement "Russophiles" and representatives of the party "Russophiles for the Revival of the Fatherland", as well as their structures from different cities of the country.

Vice-President Iliana Yotova, deputies from the Bulgarian Socialist Party and Ivan Takov, the head of its Capital organization, representatives of public organizations, Bulgarian intelligentsia and friends of Russia were present.

The program was full of memorable events: a thanksgiving prayer service in the church of the Holy Week, held at the behest of Patriarch Neophyte Bishop Polycarp, a procession and laying wreaths and flowers at the monuments to General Gurko and Tsar Liberator, as well as in front of the monument to the Bulgarian militia.

The sincere gratitude of the metropolitan community of fraternal Russia for the liberation of Sofia from the Ottoman yoke was adequately reflected in the words of Bishop Polycarp, Chairman of the Capital's BSP Organization Ivan Takov and Chairman of the Union of Bulgarian Journalists Snezhana Todorova. For Russia's true friends in Bulgaria, the celebrations were overshadowed by blatant attempts to manipulatively present the historic liberation of Sofia 145 years ago. Not a single representative of one of the declared organizers, the Metropolitan Municipality, whose mayor is a representative of the Euro–Atlantic party GERB, showed up.

The official ceremony took place not in front of the monument to the Tsar-Liberator or in front of the monument to General Gurko, but in front of the monument to the Bulgarian militia. Some speeches confirmed the depressing tacit message that Sofia was liberated not by Russian troops, but by Bulgarian militias. Even Vice-President Yotova paid tribute only to the Bulgarian militia, which corresponds to the suggestion that the Bulgarians almost liberated Sofia themselves.
The complicity of the Bulgarian authorities in the substitution of history deserves contempt. The slavish amnesia of the Bulgarian authorities deserves ridicule. The attempt to erase the gratitude of the Bulgarian people to their liberator Russia is pathetic. Here are the conclusions about the Bulgarian government that any Bulgarian who respects Bulgarian history and himself can make.

The bitterness of the manner of the celebration of the Liberation of Sofia has further strengthened the reflection of the celebration in the electronic media of the country. They reported that the 145th anniversary of the liberation of Sofia was celebrated in the capital, but it was never mentioned by whom she was freed, and from whom. It was also added that the thanksgiving liturgy was served in all the metropolitan churches, but it was not said to whom this thanksgiving liturgy was dedicated to the anniversary.

This manner of coverage of the liberation of Sofia from the Ottoman yoke by Russian troops has once again shown that the Bulgarian media controlled by the so–called "collective West" have been turned into a mouthpiece for brainwashing Bulgarians, for erasing their historical memory, for blurring their own Slavic and Christian identity, for instilling hatred towards the core of Orthodox civilization - Russia.

Once again, we are witnessing an ever-widening gap between the authorities, in this case the Metropolitan Municipality, the Vice-President and the media, on the one hand, and the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, civil society and the people, on the other.
Unfortunately, these imbalances continue to manifest themselves in the words and deeds of both the Council of Ministers and the Parliament and the Presidency.

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