About That Torture Manual


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
I didn't realize no one has mentioned this:


Real Torture
"In a recent raid on an al-Qaeda safe house in Iraq, U.S. military officials recovered an assortment of crude drawings depicting torture methods," TheSmokingGun.com reports. The site reproduces a dozen pages of the illustrations, which depict such methods as "blowtorch to the skin" and "eye removal," and adds:

Along with the images, which you'll find on the following pages, soldiers seized various torture implements, like meat cleavers, whips, and wire cutters. Photos of those items can be seen here. The images, which were just declassified by the Department of Defense, also include a picture of a ramshackle Baghdad safe house described as an "al-Qaeda torture chamber." It was there, during an April 24 raid, that soldiers found a man suspended from the ceiling by a chain. According to the military, he had been abducted from his job and was being beaten daily by his captors. In a raid earlier this week, Coalition Forces freed five Iraqis who were found in a padlocked room in Karmah. The group, which included a boy, were reportedly beaten with chains, cables, and hoses. Photos showing injuries sustained by those captives can be found here.​

Blogger Don Surber of the Charleston (W.Va.) Daily Mail examines big-media coverage of the documents:

Where did USA Today play the torture book story?

Not on Page One.

Where did the New York Times play it?

Not on Page One.

Where did the Washington Post play it?

Not on Page One. And yet such false stories as the "flushed Koran" got widespread play in the newspapers and on television.

We are hearing those awful "Sounds of Silence" that Simon and Garfunkel warned us about.

Whether intentional or not, the message is clear: The United States must be above even false reports of torture, while the enemy is allowed to promote eye removal, blowtorching skin and horrors I won't go into.​

We also checked the blogs of Andrew Sullivan and Glenn Greenwald, among the most hysterical accusers of America in the "torture" debate, and here is what they have had to say about the al Qaeda documents: .

"Silence is complicity, you know," notes Glenn Reynolds.


Now the manual/pics can be found here. I'm not going to post any of it, definately not child/work safe!
Yowtch... I noticed the torturers in the drawings are often smiling...

Yeah and what have we heard about any of this? Gitmo however garnered how much ink? The media in this country becomes more disgraceful by the day.
Yeah, you would think at least ONE of the mainstream media outlets would've covered this.

It just gets better by the day.:eusa_eh:

Are you really surprised the MSM has ignored this story?

To them Gunny - the US is the one who tortures their captives, not the terrorists


Yet Top Media Ran More Than 6,000 Stories on Abu Ghraib Abuses

ALEXANDRIA, VA—The U.S. Defense Department released photos last week of an al-Qaeda torture chamber in Iraq, which showed various torture tools—blow torches, meat cleavers, hammers, drills, metal files—drawings of torture methods, and photos of actual victims found in another house in Karmah who had been burned, mutilated, and tortured in myriad ways.

To their credit, CNN and Fox News Channel ran stories on the declassified material. Yet nine days since the material was released, neither ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times nor The Washington Post has run a story with the photos of this shocking evidence of al-Qaeda’s barbarism.

Concerning the top media’s silence on the al-Qaeda torture chamber in Iraq, MRC President Brent Bozell issued the following statement:

“The elite media’s liberal bias is abundantly clear in this case. U.S. soldiers raided several al-Qaeda safe houses in Iraq and discovered stacks of evidence about how al-Qaeda tortures its victims. The tools, the drawings, and the photos are gruesome and clearly show what type of enemy the U.S. is facing.

“Yet most of the liberal media are deliberately silent. This is the same self-righteous liberal media that ran more than 6,000 stories and countless photos of Abu Ghraib and the abuse of prisoners there by several U.S. soldiers. Where are they now? Why will they not show the American people what al-Qaeda is actually doing in Iraq right now? Whose side are they on?

“Al-Qaeda’s crimes are a thousand-fold more brutal than anything done by any derelict U.S. soldier. Yet it’s obvious now that the liberal media want to focus on U.S. misdeeds, and alleged misdeeds, and theoretical misdeeds instead of giving the truth to the American people.”

Even more noticeable to me is the overwhelming silence of the prolific liberal membership of USMB. Not one has posted in this thread. I would have at least expected to see a post declaring that such actions (torture) committed by the "insurgents" is "...justified because it's the only weapon they have..."

Very strange, no?
Even more noticeable to me is the overwhelming silence of the prolific liberal membership of USMB. Not one has posted in this thread. I would have at least expected to see a post declaring that such actions (torture) committed by the "insurgents" is "...justified because it's the only weapon they have..."

Very strange, no?

Not really

This thread goes against the liberal agenda - Amercia is the big bully of the world and WE are the real terrorists
From the Article:

To their credit, CNN and Fox News Channel ran stories on the declassified material.

I am glad to see that at least 2 msm outlets reported it! All of them should have, just to be thorough.

