A woman in the Oval Office


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010

The fact that the American left is deathly afraid of Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann can be interpreted in several different ways.

First of all, if both ladies are as big of fools and bumblers as they claim, why are they wasting so much time and energy trying to destroy them? If they were the idiots the self-proclaimed elitists in the mainstream media would have us believe, they'd simply fall under their own weight without any help from the insulated dodos at the New York Times.

Now if you were to accuse Paul Krugman of being anti-feminist he would probably go apoplectic and spill his martini all over the swelled headed intellectuals he hangs out with, but you have to wonder about that.

Ultra-liberals will never have a better opportunity of electing a female candidate of their own persuasion than they did in this last election. Hillary was not only the heir apparent to the left wing mantle but was infinitely more qualified to be president than a Jr. Senator from Illinois whose total experience in national politics consisted of two short years in the Senate.

Hillary is a seasoned veteran in national and international diplomacy and besides being a two-term senator from New York, she lived in the White House for eight years, and those weren't passive years spent hosting Girl Scout Troops and giving media tours of 1600 Pennsylvania. Ave.

So why, when given a woman who would probably have beaten John McCain hands down, did the majority of the media and most of the left forsake Ms. Clinton in favor of a totally unproven rookie?

Could it possibly be because she is a woman?

With all their condescending, behind the hand, snide remarks about the Tea Party, with the left claiming to be the superior ideology and while they pay lip service to championing all things feminine, it seems to me that down where the rubber hits the road, it's the conservatives who take their women candidates much more seriously.

And not without precedent.

Margaret Thatcher was known as the iron lady and was able to wield a chainmail covered fist when the occasion called for it much to the chagrin of any of the loyal opposition who were dumb enough to judge her by her gender.

Golda Meir was in charge in Israel during some of it's most turbulent times and if anybody doubts her courage or commitment they only have to remember that Madame Meir was the one who authorized the hit squad who sought out and killed the Muslims who murdered the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.

If you notice the left, even the groups who openly support women's rights, are very selective about whom they tie in with. Actually if your politics are wrong your gender stands for naught.

How do you spell hypocrite? Oh well.

I don't openly support political candidates of either sex but I will say this. I would have absolutely no problem voting for the right woman candidate because I happen to think what is important is ability and character rather than what sex a person happens to be.

But on the flip side of that coin, I would never vote for a candidate simply because she is a woman, neither will I vote for a candidate because they belong to a minority nor a majority race and, care little about party affiliations but if the right Lady has her name on the ballot and I figure she's the best one for the job she's got my vote.

How about you Mr. Krugman?

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, and for our country.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels
Jesus fucking Christ.

Do you not see the hypocrisy of nonsensically and constantly playing the "sexism" card while bitching and whining when liberals play the race card?
It's going to be Rick Perry. I can't wait to see who he picks to run with him.

I hope it's either Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, or Allen West.. :eusa_pray:
It's going to be Rick Perry. I can't wait to see who he picks to run with him.

I hope it's either Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, or Allen West.. :eusa_pray:

I am VERY excited about any of those possibilities, as of this post.
Here's another possible interpretation:

They're a couple of ignorant winguts who happen to be women.
It's more than hard ball politics. The left is out of control with hatred for Palin and Bachman. They go after Palin's family and snicker at a creepy stalker who rented a house next to Palin so that he could spy on her and write articles. They go into every aspect of Palin's personal life from hacked E-mail accounts and released E-mails during the time she was in office and her daughter's personal relationships. Bachman seems to be the primary target for all sorts of hate speech. No other candidate (at least democrat candidate) ever had to endure comments about their church or their spouse. It's hard to get a handle on such hatred but maybe it's confined to the radical left and the hollywood type gossip sissies and they suggest talking points to all the lock-step mind numbed robots on the left.
It's not just the American left that are 'scared' of Palin and Bachman. Just sayin'.

You're right. Hillary Clinton was attacked too--over non-sense--that a male candidate would never have even been asked. In fact, there was no media vetting of Barack Obama what-so-ever.

But there has never been a woman in politics that has been so viciously attacked as Sarah Palin--yet her popularity soars. Michelle Bachmann is now on the left's hit list--over "headaches." What male politician would have ever been asked about headaches? What male politician has had his family and children so viciously attacked? Answer: NONE.

It's not only the left that does it--it is the right. They might as well put a sign on the Oval Office door. WOMEN not ALLOWED.

BUT--until ALL women in this country stand up and say ENOUGH of these personal attacks against women politicians--nothing is going to change. We still see left wing nut case females on the left--join in chorus on the attacks against female conservative women. And all I can say to them--is don't expect me to feel sorry for you--when it's a woman on your side of the isle--you won't get any sympathy or support from me. "What comes around--goes around"
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It's not just the American left that are 'scared' of Palin and Bachman. Just sayin'.

You're right. Hillary Clinton was attacked too--over non-sense--that a male candidate would never have even been asked. In fact, there was no media vetting of Barack Obama what-so-ever.

But there has never been a woman in politics that has been so viciously attacked as Sarah Palin--yet her popularity soars. Michelle Bachmann is now on the left's hit list--over "headaches." What male politician would have ever been asked about headaches? What male politician has had his family and children so viciously attacked? Answer: NONE.

It's not only the left that does it--it is the right. They might as well put a sign on the Oval Office door. WOMEN not ALLOWED.

