A Remembrance of the World That Was


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Today is the fourteenth or fifteenth day of September, 2028. I'm not really sure, because I seem to have lost track of the days. I remember the Fall of 2021, when so many people were getting vaccine shots against that damned Chinese virus. Fuckin' bastards, I'm glad they had that civil war in '26 and blew themselves to hell with their own nukes. But nobody figured what was going to lead up to now. Those who didn't fall ill and die within a few months of receiving one or more vaccine shots back in 2020 and 2021, eventually succumbed to the unforeseen long-term effects of the hastily-produced and untested vaccines. The world began experiencing an extinction-level mass die-off, the likes of which had never been seen before.

It was believed by some back in 2020, that mankind's ultimate threat would be "climate change", but nobody saw this shit coming. Entire communities of those who had received the COVID-19 vaccine, started dropping like flies, far overshadowing the Black Death that struck Europe during the 1300's. There were bodies everywhere. The worst part was the smell, and the dogs feasting on the bodies at night. I grew to hate the damned things, but I sure with I had a dog now.

At first, it was discovered that the vaccine disabled the Type I interferon pathway, resulting in herpes and shingles infections following the vaccination. But within a short period of three years, some disturbing things started happening: The genetically-modified SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the vaccine, was found to have toxic effects, resulting in immunity deficiencies, Bell's Palsy, Parkinson's Disease, lung damage, heart and brain diseases, even an increased susceptibility to the original COVID-19. At least, that's the way the last doctor I ran across explained it to me.

Humanity tried to carry on, even as millions were dying. But that became more difficult by the day. It was soon found that there were no longer enough people to produce the necessary means of survival: Food processing, manufacturing, even common labor started dwindling, leaving millions more to die. Essential services like electricity, water, sewer, and maintenance were in a state of constant interruption. At some point in time, government became non-existent: Law-enforcement officers, entire fire departments, EMS personnel, and even military personnel all went home to be with their families. That's when the chaos began.

Very soon after, the whole world seems to have went feral. Roving gangs of those who survived up until then, began streaming out into the countryside. Hungry, thirsty, and desperate they were. Without mercy, they took what they wanted, regardless of compassion, humanity, or the sanctity of life. Those who had the foresight to prepare themselves against this eventuality, fought against them. Many survived, some died at the hands of those warlords, while some became warlords themselves. Alliances were made and broken, and lines formed on more than several sides. Soon after, wars began to break out among factions formed not only based on political relationships, but the need for basic survival.

That's where we are today. My unit has been charged to hold this position against the high probability of an enemy attack. I don't know who this enemy is or what they call themselves, But I do know that they will die when they come across that hill, 500 yards away. My M60E3 is old and worn. It was probably made in 1988, but I keep it cleaned and oiled as well as I can. It looks like somebody tried to carve their name into the stock, but I can't make out what it reads. Sometimes I wonder who that person was, and whatever became of him or her, but I'll probably never know that.

I have 3,000 rounds of belted 7.62 in the cans sitting in the dirt next to me, five MREs that taste like they expired back in 2025, a vintage carton of cigarettes from 2024, and a pint of something someone distilled from a plot of corn a local farmer had planted. Imagine that: The whole fucking world is going up in flames, and some guy finds the time to plant some corn. Thanks Mr. Farmer, whoever you were. This stuff in the bottle is a little rough going down, but it has a nice kick to it. So we'll see how this works out. I'm just damned grateful I didn't get those shots back in '21, otherwise, I probably wouldn't be here to tell you this story.
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Today is the fourteenth or fifteenth day of September, 2028. I'm not really sure, because I seem to have lost track of the days. I remember the Fall of 2021, when so many people were getting vaccine shots against that damned Chinese virus. Fuckin' bastards, I'm glad they had that civil war in '26 and blew themselves to hell with their own nukes. But nobody figured what was going to lead up to now. Those who didn't fall ill and die within a few months of receiving one or more vaccine shots back in 2020 and 2021, eventually succumbed to the unforeseen long-term effects of the hastily-produced and untested vaccines. The world began experiencing an extinction-level mass die-off, the likes of which had never been seen before.

It was believed by some back in 2020, that mankind's ultimate threat would be "climate change", but nobody saw this shit coming. Entire communities of those who had received the COVID-19 vaccine, started dropping like flies, far overshadowing the Black Death that struck Europe during the 1300's. There were bodies everywhere. The worst part was the smell, and the dogs feasting on the bodies at night. I grew to hate the damned things, but I sure with I had a dog now.

At first, it was discovered that the vaccine disabled the Type I interferon pathway, resulting in herpes and shingles infections following the vaccination. But within a short period of three years, some disturbing things started happening: The genetically-modified SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the vaccine, was found to have toxic effects, resulting in immunity deficiencies, Bell's Palsy, Parkinson's Disease, lung damage, heart and brain diseases, even an increased susceptibility to the original COVID-19. At least, that's the way the last doctor I ran across explained it to me.

Humanity tried to carry on, even as millions were dying. But that became more difficult by the day. It was soon found that there were no longer enough people to produce the necessary means of survival: Food processing, manufacturing, even common labor started dwindling, leaving millions more to die. Essential services like electricity, water, sewer, and maintenance were in a state of constant interruption. At some point in time, government became non-existent: Law-enforcement officers, entire fire departments, EMS personnel, and even military personnel all went home to be with their families. That's when the chaos began.