Perhaps, Alqaeda torturing and having manuals and tools to torture is not news, it is something WE ALL KNOW occurs with these terrorists, after all they will kill themselves just to kill others, torture is just one of the tactics you would EXPECT them to have after knowing that....imo.

Thus an Alqaeda torture chamber is not major news maybe???

However, Americans Torturing is news, especially when we fostered the creation of the Geneva Convention Treaty, and boasted about it over the years, showing how America is better than our enemies out there....

Abu Ghraib and other incidences of torture or rape or murder by our usa military is news....and of course sadly, it does sell too, which I am certain is why they OVER REPORTED IT. But also reported was the indictments and convictions of our soldiers that did these wrongs too!

Note! I still think the coverage of such mistakes is an attribute to our Freedom and the great country we live in.

Care4, as you say the media was all over the 'Geneva Conventions' though in the circumstances they did not apply. Bully and I went on and on about such.
Care4, as you say the media was all over the 'Geneva Conventions' though in the circumstances they did not apply. Bully and I went on and on about such.

Kathi...what I highlighted above is a matter of interpretation...not necessarily true to be the case. Gonzales argued that the Geneva Convention didn't mean what we always thought it meant and Bush/Cheney, "went with that", there are many legal scholars that believe otherwise and this has been a huge issue in and of itself, with or without any incidences in Abu Ghraib and other prisons... at least from what I have read about it.

Just another issue to be divided on with differing, and new interpretations being presented imo. :(

From the Article:

I am glad to see that at least 2 msm outlets reported it! All of them should have, just to be thorough.

Perhaps, Alqaeda torturing and having manuals and tools to torture is not news, it is something WE ALL KNOW occurs with these terrorists, after all they will kill themselves just to kill others, torture is just one of the tactics you would EXPECT them to have after knowing that....imo.

Thus an Alqaeda torture chamber is not major news maybe???

However, Americans Torturing is news, especially when we fostered the creation of the Geneva Convention Treaty, and boasted about it over the years, showing how America is better than our enemies out there....

Abu Ghraib and other incidences of torture or rape or murder by our usa military is news....and of course sadly, it does sell too, which I am certain is why they OVER REPORTED IT. But also reported was the indictments and convictions of our soldiers that did these wrongs too!

Note! I still think the coverage of such mistakes is an attribute to our Freedom and the great country we live in.


I'm glad you have espoused that philosophy. We don't need to report on AQ torture because it is expected of them. No need to report such things. I guess by extension, we don't need to see images of flag-draped coffins ... such things are expected. Deaths in war are not major news.

I suspect the real reason things like enemy torture chambers are not huge media stories is because such broadcasting might ... just maybe .... provide some positive impetus for continuing military presence in Iraq....however wrong that view might be.
I'm glad you have espoused that philosophy. We don't need to report on AQ torture because it is expected of them. No need to report such things. I guess by extension, we don't need to see images of flag-draped coffins ... such things are expected. Deaths in war are not major news.

And i said:

I am glad to see that at least 2 msm outlets reported it! All of them should have...

I suspect the real reason things like enemy torture chambers are not huge media stories is because such broadcasting might ... just maybe .... provide some positive impetus for continuing military presence in Iraq....however wrong that view might be.

perhaps...you are right csm.

perhaps it is my explanation too...they are a ''corporate media'', they put on, what sells...

it is quite frustrating, even for those of us on the left, not just people on the right, i can assure you of this!

and why aren't they showing the flag draped coffins, because they are a liberal media? they could make an issue about a free press and censorship of the media by our gvt if they wanted to pursue it, the first amendment right? who knows?

i think, as with any business that reports to stockholders, as our main stream media does now, sales and profits come first, before some political agenda...this does not negate that possibly a political agenda could also be a profitable agenda, so it appears as if that is their motive, but i would bet profits are really the underlying motives.

I'm glad you have espoused that philosophy. We don't need to report on AQ torture because it is expected of them. No need to report such things. I guess by extension, we don't need to see images of flag-draped coffins ... such things are expected. Deaths in war are not major news.

I suspect the real reason things like enemy torture chambers are not huge media stories is because such broadcasting might

Be boring.

"By Extension." No one is denying that these people are "Evil-Doers" In fact the president said they were, repeatedly, and we believed him, and invaded.

Do we need images of some scratched, burned guys and crappy pencil crayon drawings in a notebook followed by a house that could be out of any lower class house in the US, and a workshop with tools of 'torture'?

No one in the MSM cares.

How newsworthy is a couple pencil crayon drawings and pics of a shithole tool shed?

There is nothing there that would keep anyone interested for more than 5 seconds.

oooh, lets all look long and hard at drawings by some morbid bored guy (who obviously has time and money on his hands between torturing to take an art class, then go and buy coloring utensils.

2 guys with burns and scratches.

Then look around at the boring tools.

