A Tool In The Shed


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Some of you remember when beer cans had to be opened using a tool to punch 2 holes into the top of the tin.... then beverage corporations, in an effort to please the consumer and generate sales, came up with removable pop-tops - No tool required!

But, enough of the people in We, The People were too stupid, lazy or selfish to properly dispose of the little tops that came off and We, The People politely asked the corporations to come up with a pop-top that didn't create so much litter.

The corporations whined about the cost of re-design and re-tooling factories to accommodate... they even threatened us with higher prices for the beverages, but enough people in We, The People had the vision to see beyond the cost of a beer today or the profits for the next quarter and insist that the litter situation be dealt with by the industry whose packaging was the source, thereby negating the need to deal individually with the stupidest, laziest and or most selfish among us.

God gave Adam two jobs; Name the Animals and Tend the Garden.

Why shouldn't "Government" be a tool in our gardeners shed?
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I'll grant you that congress is a bunch of tools.

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