A Thought on Judaism...no "pie in the sky"


nationalism has nothing to do with the right-wing concept, including some of the Nazis were absolute left, the left wing of National Socialism, including Goebbels.
In fact, the restrictions on the rights of Jews in Europe were not nationalism at all, it was just that the aristocracy saw in them a danger in terms of mixing and seizing power through government and financial mechanisms, there was no chauvinism.
And contrary the left-wing Prussians have been nationalists since the days of the Hohenzollerns.
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No one ever taught me to hate Jews.. Not in church or Sunday School or Vacation Bible School. Why do you bring it up every day?
right Surada-----five year old girls attending the local catholic school in my
otherwise WASPISH and functionally RESTRICTED town-----figured it out themselves. You did not read much as a kid, did you? No matter---
if you do not get it from english literature you get it from aunties and
grandmas. Took a PAPAL EDICT (1963?) to attempt to ameliorate
some 1500 years of that filth of the "CHURCH" but did not even touch
the dirt of the Lutheran and Methodist churches-----just created a bit more
"let's hate the "WOPS" and "MICKS" in my town
right Surada-----five year old girls attending the local catholic school in my
otherwise WASPISH and functionally RESTRICTED town-----figured it out themselves. You did not read much as a kid, did you? No matter---
if you do not get it from english literature you get it from aunties and
grandmas. Took a PAPAL EDICT (1963?) to attempt to ameliorate
some 1500 years of that filth of the "CHURCH" but did not even touch
the dirt of the Lutheran and Methodist churches-----just created a bit more
"let's hate the "WOPS" and "MICKS" in my town

I went to excellent schools and read profusely.. I am just not as angry and bigoted as you. Decent people don't call others wops or micks etc.
I went to excellent schools and read profusely.. I am just not as angry and bigoted as you. Decent people don't call others wops or micks etc.
IF (the operative word is "IF") you read profusely, you would have
run into lots of HATRED OF JEWS in print in Literature written in
English. If you read the koran, you would have run into hatred
of jews. The terms "wop" and "mick" are pejoratives for Italians
and Irish people in the gutters, playgrounds and sunday schools.
People who CLAIM (the operative word is "claim") to have read
"profusely" and did not run into hatred of jews in literature----
are, in fact, comatose. Do you know what a COMA is?
IF (the operative word is "IF") you read profusely, you would have
run into lots of HATRED OF JEWS in print in Literature written in
English. If you read the koran, you would have run into hatred
of jews. The terms "wop" and "mick" are pejoratives for Italians
and Irish people in the gutters, playgrounds and sunday schools.
People who CLAIM (the operative word is "claim") to have read
"profusely" and did not run into hatred of jews in literature----
are, in fact, comatose. Do you know what a COMA is?

Why would I choose to read hate literature?
you avoided the NT and Koran? I read just about everything----and
anything ("anything" is more descriptive of my childhood and young
adult reading material---ANYTHING that fell into my hands

My church didn't teach hatred or blame the Jews for the crucifixion, neither did the NT. I did read the Koran in my late teens.
My church didn't teach hatred or blame the Jews for the crucifixion, neither did the NT. I did read the Koran in my late teens.
you need not answer, of course----can you tell me sect of your church?
The NT is chock full of "blame the jews BS" based on the ideology
of its editor----CONSTANTINE-----who also elaborated the basis of
JUSTINIAN LAW------which legalizes genocide. Most christians AND
muslims I have encountered in the USA did not actually read either the
NT or the Koran (or the OT)
you need not answer, of course----can you tell me sect of your church?
The NT is chock full of "blame the jews BS" based on the ideology
of its editor----CONSTANTINE-----who also elaborated the basis of
JUSTINIAN LAW------which legalizes genocide. Most christians AND
muslims I have encountered in the USA did not actually read either the
NT or the Koran (or the OT)

In Arabia it was the Protestant Fellowship.. leaning towards Presbyterians. But, in the US I also attended Baptist church and Church of Christ. None of them blamed the Jews for the crucifixion.