There were no images of the actual "Evil-Doers" No live event pics, no one to hold accountable. (unlike Gitmo)

What do you expect?

The MSM wants drama, they want juicy raw images capturing real events,

They want to show consequences of the occupation, and this hardly counts as anything substantial.

Its boring, and you know it.

I could spin this into an Iraqi Sado-Masochist group exercising thier new found sexual freedom, and that would be more exciting to the MSM.

For all the huffing an puffing you guys do against the MSM and their "Tactics" you sure pick a shit example of them "Dropping the Ball"

We see people running screaming carrying bleeding babies on the news.

Thats drama, thats front page, thats what america expects, thanks to news, movies, and video games.

You can't blame them for not following through on something that could be obviously seen as very suspect and to mention again.

Its boring, how long did you look at the pics? 1 second each?

They gave the story as much time as they thought it necessitated.

And Yes CSM we have had the conversation about the MSM showing caskets, I still think the public needs to have a visual to give an emotional attachment to the number. Different subject.
Even more noticeable to me is the overwhelming silence of the prolific liberal membership of USMB. Not one has posted in this thread. I would have at least expected to see a post declaring that such actions (torture) committed by the "insurgents" is "...justified because it's the only weapon they have..."

Very strange, no?

no... I can't speak for the others, but I, for one, haven't seen it until just now, as I've been playing whack a mole on another board...

First off... there's a difference between the insurgents and Al Qaeda... the insurgents are the home grown Iraqis pissed off at either the sunnis if they're shiites or at the shiites if they're sunni or unfortunately, both of them pissed off at us because, they either just want us out of their country or because we have killed one of their family members or maybe destroyed their homes... very complicated...

Al Qaeda is the organization that attacked us on 9/11... the organization that was in Afghanistan until bush allowed them to escape and then invited them to come to Iraq. Does Bring em on ring a bell?

WE don't torture, or didn't until this administration decided that the Geneva Conventions didn't apply to Iraq...

THEY do. Why do you want to stoop to their level? IF we start torturing people, we will then be as evil as Al Qaeda... Is that what YOU want?

We used to comply with the GC because we wanted our own troops treated properly were they be so unfortunate as to be captured. Do you want to throw that protection away?

in my opinion, Al queda, iraqi insurgents, and islamic terrorists, do not follow, nor even know or care about those silly little geneva convention laws.

Furthermore, if torturing all terrorists, saves even one american soldiers live. Im all for it. I support all forms of torture, this isnt patty cake people, this is war.

Secondly, the insurgents of iraq, have no rank, or serial number, and they are not fighting for iraq, meaning for the betterment of iraq, but for their own power, they have no name, rank, and serial number. They are former rapists, and torturers who killed their own countrymen. They deserve no rights in my opinion, not geneva convention or any other.

Im fine with anyone disagreeing, but this is my opinion. We can discuss it though if you like
in my opinion, Al queda, iraqi insurgents, and islamic terrorists, do not follow, nor even know or care about those silly little geneva convention laws.

Furthermore, if torturing all terrorists, saves even one american soldiers live. Im all for it. I support all forms of torture, this isnt patty cake people, this is war.

Secondly, the insurgents of iraq, have no rank, or serial number, and they are not fighting for iraq, meaning for the betterment of iraq, but for their own power, they have no name, rank, and serial number. They are former rapists, and torturers who killed their own countrymen. They deserve no rights in my opinion, not geneva convention or any other.

Im fine with anyone disagreeing, but this is my opinion. We can discuss it though if you like

Terrorists are not entitled to GC protection

BTW, have the libs, and human rights groups said a word about how the missing GI's are being treated?

Did any of them say one word about the dead soldier found shot by the terrorists and his body dumped in the river?

Hint - they did not
If you stoop to using their tactics YOU ARE NO BETTER than they are.

But what do you care? You're not there risking your life or limb. You're here, pounding away on your keyboards, day in and day out... just a bunch of chickenhawk scum.

How many americans have to die before your vicarious blood lust will be sated?
If you stoop to using their tactics YOU ARE NO BETTER than they are.

But what do you care? You're not there risking your life or limb. You're here, pounding away on your keyboards, day in and day out... just a bunch of chickenhawk scum.

How many americans have to die before your vicarious blood lust will be sated?

The main purpose in compiling the conventions was an attempt to protect civilians and POW. When the competing side is not a signatory the conventions are off, since it is insanity to hold one side to rules the other refuses.
If you stoop to using their tactics YOU ARE NO BETTER than they are.

But what do you care? You're not there risking your life or limb. You're here, pounding away on your keyboards, day in and day out... just a bunch of chickenhawk scum.

How many americans have to die before your vicarious blood lust will be sated?

If you allow an enemy to exploit a standard you hold yourself to but he does not adhere to, you're hamstringing yourself.

And yes, you can use the same or worse tactics than your enemy to combat him with equal or more force without losing your ideals nor your identitiy.

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