A spirit of lawlessness has descended uponn the streets of America


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
I cannot even begin to tell you how alarmed I am by some of the videos that I have been watching lately. As you will see below, all over the nation young people are brazenly flouting the law, obstructing and assaulting law enforcement officers, and committing criminal acts in large groups. I think that “lawlessness” is perhaps the best word to describe what is happening, and many believe that what we have witnessed so far is just the beginning. I have so much respect for the good law enforcement officers across the country that put their lives on the line day after day to protect all of us, but I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes at this point. If you wonder why I would say such a thing, just consider what just happened in New York City
A Spirit Of Lawlessness Has Descended Upon The Streets Of America

Nope and half the sheep haven't a clue until it really hits......
If the government is lawless and refuses to prosecute the lawlessness among its own and prefers to coverup criminal activities so they can keep their cushy position; what else would one expect?
When we have a Lawbreaker in Chief as President, what the heck do you expect OP?
You are correct Obama and the Clintons' are about as criminal as they come. They should all be locked up or at the end of a short tight rope for their treasonous crap.

Go get'm President Trump!!!!!
I didn't realize Obama was still President.

Pretty impressive.
You are correct Obama and the Clintons' are about as criminal as they come. They should all be locked up or at the end of a short tight rope for their treasonous crap.

Go get'm President Trump!!!!!
I didn't realize Obama was still President.

Pretty impressive.
The residual effects of what he and the Clinton's did will be evident for years to come.
Spirit Of Lawlessness Has Descended Upon The Streets Of America

This headline hit home to me. As the author points out, we are bombarded with videos showing lawlessness by youth all across the nation. Not just the horrid attack on NYC police but mobs in stores and malls.

He says: We have raised an entire generation of Americans that have no respect for the law, and now we are reaping what we have sown.

At home and in the schools, we no longer see adults teaching young people responsibility and respect for rules. If it feels good, they are encouraged to do it.

What the hell happened that the police officers didn’t turn on those thugs, put them on the ground, and slap the cuffs on?

Someone comes in to rob a store and employees are fired for confronting them.

And without a doubt, our nation is on the brink of great chaos. Just consider these numbers

After a week that saw President Trump and his foes toss toxic words at each other, there is now a warning that the next phase could be “violence.” Nearly 8 of 10 Americans told the Pew Research Center that supporters for both sides could “act” on the politically charged rhetoric with violence. It was higher for Democrats, 91%, than Republicans, 61%.
It is not going to take much of a spark at all to set off the kind of civil unrest that I have been repeatedly warning about.

Day after day, the mainstream media is stirring up more anger, frustration, strife, discord and division. I have never seen more hatred in America than I see right now, and it is exceedingly difficult to imagine how all of this could possibly end well.

More @ Prison Planet.com » A Spirit Of Lawlessness Has Descended Upon The Streets Of America
I cannot even begin to tell you how alarmed I am by some of the videos that I have been watching lately. As you will see below, all over the nation young people are brazenly flouting the law, obstructing and assaulting law enforcement officers, and committing criminal acts in large groups. I think that “lawlessness” is perhaps the best word to describe what is happening, and many believe that what we have witnessed so far is just the beginning. I have so much respect for the good law enforcement officers across the country that put their lives on the line day after day to protect all of us, but I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes at this point. If you wonder why I would say such a thing, just consider what just happened

Nope and half the sheep haven't a clue until it really hits......

If the president can act that way why not everyone else?

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