BUT--until ALL women in this country stand up and say ENOUGH of these personal attacks against women politicians--nothing is going to change. We still see left wing nut case females on the left--join in chorus on the attacks against female conservative women. And all I can say to them--is don't expect me to feel sorry for you--when it's a woman on your side of the isle--you won't get any sympathy or support from me. "What comes around--goes around"

Personally, I wouldn't vote for Palin, Bachman, or Clinton. However, if Condi Rice were to come back and run, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.
The only way a woman should be in the oval office is if she is wearing this.

It's going to be Rick Perry. I can't wait to see who he picks to run with him.

I hope it's either Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, or Allen West.. :eusa_pray:

I think it will probably be ron paul. He is the only American candidate who will cease waging war on islam. He is the only one who realizes this futile effort is destroying America and making the world a very violent place. If Americans are collectively smarter than a retard he will win the 2012 election.
It's not just the American left that are 'scared' of Palin and Bachman. Just sayin'.

You're right. Hillary Clinton was attacked too--over non-sense--that a male candidate would never have even been asked. In fact, there was no media vetting of Barack Obama what-so-ever.

But there has never been a woman in politics that has been so viciously attacked as Sarah Palin--yet her popularity soars. Michelle Bachmann is now on the left's hit list--over "headaches." What male politician would have ever been asked about headaches? What male politician has had his family and children so viciously attacked? Answer: NONE.

It's not only the left that does it--it is the right. They might as well put a sign on the Oval Office door. WOMEN not ALLOWED.

BUT--until ALL women in this country stand up and say ENOUGH of these personal attacks against women politicians--nothing is going to change. We still see left wing nut case females on the left--join in chorus on the attacks against female conservative women. And all I can say to them--is don't expect me to feel sorry for you--when it's a woman on your side of the isle--you won't get any sympathy or support from me. "What comes around--goes around"

Personally, I wouldn't vote for Palin, Bachman, or Clinton. However, if Condi Rice were to come back and run, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.

sorry but you have to be human to run for president

The fact that the American left is deathly afraid of Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann can be interpreted in several different ways.
To the extent conservatives don’t get it is remarkable, but expected.

Liberals don’t ‘fear’ either woman, they find both fascinating: it’s as if anthropologists discovered a missing link, a throwback to an early period of human history.

With Palin and Bachmann, we see political throwbacks from an earlier period in American history, an era of anti-intellectualism and evangelical zeal.

Their respective constituents reject facts and replace them with dogma – both religious and political. These are people who ‘go with their gut,’ one need only know his job and the bible, noting else – not newspapers, other peoples and cultures (which all aren’t ‘equal,’ btw), or Supreme Court decisions.

Indeed, they reject Constitutional case law altogether and contrive a Constitutional fantasy predicated on a misreading of Foundation Era documents reinforced by the rightist blogisphere echo chamber.

Palin and Bachmann represent the fearful reactionary fringe, those who needlessly worry about a 'changing America.'

Liberals would love nothing more than to preserve these remarkable women – place them in their own exhibits in the Smithsonian, along with the horse-drawn carriage and cotton gin.
It's not just the American left that are 'scared' of Palin and Bachman. Just sayin'.

You're right. Hillary Clinton was attacked too--over non-sense--that a male candidate would never have even been asked. In fact, there was no media vetting of Barack Obama what-so-ever.

But there has never been a woman in politics that has been so viciously attacked as Sarah Palin--yet her popularity soars. Michelle Bachmann is now on the left's hit list--over "headaches." What male politician would have ever been asked about headaches? What male politician has had his family and children so viciously attacked? Answer: NONE.

It's not only the left that does it--it is the right. They might as well put a sign on the Oval Office door. WOMEN not ALLOWED.

BUT--until ALL women in this country stand up and say ENOUGH of these personal attacks against women politicians--nothing is going to change. We still see left wing nut case females on the left--join in chorus on the attacks against female conservative women. And all I can say to them--is don't expect me to feel sorry for you--when it's a woman on your side of the isle--you won't get any sympathy or support from me. "What comes around--goes around"

Personally, I wouldn't vote for Palin, Bachman, or Clinton. However, if Condi Rice were to come back and run, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately, she is too smart to run.
You're right. Hillary Clinton was attacked too--over non-sense--that a male candidate would never have even been asked. In fact, there was no media vetting of Barack Obama what-so-ever.

But there has never been a woman in politics that has been so viciously attacked as Sarah Palin--yet her popularity soars. Michelle Bachmann is now on the left's hit list--over "headaches." What male politician would have ever been asked about headaches? What male politician has had his family and children so viciously attacked? Answer: NONE.

It's not only the left that does it--it is the right. They might as well put a sign on the Oval Office door. WOMEN not ALLOWED.

BUT--until ALL women in this country stand up and say ENOUGH of these personal attacks against women politicians--nothing is going to change. We still see left wing nut case females on the left--join in chorus on the attacks against female conservative women. And all I can say to them--is don't expect me to feel sorry for you--when it's a woman on your side of the isle--you won't get any sympathy or support from me. "What comes around--goes around"

Personally, I wouldn't vote for Palin, Bachman, or Clinton. However, if Condi Rice were to come back and run, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.

sorry but you have to be human to run for president


What kind of point are you trying to make if you have to alter a picture to make it.

I like C. Rice too.
I'm sure a Palin-Bachmann ticket would fuel lesbian fantasies across the globe, though. And Democrats would squirm trying to play tough.

Just a thought.

edit: And the only reason why Demcrats haven't put a woman in the White House yet is because they were too chicken shit and sexist to do it. Republicans? They know opportunity when they see it.
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