A Vision of America's Future


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
After the events of the last couple days, it appears clear to me thst the future iof America will be determined in the next few years, and not by the politicians.

There is a growing dissent amongst various factions in the population about whst the Society and Culture of this nation should be going forward.

With the inability of any particular political group to gain sufficient power to unilaterally implement and enforce their viewpoint for any extended period of time, smaller, Socially active groups like the Alt-Right, the Resistance, BLM, and others are taking up the mantle of activism for their viewpoints.

As seen in recent months, this is likely to lead to violent confrontations. Those events, if not restrained, are liable to lead to full scale battles in the streets. Thise battles will require Government response which will only serve to provoke further violence, likely in a terroristic form.

The continued rhetoric and rise of violence will eventually end up inciting a civil war . The conflict will likely touch almost every corner of the nation, engulfing most neighborhoods in at least emotional if not physical bloid and fire.

The end of the conflict will not be quick or pleasant. Regardless of which side wins, the current state of American Culture, Society and Politics will be gone forever. The victorious side will purge supporters of the other side from the country. Many freedoms will be lost. A new, very different America will emerge.
1000 neo-Nazis do not a civil war make.

You're right. But 1000 American Traditionalists, combined with the Montana ranch defenders, the Pro-2nd Amendment militias, and others are likely to be enough to start a series of local conflicts with BLM, The Resistance, and others which will eventually meld into civil war.
The corporatists will continue to cannibalize society to fund the outer reaches of empire in decline; 7 endless bogus wars of profiteering and economic colonization and global occupation are not enough. The redistribution of societal wealth into private hands will continue resulting more social unrest and the power structure will continue to foment it's divide-and-conquer paradigm to keep the masses at each other's throats, and thus from coming for their corporate oligarchs. As the unrest spreads, militarized police departments will deal with the population as we have honed by training with and in how the Israelis maintain their internal colonies; and in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and our foreign colonies. All of this will be brought to bear at home. Since the jobs were never coming back, poverty will be spread and will be utilized as a tool of control while private prison populations will swell as the bankers and corporatists are able to turn $40-50K per year, per hominid, and lease out convict labor; this is already happening. Additionally, Eric Prince’s pitch to privatize war with mercenary armies will prevail and those too will be leveraged upon the citizenry. Second Amendment enthusiasts will find they’re no match for any of this as we are already THE most surveilled population the planet has ever known. Whatever employment opportunities are left will be granted to the obedient who present utter compliance. Any resistance at all will be branded as terrorism wherein the legal system can be circumvented and torture can be applied, first at dark sites and then openly for effect and control.

And still, the american public will crawl on its knees to the polls to vote and await change from the corporatists at the top having bought into the notion that to unite and question their power structure is “un-American”.
After the events of the last couple days, it appears clear to me thst the future iof America will be determined in the next few years, and not by the politicians.

There is a growing dissent amongst various factions in the population about whst the Society and Culture of this nation should be going forward.

With the inability of any particular political group to gain sufficient power to unilaterally implement and enforce their viewpoint for any extended period of time, smaller, Socially active groups like the Alt-Right, the Resistance, BLM, and others are taking up the mantle of activism for their viewpoints.

As seen in recent months, this is likely to lead to violent confrontations. Those events, if not restrained, are liable to lead to full scale battles in the streets. Thise battles will require Government response which will only serve to provoke further violence, likely in a terroristic form.

The continued rhetoric and rise of violence will eventually end up inciting a civil war . The conflict will likely touch almost every corner of the nation, engulfing most neighborhoods in at least emotional if not physical bloid and fire.

The end of the conflict will not be quick or pleasant. Regardless of which side wins, the current state of American Culture, Society and Politics will be gone forever. The victorious side will purge supporters of the other side from the country. Many freedoms will be lost. A new, very different America will emerge.
Blacks & leftists have been acting like this for years now and you're just now noticing?
After the events of the last couple days, it appears clear to me thst the future iof America will be determined in the next few years, and not by the politicians.

There is a growing dissent amongst various factions in the population about whst the Society and Culture of this nation should be going forward.

With the inability of any particular political group to gain sufficient power to unilaterally implement and enforce their viewpoint for any extended period of time, smaller, Socially active groups like the Alt-Right, the Resistance, BLM, and others are taking up the mantle of activism for their viewpoints.

As seen in recent months, this is likely to lead to violent confrontations. Those events, if not restrained, are liable to lead to full scale battles in the streets. Thise battles will require Government response which will only serve to provoke further violence, likely in a terroristic form.

The continued rhetoric and rise of violence will eventually end up inciting a civil war . The conflict will likely touch almost every corner of the nation, engulfing most neighborhoods in at least emotional if not physical bloid and fire.

The end of the conflict will not be quick or pleasant. Regardless of which side wins, the current state of American Culture, Society and Politics will be gone forever. The victorious side will purge supporters of the other side from the country. Many freedoms will be lost. A new, very different America will emerge.
Blacks & leftists have been acting like this for years now and you're just now noticing?
You just fed right into the madness, way to go.
With the inability of any particular political group to gain sufficient power to unilaterally implement and enforce their viewpoint for any extended period of time...

This is not true. The Swamp's agenda had sufficient power in the destruction of the USA for decades. The Donald broke up their play, so now the Swamp (which consists of the brainwashed morons who stand in front of traffic chanting "our streets") desperately tries to get back to their game plan.
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After the events of the last couple days, it appears clear to me thst the future iof America will be determined in the next few years, and not by the politicians.

There is a growing dissent amongst various factions in the population about whst the Society and Culture of this nation should be going forward.

With the inability of any particular political group to gain sufficient power to unilaterally implement and enforce their viewpoint for any extended period of time, smaller, Socially active groups like the Alt-Right, the Resistance, BLM, and others are taking up the mantle of activism for their viewpoints.

As seen in recent months, this is likely to lead to violent confrontations. Those events, if not restrained, are liable to lead to full scale battles in the streets. Thise battles will require Government response which will only serve to provoke further violence, likely in a terroristic form.

The continued rhetoric and rise of violence will eventually end up inciting a civil war . The conflict will likely touch almost every corner of the nation, engulfing most neighborhoods in at least emotional if not physical bloid and fire.

The end of the conflict will not be quick or pleasant. Regardless of which side wins, the current state of American Culture, Society and Politics will be gone forever. The victorious side will purge supporters of the other side from the country. Many freedoms will be lost. A new, very different America will emerge.
Blacks & leftists have been acting like this for years now and you're just now noticing?
They ran over my dog with a car
This is not true. The Swamp's agenda had sufficient power in the destruction of the USA for decades. The Donald is the broke up their play, so now the Swamp (which consists of the brainwashed morons who stand in front of traffic chanting "our streets") desperately tries to get back to their game plan.

The Swamp developed because of the deadlock between the two extremes. Like border guards of two rival nations who find their enmity for each other waning as their Principles are eroded by familiarity, the two sides developed a worki g relationship instead of maintaining their strength of cause.

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