A REAL Liberal Talks About Immigration Policy Independent of the Libtard Plantation System


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Has anyone read this book? How would you contrast it from Coulter's 'Adios America'?

From the book....

"I believe that anyone who proves him or herself willing to perform a reasonable amount of useful work over his or her lifetime -- work that our society either finds valuable enough to pay for, or that it depends on and cannot do without, such as child rearing -- should be considered an economic citizen.

"In exchange for meeting their economic responsibilities economic citizens should secure a right to basic provisioning and economic security.

"Progressives seek to decrease disparities in wealth and increase the incomes and economic security of poor and middle-class Americans. We believe that we are all in this economy together and that everyone should benefit from rising prosperity. . .

"Mass immigration widens economic inequality in the United States . . . With labor unions weak and Democratic politicians confused and timid, perhaps the best thing we can do for our fellow workers is to tighten labor markets, so they can negotiate the best possible wages and working conditions for themselves. . . .

"There is something morally wrong in a view that says, 'Let's spread native working-class workers' wealth around to poor immigrants, while successful, well-educated professionals like us reap the benefit in terms of cheaper gardeners, nannies and restaurant meals."

I find this perspective fascinating in that it somehow has survived the Marxist take over of the Democratic Party. But I wonder if any liberal Democrats have even heard of it, much less have really sat down and read the thing and given it some thought.

But what the hell, has anyone read it here, liberal, or conservative, or neocon or libtard?

After you apologize for calling people "libtards", the grownups might be willing to speak with you.

The libtards know when I am speaking to them, if they are Marxists and worse.

And who are these alledged grownups you speak of?


Part of being a grown up is having thick enough skin that you can discuss a proposition without getting your feelings all hurt, dear.
I wonder, would you like one of his other books? http://www.amazon.com/Life-Brink-En...nt-Overpopulation/dp/0820343854&tag=ff0d01-20

Here's a review:

“For decades, overpopulation deniers have claimed that those who advocate population stabilization or reduction do so to retain privileges; are motivated by racist, sexist, or colonialist views; or do not understand economics. Life on the Brink courageously argues that intelligent and compassionate action in our world demands that we reduce our numbers as quickly and humanely as possible. Its urgent message should be widely read and acted upon.”—Bron Taylor, author of Dark Green Religion: Nature Spirituality and the Planetary Future
I wonder, would you like one of his other books? http://www.amazon.com/Life-Brink-En...nt-Overpopulation/dp/0820343854&tag=ff0d01-20

Here's a review:

“For decades, overpopulation deniers have claimed that those who advocate population stabilization or reduction do so to retain privileges; are motivated by racist, sexist, or colonialist views; or do not understand economics. Life on the Brink courageously argues that intelligent and compassionate action in our world demands that we reduce our numbers as quickly and humanely as possible. Its urgent message should be widely read and acted upon.”—Bron Taylor, author of Dark Green Religion: Nature Spirituality and the Planetary Future

Sounds interesting, but it sounds like standard liberalism of the 70's post McGovern era.

Does he invoke Marx and the need for the government to run everything, or to kill white people at every opportunity like the libtards that embrace the Black Lies Matter movement?

There is a huge difference between Marxist race baiting BLM libtards on the one hand and freedom advocating, free speech loving liberals on the other.
I wonder, would you like one of his other books? http://www.amazon.com/Life-Brink-En...nt-Overpopulation/dp/0820343854&tag=ff0d01-20

Here's a review:

“For decades, overpopulation deniers have claimed that those who advocate population stabilization or reduction do so to retain privileges; are motivated by racist, sexist, or colonialist views; or do not understand economics. Life on the Brink courageously argues that intelligent and compassionate action in our world demands that we reduce our numbers as quickly and humanely as possible. Its urgent message should be widely read and acted upon.”—Bron Taylor, author of Dark Green Religion: Nature Spirituality and the Planetary Future

Sounds interesting, but it sounds like standard liberalism of the 70's post McGovern era.

Does he invoke Marx and the need for the government to run everything, or to kill white people at every opportunity like the libtards that embrace the Black Lies Matter movement?

There is a huge difference between Marxist race baiting BLM libtards on the one hand and freedom advocating, free speech loving liberals on the other.
So you don't mind that his argument is there are too many people, period?

And the only way to control immigration is with a very large and active government.
After you apologize for calling people "libtards", the grownups might be willing to speak with you.

The grownups have tried to speak with him.

He is impervious to any viewpoint other than his own.

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