Very soon after, the whole world seems to have went feral. Roving gangs of those who survived up until then, began streaming out into the countryside. Hungry, thirsty, and desperate they were. Without mercy, they took what they wanted, regardless of compassion, humanity, or the sanctity of life. Those who had the foresight to prepare themselves against this eventuality, fought against them. Many survived, some died at the hands of those warlords, while some became warlords themselves. Alliances were made and broken, and lines formed on more than several sides. Soon after, wars began to break out among factions formed not only based on political relationships, but the need for basic survival.

That's where we are today. My unit has been charged to hold this position against the high probability of an enemy attack. I don't know who this enemy is or what they call themselves, But I do know that they will die when they come across that hill, 500 yards away. My M60E3 is old and worn. It was probably made in 1988, but I keep it cleaned and oiled as well as I can. It looks like somebody tried to carve their name into the stock, but I can't make out what it reads. Sometimes I wonder who that person was, and whatever became of him or her, but I'll probably never know that.

I have 3,000 rounds of belted 7.62 in the cans sitting in the dirt next to me, five MREs that taste like they expired back in 2025, a vintage carton of cigarettes from 2024, and a pint of something someone distilled from a plot of corn a local farmer had planted. Imagine that: The whole fucking world is going up in flames, and some guy finds the time to plant some corn. Thanks Mr. Farmer, whoever you were This stuff in the bottle is a little rough going down, but it has a nice kick to it. So we'll see how this works out. I'm just damned grateful I didn't get those shots back in '21, otherwise, I probably wouldn't be here to tell you this story.
So your argument against getting the vaccine for COVID is basically the plot of the movie "World War Z"????....or "I Am Legend"??
There's no way cigarettes can be vintage anything...they are either cigarette that you can smoke, or dried out sticks of old tobacco. :auiqs.jpg:
Go ahead and smoke em...get back to me on the results.
Ever see that YouTube vid of someone drinking a 25 year old beer?...it's hilarious.

That's nothing. I have some 32 year old MREs. You should come over for dinner some time. What's yer pleasure? Spaghetti with meat and sauce, or Ham Slice Menu #8?


Mass extinction sounds GREAT right about now.
Today is the fourteenth or fifteenth day of September, 2028. I'm not really sure, because I seem to have lost track of the days. I remember the Fall of 2021, when so many people were getting vaccine shots against that damned Chinese virus. Fuckin' bastards, I'm glad they had that civil war in '26 and blew themselves to hell with their own nukes. But nobody figured what was going to lead up to now. Those who didn't fall ill and die within a few months of receiving one or more vaccine shots back in 2020 and 2021, eventually succumbed to the unforeseen long-term effects of the hastily-produced and untested vaccines. The world began experiencing an extinction-level mass die-off, the likes of which had never been seen before.

It was believed by some back in 2020, that mankind's ultimate threat would be "climate change", but nobody saw this shit coming. Entire communities of those who had received the COVID-19 vaccine, started dropping like flies, far overshadowing the Black Death that struck Europe during the 1300's. There were bodies everywhere. The worst part was the smell, and the dogs feasting on the bodies at night. I grew to hate the damned things, but I sure with I had a dog now.

At first, it was discovered that the vaccine disabled the Type I interferon pathway, resulting in herpes and shingles infections following the vaccination. But within a short period of three years, some disturbing things started happening: The genetically-modified SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the vaccine, was found to have toxic effects, resulting in immunity deficiencies, Bell's Palsy, Parkinson's Disease, lung damage, heart and brain diseases, even an increased susceptibility to the original COVID-19. At least, that's the way the last doctor I ran across explained it to me.

Humanity tried to carry on, even as millions were dying. But that became more difficult by the day. It was soon found that there were no longer enough people to produce the necessary means of survival: Food processing, manufacturing, even common labor started dwindling, leaving millions more to die. Essential services like electricity, water, sewer, and maintenance were in a state of constant interruption. At some point in time, government became non-existent: Law-enforcement officers, entire fire departments, EMS personnel, and even military personnel all went home to be with their families. That's when the chaos began.

Very soon after, the whole world seems to have went feral. Roving gangs of those who survived up until then, began streaming out into the countryside. Hungry, thirsty, and desperate they were. Without mercy, they took what they wanted, regardless of compassion, humanity, or the sanctity of life. Those who had the foresight to prepare themselves against this eventuality, fought against them. Many survived, some died at the hands of those warlords, while some became warlords themselves. Alliances were made and broken, and lines formed on more than several sides. Soon after, wars began to break out among factions formed not only based on political relationships, but the need for basic survival.

That's where we are today. My unit has been charged to hold this position against the high probability of an enemy attack. I don't know who this enemy is or what they call themselves, But I do know that they will die when they come across that hill, 500 yards away. My M60E3 is old and worn. It was probably made in 1988, but I keep it cleaned and oiled as well as I can. It looks like somebody tried to carve their name into the stock, but I can't make out what it reads. Sometimes I wonder who that person was, and whatever became of him or her, but I'll probably never know that.

I have 3,000 rounds of belted 7.62 in the cans sitting in the dirt next to me, five MREs that taste like they expired back in 2025, a vintage carton of cigarettes from 2024, and a pint of something someone distilled from a plot of corn a local farmer had planted. Imagine that: The whole fucking world is going up in flames, and some guy finds the time to plant some corn. Thanks Mr. Farmer, whoever you were. This stuff in the bottle is a little rough going down, but it has a nice kick to it. So we'll see how this works out. I'm just damned grateful I didn't get those shots back in '21, otherwise, I probably wouldn't be here to tell you this story.
I still have a few cans of Spam left, along with a crossbow and compound bow. Food is hard to find, i guess i will have to eat rat soon.


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