This is YOUR thing.. Your strawman.
the concept of "FINAL CONCENSUS" does not exist in jewish
discussion. As to arrogance and pride-----it is a catch all "reason"
for all calamity including bad weather. Even jail sentences for
murder in rabbinic opinion do not generally exceed 7 years
Weather is weather. It is the same as time and chance happens to every man. Solomon said that. God will judge. Mans judgment can equal or be greeter than that of Jesus, when he judges the living and the dead? People fool themselves.
The decision on what the Jewish person thinks will determine their eterrnal destiny. It had better be the right way of thinking. They that don't have the right way or thinking giving people fire in word and deed will get fire. Here is a clue. Jewish people who think Muslims are peacful, allowing them to be around, will have a lying spirit in them blinding them. Jesus says the truth. That is not arrogance. Don't know how Jesus talks, walk in the dark. People who follow such people will fall into a ditch. Rightious judging will be an unknown consept to them. Evil is unseen. Evil people think that what is seen, can get rid of evil. Islamic people have obeyed an evil spirit. They will reap what they have sown toward Jewish people. All are Jewish people to a Muslim. I judge rightly. Where am I wrong?
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In Arabia it was the Protestant Fellowship.. leaning towards Presbyterians. But, in the US I also attended Baptist church and Church of Christ. None of them blamed the Jews for the crucifixion.

This is YOUR thing.. Your strawman.
no----it is fact-----my town harbored lots of churches, including Baptist,
Church of Christ (one such church was actually built before the revolutionary
war) Presbyterian ---and others. We all attended the same high school (even most of the students who had attended catholic grammar school) In the
1960s we experienced the AGE OF INTERFAITH religious services. We got
to KNOW. There was also a custom amongst lots of Protestants to invite
little jewish girls to sunday school------I was a frequent "guest". In college
a had advanced to MIDNIGHT MASS which was ok-----but all cultivate jew
hatred. I had a few eastern orthodox friends----serbs. chock full of
church directed jew hatred in Serbia--east ortho, Croatia-catholic, and Bosnia muslim <<< the balkans. Somehow the jewish populations were easily given
up to catholic ADOLF in all three (must be my imagination)
That's the balkans. Humans get easily habituated
you need not answer, of course----can you tell me sect of your church?
The NT is chock full of "blame the jews BS" based on the ideology
of its editor----CONSTANTINE-----who also elaborated the basis of
JUSTINIAN LAW------which legalizes genocide. Most christians AND
muslims I have encountered in the USA did not actually read either the
NT or the Koran (or the OT)
I am of no sect. God called me directly. All of the churches have been wrong for a long time. I am working on changing that. The mouth and tongue must not be perverted. People called pedophilia people are not perverts. They are people who do what life does. Pedophilia people are not wanting populate the world, taking over. Catholic church, and Baal, are the same. What one did, so will the other. The church hides evil behind the word sex. It is a false facade. Muslims want to take over the world, and the people on it, not being the name. Pedophilia people don't have that mentality. Our mentality needs to be that of Christ, being good to people, considering the life of living things. Muslims love the name Muslim, and the being they bow down to who is distant, not caring about anyone, not able to call that beings self Father God. Can't Muslims be smart realizing that they are obeying a being who is faking it? Where am I wrong? Man did not write the Bible. Carnal minds could not have instructions on how to be righteous. Counsel and wisdom would not be found therein. People would have praised the murderous enemies of Jesus. Jesus said woe into them in many ways. The Bible would not read in the way it reads, that is contrary to the way a sinful mind thinks. The carnal mind will not think of what is written, saying this is the peacful way. Walk ye in it. The carnal mind thinks that vex means sex, not realizing that they are vexing people with what they say. How can a natural man write a book, that corrects errors, that people don't even think of? Muslims read the Quran. They that don't memorize it, are killed. They are seen as being infidels. Don't ask a Muslim a question. Truth will not be spoken to you. They practice taqiyya. They think they are smart when they do that. Jesus did not do that, and never will do that.
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no----it is fact-----my town harbored lots of churches, including Baptist,
Church of Christ (one such church was actually built before the revolutionary
war) Presbyterian ---and others. We all attended the same high school (even most of the students who had attended catholic grammar school) In the
1960s we experienced the AGE OF INTERFAITH religious services. We got
to KNOW. There was also a custom amongst lots of Protestants to invite
little jewish girls to sunday school------I was a frequent "guest". In college
a had advanced to MIDNIGHT MASS which was ok-----but all cultivate jew
hatred. I had a few eastern orthodox friends----serbs. chock full of
church directed jew hatred in Serbia--east ortho, Croatia-catholic, and Bosnia muslim <<< the balkans. Somehow the jewish populations were easily given
up to catholic ADOLF in all three (must be my imagination)
That's the balkans. Humans get easily habituated

Sounds like a very strange place. You wouldn't have run into that in the South.

Hitler wasn't a practicing Catholic.

