A Tea Party exit would help the GOP


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Amazing that many in the GOP are being lead by a group of adult children in the House. Just amazing!

Opinion: A tea party exit would be a blessing for GOP - CNN.com

Pragmatists want to change the GOP so that it can win elections and govern effectively. Tea party Republicans prefer to express their principles regardless of consequences, which is why the Pew survey in September found that 71% of them favored a government shutdown even though nearly 40% of them expected that shutdown to have a "major" impact on the economy.

Third-party threats frighten Republican leaders. They remember that Ross Perot's independent challenge badly hurt George H.W. Bush's re-election campaign in 1992
It's worth repeating over and over again. Add Todd Akin in Missouri and Richard Mourdock in Indiana, Sharron Angle in Nevada and Ken Buck in Colorado, Christine O'Donnell in Delaware and Joe Miller in Alaska -- and you have half a dozen Senate races lost to the GOP by extremist nominations.

What is the end game? Will the GOP finally come out of this and shun the TP or will the TP finally take the GOP down for the count? If I were a devout Republican, I would be concerned that a small group of extreme RWers are trying to take my party over.

I think there are many in the "real" GOP that think that very thing, but are afraid to speak a word about these children for fear of reprisal. All the while, the Democrats sit back and enjoy the show. They have greatly benefited over the loonie toons of the Baggers.
An abeyance of your ignorance would help you at the ballot box, Jim. Besides, how do you know what's good for the GOP? You have no clue about what's good for our country, much less the GOP.
An abeyance of your ignorance would help you at the ballot box, Jim. Besides, how do you know what's good for the GOP? You have no clue about what's good for our country, much less the GOP.

Templar, just to be clear then, up or down -- is it your opinion that this standoff (and similar actions over the next several months) will be a net positive for the GOP in the 2014 and 2016 elections?

An abeyance of your ignorance would help you at the ballot box, Jim. Besides, how do you know what's good for the GOP? You have no clue about what's good for our country, much less the GOP.

I really don't understand why you don't agree with this. It just bewilders me that you and other cons continue to defend the tea party and congressional republicans. I mean you can still buy into republican politics and still admit that these particular individuals are harming our country. There is just no getting around that fact.

Ted Cruz is a terrorist and Boehner does not have a spine.

I'll admit democrats have further complicated this issue when they were demanding spending concessions from repubs, but as far as I can tell that is no longer an issue since McConnel and Reid have come to an agreement.
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An abeyance of your ignorance would help you at the ballot box, Jim. Besides, how do you know what's good for the GOP? You have no clue about what's good for our country, much less the GOP.

Templar, just to be clear then, up or down -- is it your opinion that this standoff (and similar actions over the next several months) will be a net positive for the GOP in the 2014 and 2016 elections?


No. I'm not blind. But nobody will escape this debacle unscathed. This will most likely hurt both parties in the mid terms and the presidential elections. I'm accusing Jim of speaking out of his posterior.
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You bet your fucking ass it would. Moderates are only going 21% for republicans and 49% of the party(republicans) are against this shit.

They want from having the highest fucking poll numbers since 2011 to this. Fuck you cruz....You're going to hand Obama another huge 2008-2009 win.
Why do you libs care so much about Ted Cruz and the Tea Party?

So what if Republicans lose the next election? You'll get what you want, a full majority (again). Then you can proceed on destroying the country with more trillion dollar borrow and spend sprees without adult supervision, until the economic ruin comes.

I guess maybe the only delima you libs have is when the economy is finally destroyed, you won't have Republicans to blame.
the hate goes on AGAINST the people in this country, and for what? POLITICS, a party and this government

good ole CNN carrying the DNC water for them


you need to wake up

and this has already been posted, but you can't have enough hate against the tea party

Maybe CNN will carry an article saying how the liberals should leave this country they hate the people in it so much...what do you think?
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An abeyance of your ignorance would help you at the ballot box, Jim. Besides, how do you know what's good for the GOP? You have no clue about what's good for our country, much less the GOP.

Templar, just to be clear then, up or down -- is it your opinion that this standoff (and similar actions over the next several months) will be a net positive for the GOP in the 2014 and 2016 elections?


It doesn't matter.

This is a fight worth waging. We have several issues. The first is Obamacare. Obamacare is a travesty. It is the Smoot-Hawley of the 21st century and will wreck our economy. The second is the deficit. It will wreck our economy if we don't do something to rein in the growth of entitlement spending.

The Democrats' solution is to kick the can down the road. It is the easy out. They are basically telling people we can go on borrowing money infintely with no consequences. That is obviously false.

So the TP people are doing the country a service bringing attention to these two threats. No one likes to hear bad news, which is why they are being vilified. But the smart people get it.
We need a strong and sane voice of opposition in politics. Right now, the GOP is neither.

but the Democrat party is the sane one in your eye's I suppose?

48% of the people voted AGAINST Obama in this last election, they shouldn't have A VOICE in anything according to you thugs and bullies right?

why don't you just round them all up and throw into camps, will that make you people happy?
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Republicans can't win a damn thing without the moderates. No one can...The latest poll shows that they have a 76% negative few of you.

Going to a extreme that only has low 20's support and that's over half of your party. That isn't wise at all. Just plain dumb...

If elections were this nov about 20 years ago I'd be calling for a 60 seat swing. Maybe more.
Republicans can't win a damn thing without the moderates. No one can...The latest poll shows that they have a 76% negative few of you.

Going to a extreme that only has low 20's support and that's over half of your party. That isn't wise at all. Just plain dumb...

If elections were this nov about 20 years ago I'd be calling for a 60 seat swing. Maybe more.

That cannot win without moderates meme has been disproven. Both McCain and Romney had high marks from moderates and we saw what happened.
Maybe we need someone committed to spending on science, education, and infrastructure?
Because 1# It is destroying our economy and 2# Our lead in science.

You're just proving that the republican party is BAD for America.

The democratic POLICY of spending a TRILLION$$ a year more than we take in is destroying our country and you blame the TEA PARTY for standing on the principles they believe in? What a fool.
Sad thing is you're NOT going to go after food stamps, welfare or bail-outs(fed spending 85 billion per month). Oh'nooo's it is American jobs within science, tech and infrastructure that pays.

What makes me mad is the fact that we're NOT spending more then we did Under Clinton or Bush on these three. Will take decades to rebuild after the idiotic campaign of idiocy.
You're a fool for attacking the wrong thing. IT IS WELFARE and bailouts....

Not working Americans!!!

Right, Having a balanced budget wont help us at all. It's totally rational to spend a TRILLION$$ a year more than we make. There is no hope for this country while democrats are in charge and the fact they win elections says a lot about the intelligence of the nations voters.

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