Abortion ban incoming: VP Mike Pence, Kellyanne Conway speak at March for life


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016


Roe v Wade is going to be overturned and abortion is going to be banned in America, thatā€™s the clear message coming out of this weekā€™s ā€œMarch for Lifeā€ in Washington DC.

Vice President Mike Pence, the highest ranking official ever to speak at the annual march, said plainly President Trump asked him to speak there. He told the crowd ā€œlife is winningā€ and ā€œwe will not rest until we restore a culture of life in America.ā€

Kellyanne Conway was introduced as being ā€œone of usā€ and gave a similar pro-life speech to massive cheers.

Abortion Ban Incoming: VP Mike Pence, Kellyanne Conway Speak At ā€˜March For Lifeā€™

We can see it coming now, if we thought there were loons running rabid before wait until when and if this happens OMG, women and men won't be able to screw like dogs in heat any more. They won't be able to just toss that baby out like a candy wrapper. OMG imagine that.

Don't worry though as you get misinformed along the way your little medical care at planned-parenthood won't be taken away JUST THE ABORTIONS.......................
Trump already made statements where he doesn't want to take away what care they do give which is very little as most sheep are misinformed the any so called healthcare they do give.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards is on record stating her business is essential to American women because of the prenatal care it offers.

She is emphasizing that point as a move develops in Congress to withhold the half-a-billion taxpayer dollars that each year goes to the abortion-industry behemoth.

The funding must continue, Richards said, because prenatal care is among ā€œthe kinds of services that folks depend on Planned Parenthood for.ā€

The problem?

Planned Parenthood ā€œoffers abortions, so they donā€™t offer prenatal care,ā€ according to a Tempe, Arizona, spokeswoman for the business.

Thatā€™s right. The service Planned Parenthood says is so important, it doesnā€™t provide.

Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in ā€œAbortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.ā€

The nonprofit Live Action, in a new video investigation, found 92 out of 97 Planned Parenthood centers contacted admitted they would refuse to provide any prenatal care.

Of the other five, one said it was not accepting new patients, and another said it could provide vitamins.

Read more at Planned Parenthood: ā€˜We donā€™t offer prenatal careā€™




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Roe v Wade is bad law and needs to be overturned. The right to life was settled by the Creator long before there was a Constitution.
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And as always the UN is behind the false bs they portray meaning they act like they are for human rights, life, etc and it is another scam to con the sheep into their herd. Wordage is powerful when people can't see through the trickery used to bait people into thier way of thinking. This is how cults are formed. The UN is one big cult.

Everyone DOES realize, do they not, that overturning Roe would no more ban abortion in America than Hillary belching out a window would stop a hurricane? All it would do is send the matter back to the individual states, most of which would continue the detested practice.
Everyone DOES realize, do they not, that overturning Roe would no more ban abortion in America than Hillary belching out a window would stop a hurricane? All it would do is send the matter back to the individual states, most of which would continue the detested practice.

Well they've done so well with the war on drugs, and we do have private for profit prisons to fill.
Everyone DOES realize, do they not, that overturning Roe would no more ban abortion in America than Hillary belching out a window would stop a hurricane? All it would do is send the matter back to the individual states, most of which would continue the detested practice.
More importantly, Trump & Co. can only change abortion law by signing a law passed by Congress.

In this country, they do not have the kind of authority needed to overturn a law.
Everyone DOES realize, do they not, that overturning Roe would no more ban abortion in America than Hillary belching out a window would stop a hurricane? All it would do is send the matter back to the individual states, most of which would continue the detested practice.

Well they've done so well with the war on drugs, and we do have private for profit prisons to fill.
It makes the thread title a flat out lie.
Everyone DOES realize, do they not, that overturning Roe would no more ban abortion in America than Hillary belching out a window would stop a hurricane? All it would do is send the matter back to the individual states, most of which would continue the detested practice.

Well they've done so well with the war on drugs, and we do have private for profit prisons to fill.
It makes the thread title a flat out lie.

America was founded upon and runs on flat out lies, surely you're not taken by surprise by this.
Everyone DOES realize, do they not, that overturning Roe would no more ban abortion in America than Hillary belching out a window would stop a hurricane? All it would do is send the matter back to the individual states, most of which would continue the detested practice.
More importantly, Trump & Co. can only change abortion law by signing a law passed by Congress.

In this country, they do not have the kind of authority needed to overturn a law.
Roe will not
Everyone DOES realize, do they not, that overturning Roe would no more ban abortion in America than Hillary belching out a window would stop a hurricane? All it would do is send the matter back to the individual states, most of which would continue the detested practice.

Well they've done so well with the war on drugs, and we do have private for profit prisons to fill.
It makes the thread title a flat out lie.

America was founded upon and runs on flat out lies, surely you're not taken by surprise by this.
Surprised? Not at all. Going to point out when a ridiculous lie gets spouted? Sure will.
Everyone DOES realize, do they not, that overturning Roe would no more ban abortion in America than Hillary belching out a window would stop a hurricane? All it would do is send the matter back to the individual states, most of which would continue the detested practice.

Well they've done so well with the war on drugs, and we do have private for profit prisons to fill.
It makes the thread title a flat out lie.

Only when you DONT READ the WHOLE STORY, and only when one does not know how to decode what is said.

TRY reading it all , it's far from a lie duhhhh.

For better or worse, abortion is very likely going to be banned in America. Itā€™s been speculated that some states will still allow it, who knows.
So the abortions will go to back alleys again. Ah well, such is the reasoning of "Conservatives".

So maybe women should stop spreading their legs so freely. With the exceptions of rape and some how I doubt if that incident occurs that abortions WONT be allowed. Even then it still brings thought to a baby from a rape is still a living human, and it's not the kids fault. IT IS STILL A LIFE.
Everyone DOES realize, do they not, that overturning Roe would no more ban abortion in America than Hillary belching out a window would stop a hurricane? All it would do is send the matter back to the individual states, most of which would continue the detested practice.

Well they've done so well with the war on drugs, and we do have private for profit prisons to fill.
It makes the thread title a flat out lie.

Only when you DONT READ the WHOLE STORY, and only when one does not know how to decode what is said.

TRY reading it all , it's far from a lie duhhhh.

For better or worse, abortion is very likely going to be banned in America. Itā€™s been speculated that some states will still allow it, who knows.
View attachment 109197
Can you, by reading the actual text, catch the error in whatTrump is saying? The assumption behind this is that Roe is overturned and the matter is back in the hands of the states. He is ASSUMING that most states will subsequently ban abortions, while SOME states will continue to make it legal. That is not a valid assumption, because only a handful of states would outright ban abortion if they had the legal means to do so. In this case, Trump is quite simply wrong.
The OP is hyperventilating over something that is not going to happen.

At most, abortion will return to being an issue dealt with at the state level.
Tucker Carlson had a former PP offical on his show.
She told Tucker in spite of what C. Richards claims PP doesn't have a SINGLE mammogram testing equipment in ANY PP location to the US.
She said the ONLY thing PP does is hand out BC pills and murder babies. PERIOD!!!!!!
So the abortions will go to back alleys again. Ah well, such is the reasoning of "Conservatives".
Only in a handful of states would it become illegal. In all the other states, it would be restricted to varying degrees, and in quite a few be completely unrestricted. Fear much?

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