I have no idea why they would have given up Jews so easily.. but then I can't explain why Trump has any power or why anyone would follow him. Maybe some people like insane demagogues. Jim Jones had a measure of success.
I am of no sect. God called me directly. All of the churches have been wrong for a long time. I am working on changing that. The mouth and tongue must not be perverted. People called pedophilia people are not p[ert5vertes. they are4 people who do what life does. M pedophilia people are not wanting populate the world taking over. Muslims do that not being the name. Muslims love the name Muslim, and the being they bow down to who is distant, not caring about anyone, not able to call that beings self Father God. Can't Muslims be smart realizing that they are obeying a being who is faking it? Where am I wrong? Man did not write the Bible. carnal way of thinking. It would not read in the way it reads that is contrary to the way a sinful mind thinks. The carnal mind will not think of what is written saying this is the peacful way. Walk ye in it. The natural man is not doing that. How can man write a book, that corrects errors, that people don't even think of? Muslims read tyhe Quran. They that don't memorize it, are killed. They are seen as being infidels. Don't ask a Muslim a question. Truth will not be spoken to you. They practice taqiyya. They think they are smart when they do that. Jesus did not do that, and never will do that.

Your ignorance is just amazing... and you claim that God called you directly?
Sounds like a very strange place. You wouldn't have run into that in the South.
what is "that" in your sentence? a place with lots of different flavors
of christian?

Hitler wasn't a practicing Catholic.
so? he was not excommunicated----he was a catholic IN GOOD STANDING as were most of his pals. He was very close to the GOEBBELS
who were practicing and MAGDA served as his official "HOSTESS" ---and
wore a white veil to church and looked like an angel

I have no idea why they would have given up Jews so easily..
easy ----they wanted to. same was true of catholic Hungary.
even Italy was more reluctant but Pius could not bring himself to

what is "that" in your sentence? a place with lots of different flavors
of christian?

so? he was not excommunicated----he was a catholic IN GOOD STANDING as were most of his pals. He was very close to the GOEBBELS
who were practicing and MAGDA served as his official "HOSTESS" ---and
wore a white veil to church and looked like an angel

easy ----they wanted to. same was true of catholic Hungary.
even Italy was more reluctant but Pius could not bring himself to

In good standing? Catholicism isn't like Judaism. Hitler didn't go to church or take communion. He was a lapsed Catholic. Catholics aren't a race.
In good standing? Catholicism isn't like Judaism. Hitler didn't go to church or take communion. He was a lapsed Catholic. Catholics aren't a race.
in good standing in the catholic church-----he could have gone
to a Mass and munched on the cookie
I am of no sect. God called me directly. All of the churches have been wrong for a long time. I am working on changing that. The mouth and tongue must not be perverted. People called pedophilia people are not perverts. They are people who do what life does. Pedophilia people are not wanting populate the world, taking over. Catholic church, and Baal, are the same. What one did, so will the other. The church hides evil behind the word sex. It is a false facade. Muslims want to take over the world, and the people on it, not being the name. Pedophilia people don't have that mentality. Our mentality needs to be that of Christ, being good to people, considering the life of living things. Muslims love the name Muslim, and the being they bow down to who is distant, not caring about anyone, not able to call that beings self Father God. Can't Muslims be smart realizing that they are obeying a being who is faking it? Where am I wrong? Man did not write the Bible. Carnal minds could not have instructions on how to be righteous. Counsel and wisdom would not be found therein. People would have praised the murderous enemies of Jesus. Jesus said woe into them in many ways. The Bible would not read in the way it reads, that is contrary to the way a sinful mind thinks. The carnal mind will not think of what is written, saying this is the peacful way. Walk ye in it. The carnal mind thinks that vex means sex, not realizing that they are vexing people with what they say. How can a natural man write a book, that corrects errors, that people don't even think of? Muslims read the Quran. They that don't memorize it, are killed. They are seen as being infidels. Don't ask a Muslim a question. Truth will not be spoken to you. They practice taqiyya. They think they are smart when they do that. Jesus did not do that, and never will do that.
there is a reason that "MUSLIMS" call themselves "MUSLIMS" lately---
rather than the old-fashioned "MOSLEMS" "MOSLEM" so I have
been told by "MUSLIMS" is close to some word in arabic that is not
nice (???) For Muslims NOT MEMORIZING the koran is NOT a capital
crime but education in muslim countries do EMPHASIZE doing so and
even includes state awards and credentials for entrance into prestigious
professions like engineering and medicine

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