A Recent Report of a Sasquatch Sighting

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
As some will know, I am an avid sasquatch researcher and tracker. If there is a such thing as a professional bigfoot tracker, then I am it. During the course of my research, I interview witnesses to this elusive beast, among many other things. My goal is to prove the existence of this animal.

I recently received a tip of a recent bigfoot sighting in the deep, dark mountains of western North Carolina. I had to hike in for 3 days to get to the witness who lived up there and saw the creature. When I first met him, he held me at gun point while his female partner tied me up. Then they hung me upside down in their well shaft for 36 hours in the freezing cold. They finally released me when I contact called the witness to tell him I was on my way to meet him.

What follows is my transcription of the statement given to me by this witness. My goal in doing this is to leave as much unchanged as possible in order to maintain authenticity.

Well sir, it were back in 1983 when I dun did first seen that thar critter, I reckon. I were making my way outa the woods from squirrel huntin one chilly winter evenin fer me some vittles when I dun did come acrost it. Hell, I dun smelled that thar critter long before I did dun seen it. It smelled like a combination of wet dog, shit, and bad yeast infection ya git on yer tallywacker cuz your old lady ain’t keepin it clean down thar. Ya’ll knowd what I is talkin bouts? It gits on yer old ding dong and itches like it dun been eat up in chiggers. All that thar scratchin it makes it burn like a sumbitch! I tell you what!

When I walked up on that thar mangy critter, it were layin on top of a felled tree, dry humping it. At least, that’s what I call it. Hell, maybe it was wet humping it, I don’t rightly knowd. I sure hope that feller didn’t have its old hawg out, cuz it would hurt somethang fierce to be a’rubbin it up agin pine bark like that. Woooo doggy!

Jest then, all these here balls of glowing light dun appeared!! They was everwhere, swirling about in the trees, flying to and fro and here and around yonder, up and down and all around, all over the damned place!! Sum them thangs were a bluish-white color, whilst others we red er orange and sech. I ain’t seen nuffin like that since Cambodia, 1973. I immediately flashed back to that point in time and started firing my 12 gauge at them damned old flying fuckers in the air. “Pow!! Poww!!! Pow!!! BANG!!! Pow!!!!”

Then all them thar balls of lights just went out at once! I nodded in the satisfaction that I had dun up and kicked thar commie asses but good. Just then I felt some hot air on the back of my neck. I turned to find that damned old bigfoot critter standing right behind me. “Aw shit!!!”, I said. It were a trap!!! That damned old hairy sumbitch dun up and conjured them thar fairy lights to distract me so he could get a jump on me like this!!! “SHEEYIT!!”

That critter had him one mean look on his face. The sumbitch was huge too. Its breath smelt like bad Thai pussy at the end of a long Saturday night. Suddenly, something thumped on my chest. I looked down to find the bigfoot’s big old johnson throbbing against me. I looked up into the mangy monster’s face. It was jest a ‘grinning from ear to ear. I knew all too well what this here meant, and I tweren’t none pleased with it at all. No sir!!

I shoved my bony fanger it its face and sed, “Now look here, you smelly bastard!! Thar’s no way on God’s green earf that I am about to let ya’ll stick that thar thang in me again!! It am becuz of you that I got to have this here colostomy sack!” I pulled it out from under my flannel shirt and opened it up so the ratty beast could catch him a whiff.

When the monster smelled it he clenched his eyes tightly closed, drew up his face, and turned his head. “See that? That thar don’t smell too sweet, does it?”, I asked. The bigfoot covered its face with its right hand and backed away as it used its left hand to fan the air in front of it. I had really gotten that fucker’s attention.

As I had the monster incapacitated I pulled up my shot gun. See, even though I were jest squirrel huntin, I ran out of No. 6 shot. All I had was some of them thar slugs I use fer bears and DemoKKrats. I was loaded with them. Obviously, I always un-plug my shotgun befer I hit the woods to hunt, so I had not quite emptied the gun shootin at them thar spooky orbs of light earlier.

I shot from the hip. “BAMM!!!!!!” I blew that sumbitchin sasquach’s cock and balls clean off!! Heh heh heh… It was my revenge. “There ya go, motherfucker!! Now you is one of those damned old tranny-o-sexuals!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! FAGGOT!!!”

The critter was shore in a lot of pain. I’m sure some of it were physical pain. But I think most of it were the pain of being humiliated by me. In fact, I even caught sight of tears dribbling down the sasquatch’s face. It were crying!!

