A SANE write-up on the current state of the Iran deal


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Warning: Lefties won't like it very much, neither will Righties.

But it would behoove both sides to actually read it BEFORE screaming bloody murder:

What to Worry About in an Iran Nuclear Deal The Atlantic

It starts with:

Those predisposed to believe that these negotiations will bring about a non-violent solution to the Iranian challenge, and also quite possibly encourage the Iranians to be more moderate in their approach to their neighbors, seem somewhat optimistic that the West will make the necessary compromises to win Iranian approval. Those who believe that the West is about to capitulate to Ayatollah Khamenei, the Iranian supreme leader, and set him on a path to the nuclear threshold seem to be praying that Iranian shortsightedness, or dumb luck on the part of the West, subvert these talks.

The more extreme positions on both sides are distasteful. The Pollyannas who not only seem to believe that Iran should be allowed to maintain an advanced nuclear infrastructure if it promises to behave nicely, but who also believe that this nuclear accord will somehow serve to convince the Iranians to moderate their approach to their neighbors and, for instance, stop sponsoring terrorism and murdering large numbers of people in Syria (among other places), are dangerous and naïve. On the other side, those who argue that no negotiated settlement will ever be good enough to keep Iran from the nuclear threshold—that only military action would guarantee an end to the Iranian nuclear program—believe that it is wise to start an actual war now in order to prevent a theoretical one later. If you believe that we are living in 1938, and that Israel, and the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia are playing the role of Czechoslovakia, then I suppose this position makes sense. I don’t think we are there, however.

More at the link. Plenty of concerns to discuss, especially at the end, a topic called "break-out time".

The Chinese have a lot of influence over the Iranians since they build the reactors and train the technicians and engineers to run the reactors....
Jeffrey Goldberg has consistently been a sane voice on Israel and any Iranian deal. Your link seems to indicate that the requirements that he thinks Iran must meet are tougher than perhaps "leaked" from Switzerland, but then I'm not sure there's been a story as to exactly what was agreed upon and what's still up for future negotiations and a "final" deal. Goldberg's also been very clear on Bibi's real intentions. See the story on Netanyahu Dodges the Cross.
The Chinese have a lot of influence over the Iranians since they build the reactors and train the technicians and engineers to run the reactors....
All the more reason not to trust the Chinese on the deal. Why would the Chinese want to piss off a good customer?
I wouldn't trust Iran if they said water ran downhill. They are going to produce a nuke no matter what they agree to. Former UN Amb. John Bolton said this morning that Obama and Kerry have given the store away and that Israel is watching these proceedings very closely.
When I see a clown face avatar I don't even bother to read the post.

So, you still took time to post, but were unwilling to actually read material.

Hardy a debating technique.
Just a big ass waste of my valuable time to debate you dumb assholes on anything....but it is fun. By the way, when Obama and Kerry are involved how could ANYONE scribe a SANE WRITE-UP about it?
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When I see a clown face avatar I don't even bother to read the post.

So, you still took time to post, but were unwilling to actually read material.

Hardy a debating technique.
Just a big ass waste of my valuable time to debate you dumb assholes on anything....but it is fun. By the way, when Obama and Kerry are involved how could ANYONE scribe a SANE WRITE-UP about it?
And yet, you are still here.

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