A tour of Sweden's No-Go zones....the crime and violence on display...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes.....they have a problem and no matter how much the left lies...it is only going to get worse...

KASSAM: What I Saw in Sweden Last Week is Not 'Normal' And Trump is Right

When I got off the train at Malmo’s Central station last week and dragged my suitcase noisily over the cobbled pavements I thought to myself, “There’s no way this place has ‘No Go Zones'”.
Downtown Malmo is a gorgeous though freezing cold place to visit in February. I checked into my hotel — passing between a “Burger King” and a “Schwarma King” along the way, the latter of which recently took the spot of the “Stortogets Gatukok” in Malmo’s Great Square — and set off for my destination: Rosengard.

Much has been written about Sweden’s “No Go Zones” in recent years. We’ve watched them burn over the years with a combination of disbelief and shock. When the Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Akesson told me — as we walked through Molenbeek in Brusselsjust days after the Paris terror attacks in 2015 — “we have these places in Sweden too”, I was sceptical.

Sweden is supposed to be paradise-like, I thought. Isn’t it all leggy blondes and Ikea and Abba and lingonberries?

Well if you stay downtown in Malmo or Stockholm, perhaps it is. Even the elevator muzak had a whiff of “Fernando” about it.

But the stereotypes and cliches, kept alive for the tourists no doubt, end when you leave the city centres and head out to some of the suburbs.

My first stop was Rosengard, where my colleague Oliver Lane first reported from in September 2015.

As we drove around the housing estates at night, it became clear the problems in these areas: drugs, rape, police assaults and more, were created in large part by state-sponsored “multiculturalism”.

Sweden’s liberal migration policies, that is to say a failure to maintain any sort of border control at all over the past few decades, have led to ghettoised communities that the state props up with generous welfare payments and socialist lecturing.

Sign posts on noticeboards advertised for left wing political parties, and as we passed by a mural of a mosque and parked up at the Herregarden housing estate, a couple of girls we asked for directions signed off, “Good luck there!”


This is the same in Stockholm’s suburbs of Rinkeby and Husby, where filmmaker Ami Horowitz was recently beaten up for attempting to film.

Within minutes of exiting a cab outside central Husby, I was surrounded by drug dealers pushing “hashish” and “marijuana”. Within a few seconds more we witness two van loads of Swedish police appearing to negotiate one man’s arrest from a building guarded by burly men.

“Why are there so many satellite dishes?” I asked one of my guides.

“They don’t watch Swedish television. They don’t speak Swedish. They want to receive television from their home countries in their native languages”.
Yes.....they have a problem and no matter how much the left lies...it is only going to get worse...

KASSAM: What I Saw in Sweden Last Week is Not 'Normal' And Trump is Right

When I got off the train at Malmo’s Central station last week and dragged my suitcase noisily over the cobbled pavements I thought to myself, “There’s no way this place has ‘No Go Zones'”.
Downtown Malmo is a gorgeous though freezing cold place to visit in February. I checked into my hotel — passing between a “Burger King” and a “Schwarma King” along the way, the latter of which recently took the spot of the “Stortogets Gatukok” in Malmo’s Great Square — and set off for my destination: Rosengard.

Much has been written about Sweden’s “No Go Zones” in recent years. We’ve watched them burn over the years with a combination of disbelief and shock. When the Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Akesson told me — as we walked through Molenbeek in Brusselsjust days after the Paris terror attacks in 2015 — “we have these places in Sweden too”, I was sceptical.

Sweden is supposed to be paradise-like, I thought. Isn’t it all leggy blondes and Ikea and Abba and lingonberries?

Well if you stay downtown in Malmo or Stockholm, perhaps it is. Even the elevator muzak had a whiff of “Fernando” about it.

But the stereotypes and cliches, kept alive for the tourists no doubt, end when you leave the city centres and head out to some of the suburbs.

My first stop was Rosengard, where my colleague Oliver Lane first reported from in September 2015.

As we drove around the housing estates at night, it became clear the problems in these areas: drugs, rape, police assaults and more, were created in large part by state-sponsored “multiculturalism”.

Sweden’s liberal migration policies, that is to say a failure to maintain any sort of border control at all over the past few decades, have led to ghettoised communities that the state props up with generous welfare payments and socialist lecturing.

Sign posts on noticeboards advertised for left wing political parties, and as we passed by a mural of a mosque and parked up at the Herregarden housing estate, a couple of girls we asked for directions signed off, “Good luck there!”


This is the same in Stockholm’s suburbs of Rinkeby and Husby, where filmmaker Ami Horowitz was recently beaten up for attempting to film.

Within minutes of exiting a cab outside central Husby, I was surrounded by drug dealers pushing “hashish” and “marijuana”. Within a few seconds more we witness two van loads of Swedish police appearing to negotiate one man’s arrest from a building guarded by burly men.

“Why are there so many satellite dishes?” I asked one of my guides.

“They don’t watch Swedish television. They don’t speak Swedish. They want to receive television from their home countries in their native languages”.

Don't you just want to smack the shit out of these a holes that can say nothing more than " Fake news" they must be hired ANTIFA brain dead fkn morons. Honest to Gawd. Wait until these same a holes get a does of it themselves once the US sinks to this same level.

I have never seen in my life people who were so fkn stupid on a daily basis.

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