This sight touched me. I started feeling bad fer the critter. Poor old fella. He probably though he were jest a’fucking around with an old buddy. Then I up and wint to blowin its pussy tackle off, thereby trans-gender-fying it. There were only one thang I could do.

“BAMMM!!!!!!” I put the last slug I had through that old sumbitch’s head so as to put it outa its misery. I didn’t rightly care bout some no-good sumbitchin bigfoot. But I did not think it were right to let it sit out thar sufferin fer the rest of its life, dickless and afraid. Besides, what were I supposed to do? Take the damned old thang to the vet? Fuck it!! Fuck dat sumbitch! Heh heh heh ….

The preceding statement was given to me by an old rustic mountaineer named Mr. Eaton Beaver. He is retired from the investment firm of Pound, Dat, Beaver, LLC., and currently live in Sasquatch Hollow with his loving wife, Anita Beaver.
Years ago while I was home on leave my friend rented a movie called the legion of Boggy Creek... and we looked up where it was on a map and decided to go take a look for ourselves... Of course as it turned out we weren't even in the right state... lol
We drove to Boggy Creek in Oregon but the real legion started in Arkansas.... I believe..... we were young and had nothing better to do so we ventured up to Oregon and out towards the creek driving my truck off road through thick trees until we found the creek... I mean we were in the middle of nowhere.... total silence not another human in site....
We set up camp and had some beers and finally went in the tent and crashed out... around 3AM we were awakened by loud noises outside our tent.... I reached for my gun and froze.... a few min later we heard the weirdest noise I've ever heard an animal make... like a screech owl but louder and with a growl to it.... an angry growl....
Scared the crap out of us so as soon as daylight cracked we rolled up camp and got the hell out of there... I always figured it was locals messing with us because we talked to some before we drove up to the creek and told them why we were there... but I always thought hey... how did they know where we were and why would they be in that pitch black back country at 3AM just to prank us....
Years ago while I was home on leave my friend rented a movie called the legion of Boggy Creek... and we looked up where it was on a map and decided to go take a look for ourselves... Of course as it turned out we weren't even in the right state... lol
We drove to Boggy Creek in Oregon but the real legion started in Arkansas.... I believe..... we were young and had nothing better to do so we ventured up to Oregon and out towards the creek driving my truck off road through thick trees until we found the creek... I mean we were in the middle of nowhere.... total silence not another human in site....
We set up camp and had some beers and finally went in the tent and crashed out... around 3AM we were awakened by loud noises outside our tent.... I reached for my gun and froze.... a few min later we heard the weirdest noise I've ever heard an animal make... like a screech owl but louder and with a growl to it.... an angry growl....
Scared the crap out of us so as soon as daylight cracked we rolled up camp and got the hell out of there... I always figured it was locals messing with us because we talked to some before we drove up to the creek and told them why we were there... but I always thought hey... how did they know where we were and why would they be in that pitch black back country at 3AM just to prank us....
Good thing it was Oregon, not Arkansas or Georgia. The locals might have made you squeal like pig.
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Years ago while I was home on leave my friend rented a movie called the legion of Boggy Creek... and we looked up where it was on a map and decided to go take a look for ourselves... Of course as it turned out we weren't even in the right state... lol
We drove to Boggy Creek in Oregon but the real legion started in Arkansas.... I believe..... we were young and had nothing better to do so we ventured up to Oregon and out towards the creek driving my truck off road through thick trees until we found the creek... I mean we were in the middle of nowhere.... total silence not another human in site....
We set up camp and had some beers and finally went in the tent and crashed out... around 3AM we were awakened by loud noises outside our tent.... I reached for my gun and froze.... a few min later we heard the weirdest noise I've ever heard an animal make... like a screech owl but louder and with a growl to it.... an angry growl....
Scared the crap out of us so as soon as daylight cracked we rolled up camp and got the hell out of there... I always figured it was locals messing with us because we talked to some before we drove up to the creek and told them why we were there... but I always thought hey... how did they know where we were and why would they be in that pitch black back country at 3AM just to prank us....
Yes, the "real" Boggy Creek is in Arkansas. But there are plenty of eyewitness reports out of Oregon too. Who knows, you may have encountered the real thing!
I thought I saw Bigfoot Saturday night, turned out it was my brother. He was drunk as a skunk and taking a piss in my backyard. If my wife finds out about it, it's his ass.
My ex-wife actually turned into a sasquatch over time. I was lucky to get out of that with my life.

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