"Abolish ICE" Camp Builds and Enforces Walls

Why are these people in America? Clearly they are not American.

Abolish idiots...
Open borders and abolish ICE. Two winning issues for the dimocrats for sure with crazy Bernie and Alex O-C leading the “everything’s free” charge into the November elections. Should sit well with the hardworking Democrats who pay federal income taxes while trying to provide as best they can for their families. I’m sure they won’t be too upset their hard earned dollars by the millions go to support illegal freeloaders.
If it wasn't for hypocrisy the Left wouldn't stand for anything at all.


Looks like a Turd World Shithole.

I now live on the East Coast, in the beautiful city of Hermitage, PA. But they wouldn't even put up with this kind of stuff in my old city of Youngstown.

What is it about west coast libs? Living in shanty towns, over in San Francisco, the libs are all crapping on the streets- which is good news for those who sell rubber galoshes.

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