ABC Exposed As Sedition Co-Conspirator


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
SEDITION: 'To conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch'

ABC news was exposed as having intentionally producing and broadcasting a completely false news report about the Turkish military conducing a bombing campaign against the Kurds in an attempt to incite anger and opposition to President Trump's decision to pull U.S. troops out of Syria.

"The video, which ABC News reported was of an attack on the border town of Tal Abyad, was broadcasted Sunday on World News Tonight and on Monday’s edition of Good Morning America. Yet, a comparative analysis by a technology news site found the footage was filmed at Knob Creek Gun Range in West Point, Kentucky."

The American people are the targets of a full-out Counter-Intelligence / Misinformation propaganda campaign intended to incite anger, opposition to, and a rebellion against the President of the United States, resulting in the Democrats getting what they want and what they have wanted since before President Trump entered the White House - the reversal / un-doing of the 2016 Presidential election, the stripping from the American people their choice of President in that election, through execution of a political coup disguised / described as an Impeachment.

The total fabrication of a news event designed to create outrage over the president's Foreign Policy decision to withdraw troops illegally sent into Syria by President Obama - the Nobel Peace Prize winner who invaded Syria without U.S. Congressional authorization and without the permission / request of the sovereign nation's leader or government - which the United Nations considers to be an International War Crime.

Trump: ABC News Airing Fake Syria Bombing Video is a 'Real Disgrace'

Once again, in the midst of D-Adam Schiff's and the Democrats' on-going 'Black-Out', 'Behind Closed Door', 'Collusion Delusion 2' Coup, the major story is how another one of the major media outlets has been caught
'red-handed' completely fabricating a news story to not only undermine the President's Foreign Policy but to also incite anger, opposition to, and a call to Impeach the President of the United States...and the rest of the Liberal media refuses to emphasize this has been exposed and that this is going on.

By the very definition of the word and what ABC was just caught doing, ABC was just caught committing the criminal act of Sedition.
It was not a fabrication. It was the wrong piece of film.

It was not a fabrication. It was the wrong piece of film. Next.

Yes...much like how the Liberal news media used video footage of Illegal Immigrant children / immigrants lying on the floors and housed in detention centers during OBAMA'S administration and ran the stories of how they were photos of President 'Trump's 'cages' in which he was reportedly keeping children.

'Honest mistake' from a 'professional' journalism / news outlet, huh?!

It was not a fabrication. It was the wrong piece of film.

Oh you LYING SACK OF SHIT, yeah, it was "wrong," alright, I immediately recognized it as a clip taken from a Knob Creek annual gun show down south that I myself have shown many times here! No one at ABC could have gotten it off the web and edited those parts without realizing what they had, or is this just another example of an "accident" by the seditious Left while every single tiny thing the GOP does like show a joke video at Mar-A-Lago to a small private group deliberate acts of sedition! :auiqs.jpg:


ABC is exposed as having intentionally creating and airing a completely fabricated news story in order to undermine the President of the Unites States President's foreign policy and incite anger and opposition against the President, and some dumbass moves the thread because they deem it not to be a political story?!

Unless the person who chose to do so can prove they are able to enter the mind of those at ABC who were caught doing this and are able to prove this was not the case then the decision to move this thread is based on personal OPINION and a despite, it seems, to shut down this line of discussion. Thank you faceboo, USMB.
It was not a fabrication. It was the wrong piece of film.

How did they come to a conclusion that the town was being bombed? Have they since put out a retraction on the headline news?

If not I would say that it was a knowing act.
It was not a fabrication. It was the wrong piece of film.

Oh you LYING SACK OF SHIT, yeah, it was "wrong," alright, I immediately recognized it as a clip taken from a Knob Creek annual gun show down south that I myself have shown many times here! No one at ABC could have gotten it off the web and edited those parts without realizing what they had, or is this just another example of an "accident" by the seditious Left while every single tiny thing the GOP does like show a joke video at Mar-A-Lago to a small private group deliberate acts of sedition! :auiqs.jpg:

The story is still true. It was the wrong piece of film. That's doesn't mean the attack didn't take place.
SEDITION: 'To conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch'

ABC news was exposed as having intentionally producing and broadcasting a completely false news report about the Turkish military conducing a bombing campaign against the Kurds in an attempt to incite anger and opposition to President Trump's decision to pull U.S. troops out of Syria.

