Abortion activists use drones to spell out “Abortion = Freedom”

This is fucking bizarre. Democrats are trying to gather votes for Congress, on the theory that if "we" give them another majority, abortion rights will be protected.

But this is nonsense. Literally. Under the recent Dobbs decision, the Federal government has NO ROLE in abortion policy. If Congress passed a law "guaranteeing abortion rights" it would quickly be overturned by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional. Conversely, a bill setting any other national standard would be futile and unconstitutional.

So they are giving you a sales pitch that they know is rubbish. Nonsense.

And the reason, of course, is that they have nothing else to sell the electorate. Their policies are stupid and disastrous. What would they say? Vote for millions more illegals invading the country? Vote for higher energy costs? Vote for more January 6th investigations?


That is not true. Federal law can override state laws. Our rights should always be the number one issue. Once a right is lost, it can be exceedingly difficult to get them back. Republicans have made it very clear that they will attack the rights of any American they disagree with.
Women have a right to control their body. It should be between the doctor and the woman unlike Oz who thinks local politicians should be involved. Our rights are the most important issue in any election. They are under assault from Republicans who are promising they will not allow any election results they don't like to stand.

Most people in this country, including women, are OK with bans for birth control abortions anywhere from 6-16 weeks after conception. The polls your side routinely point to show this.
That is not true. Federal law can override state laws. Our rights should always be the number one issue. Once a right is lost, it can be exceedingly difficult to get them back. Republicans have made it very clear that they will attack the rights of any American they disagree with.

Federal laws also cannot be passed that infringe on the rights of States to handle issues not DIRECTLY given to the federal government.
That is not true. Federal law can override state laws. Our rights should always be the number one issue. Once a right is lost, it can be exceedingly difficult to get them back. Republicans have made it very clear that they will attack the rights of any American they disagree with.

SCOTUS ruled state's rights are paramount regarding abortion
I'm pro-choice (with guardrails) but I know a dem snow-job when I see one.

And watch people like him duck and dive on 2nd amendment rights, which are explicit in the Constitution.

Or free exercise rights, also explicit in the Constitution.

Or as I call it "give up your guns and bake that same sex marriage cake or else"
That is not true. Federal law can override state laws. Our rights should always be the number one issue. Once a right is lost, it can be exceedingly difficult to get them back. Republicans have made it very clear that they will attack the rights of any American they disagree with.
Please to regale us all with what enumerated right establishes abortion.
Women have a right to control their body. It should be between the doctor and the woman unlike Oz who thinks local politicians should be involved. Our rights are the most important issue in any election. They are under assault from Republicans who are promising they will not allow any election results they don't like to stand.
The baby is not her body. It’s the baby’s body. Different DNA. Trust the science.
Women have a right to control their body.
Then they should exercise it before they have made kids.

They don’t have a right to attack and kill the bodies of others.

Our rights are the most important issue in any election.
That’s true. The right to life is the most important issue in any election in which monsters like those you support are on the ballot.
Thanks for pushing more people to the right.

View attachment 722237

Dems are so obsessed with abortion.

Dem’s closing arguments for the election:



View attachment 722231

Abortions are MURDER, anyone propagating them ends in Hell

I do. Stop believing your own bullshit.
We need real statistics. Where the abortions come from in percentages not just nationally, statewide, city and towns. But neighborhoods and how many multiple abortion women there are in them and who they are. This in itself means we can try to reduce promiscuity and laziness in prevention.
And watch people like him duck and dive on 2nd amendment rights, which are explicit in the Constitution.

Or free exercise rights, also explicit in the Constitution.

Or as I call it "give up your guns and bake that same sex marriage cake or else"

It's strange how the left wrong can find “rights” in the Constitution that simply are not there, not stated, not even implied; yet they cannot see rights that are clearly and explicitly affirmed and protected.
This is fucking bizarre. Democrats are trying to gather votes for Congress, on the theory that if "we" give them another majority, abortion rights will be protected.

But this is nonsense. Literally. Under the recent Dobbs decision, the Federal government has NO ROLE in abortion policy. If Congress passed a law "guaranteeing abortion rights" it would quickly be overturned by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional. Conversely, a bill setting any other national standard would be futile and unconstitutional.

So they are giving you a sales pitch that they know is rubbish. Nonsense.

And the reason, of course, is that they have nothing else to sell the electorate. Their policies are stupid and disastrous. What would they say? Vote for millions more illegals invading the country? Vote for higher energy costs? Vote for more January 6th investigations?

I know it, they had 50 years to make it the way they wanted it. But they didn't do it.

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