"The video, which ABC News reported was of an attack on the border town of Tal Abyad, was broadcasted Sunday on World News Tonight and on Monday’s edition of Good Morning America. Yet, a comparative analysis by a technology news site found the footage was filmed at Knob Creek Gun Range in West Point, Kentucky."

The American people are the targets of a full-out Counter-Intelligence / Misinformation propaganda campaign intended to incite anger, opposition to, and a rebellion against the President of the United States, resulting in the Democrats getting what they want and what they have wanted since before President Trump entered the White House - the reversal / un-doing of the 2016 Presidential election, the stripping from the American people their choice of President in that election, through execution of a political coup disguised / described as an Impeachment.

The total fabrication of a news event designed to create outrage over the president's Foreign Policy decision to withdraw troops illegally sent into Syria by President Obama - the Nobel Peace Prize winner who invaded Syria without U.S. Congressional authorization and without the permission / request of the sovereign nation's leader or government - which the United Nations considers to be an International War Crime.

Trump: ABC News Airing Fake Syria Bombing Video is a 'Real Disgrace'

Once again, in the midst of D-Adam Schiff's and the Democrats' on-going 'Black-Out', 'Behind Closed Door', 'Collusion Delusion 2' Coup, the major story is how another one of the major media outlets has been caught
'red-handed' completely fabricating a news story to not only undermine the President's Foreign Policy but to also incite anger, opposition to, and a call to Impeach the President of the United States...and the rest of the Liberal media refuses to emphasize this has been exposed and that this is going on.

By the very definition of the word and what ABC was just caught doing, ABC was just caught committing the criminal act of Sedition.
The Rubber Room awaits you.
The story is still true. It was the wrong piece of film. That's doesn't mean the attack didn't take place.
ABC just did to its own credibility what Hillary did to her subpoenaed classified devices rather than turn them into the FBI - they used a hammer on it.
ABC is exposed as having intentionally creating and airing a completely fabricated news story in order to undermine the President of the Unites States President's foreign policy and incite anger and opposition against the President, and some dumbass moves the thread because they deem it not to be a political story?!
Unless the person who chose to do so can prove they are able to enter the mind of those at ABC who were caught doing this and are able to prove this was not the case then the decision to move this thread is based on personal OPINION and a despite, it seems, to shut down this line of discussion. Thank you faceboo, USMB.

Exposed as that or as total flaming incompetent idiots who cannot tell legitimate specific film footage from overseas from a web video taken of a public gun shoot right here in Kentucky, USA behind a gun store. Either way it now shows that ALL information coming out of the MSM is suspect at best and pure scurrilous propaganda with an obvious agenda at worst.
It was not a fabrication. It was the wrong piece of film.

Oh you LYING SACK OF SHIT, yeah, it was "wrong," alright, I immediately recognized it as a clip taken from a Knob Creek annual gun show down south that I myself have shown many times here! No one at ABC could have gotten it off the web and edited those parts without realizing what they had, or is this just another example of an "accident" by the seditious Left while every single tiny thing the GOP does like show a joke video at Mar-A-Lago to a small private group deliberate acts of sedition! :auiqs.jpg:

The story is still true. It was the wrong piece of film. That's doesn't mean the attack didn't take place.

The film was footage OF the attack! At least according to ABC. That "attack" never happened because it was nothing but a clip taken from an annual firearm event shot in the backyard of a gun store. So that "attack" never took place, what we were shown was a total LIE and you are still a SACK O SHIT LIAR like everyone else on the Left.
Because the Turkish military always sets up these before an attack........:auiqs.jpg:

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