A quick and simple fix for Social Security


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Means Test recipients to reduce the expenditures. Millionaires and Billionaires do not need to be receiving Social Security checks. Over 1 Billion dollars a year could be saved...FIXED

Does Congress have the Guts to do it....or will the 1%er Lobby kill the effort.
Means Test recipients to reduce the expenditures. Millionaires and Billionaires do not need to be receiving Social Security checks. Over 1 Billion dollars a year could be saved...FIXED

Does Congress have the Guts to do it....or will the 1%er Lobby kill the effort.
So you advocate the government steal money that belongs to someone and give to others. Why doesn't that surprise me?
Means Test recipients to reduce the expenditures. Millionaires and Billionaires do not need to be receiving Social Security checks. Over 1 Billion dollars a year could be saved...FIXED

Does Congress have the Guts to do it....or will the 1%er Lobby kill the effort.

Well, I don't know if it will fix it. But I have long thought that SS should only go to those who need it.

I have an even better solution.

Carousel at 80.

The initial purpose of Social Security was "needs based". If someone does not need it...let them Volunteeringly allow the money to go back in the system.

Then No One would be forced to give their SS back. Let's see who has a heart and who doesn't....
The initial purpose of Social Security was "needs based". If someone does not need it...let them Volunteeringly allow the money to go back in the system.

Then No One would be forced to give their SS back. Let's see who has a heart and who doesn't....

How much of your wealth have you given away, Karl?
The initial purpose of Social Security was "needs based". If someone does not need it...let them Volunteeringly allow the money to go back in the system.

Then No One would be forced to give their SS back. Let's see who has a heart and who doesn't....

How much of your wealth have you given away, Karl?

I am not a 1%er....Adolph....
Means Test recipients to reduce the expenditures. Millionaires and Billionaires do not need to be receiving Social Security checks. Over 1 Billion dollars a year could be saved...FIXED

Does Congress have the Guts to do it....or will the 1%er Lobby kill the effort.
Any doubt that lolberals are nothing more than a band of pirates can be safely dispelled with this post.
Means Test recipients to reduce the expenditures. Millionaires and Billionaires do not need to be receiving Social Security checks. Over 1 Billion dollars a year could be saved...FIXED

Does Congress have the Guts to do it....or will the 1%er Lobby kill the effort.
So you advocate the government steal money that belongs to someone and give to others. Why doesn't that surprise me?
Like they do with foreign aid?
Means Test recipients to reduce the expenditures. Millionaires and Billionaires do not need to be receiving Social Security checks. Over 1 Billion dollars a year could be saved...FIXED

Does Congress have the Guts to do it....or will the 1%er Lobby kill the effort.

Well of course they would kill the effort. I would too.

I'm going to pay social security tax, and then not get it?

Would I pay for insurance, if they deemed I had too much money to get my benefits if I got cancer? No.
Would I pay car insurance, if they deemed I had too much money, and could afford to replace my car myself? No.
Would I pay for a retirement plan, that deemed I was too rich to get the money I invested? No.
Would I pay for life insurance, that if I was too rich when I died, they wouldn't pay out to my relatives? No.

So you morons sit around saying "Oh the rich will oppose we screw them over!"..... Well duh you stupid mindless idiot. If we proposed this plan on *YOU*... you would oppose us screwing you over, wouldn't you? Yes, you would be on here screaming that Trump was a tyrant, and you know it.

Yet when you think it is someone else being screwed, you have no problem with it.

Just remember this..... the moment you give government the power to screw over others because you don't like them, or because you think it's morally ok for whatever BS crap reason you want to come up with....
that same power can be used against you.

You allowed Obama to use executive privileged constantly.

Then Trump got elected, and he used that same power to push his policies.

You supported it, and then you hated it being used against you.

Same with government. If you allow them to deny people benefits when it suits you... someone will deny your benefits because it suits them.

That's why every socialist system ends up a tyranny. You reap what you sow, dude.
Means Test recipients to reduce the expenditures. Millionaires and Billionaires do not need to be receiving Social Security checks. Over 1 Billion dollars a year could be saved...FIXED

Does Congress have the Guts to do it....or will the 1%er Lobby kill the effort.
JimH52, Currently, both employees and employers pay FICA payroll taxes earmarked 6.2% for Social Security and 1.45% FOR Medicare. Social Security's' per individual taxes and benefits are “capped”.

I advocate reducing the FICA payroll taxes contribution to Social Security by a half and eliminate the contribution to Medicare. The revenue lost, (9.1% reduction of payrolls) should be replaced by a 4.55% federal general sales tax.

I consider requiring income caps upon Social Security recipients as futile. The net benefits due to increased enforcement expenditures are unjustified when we additionally consider the increase of disrespect for law that's generated by increased public acceptance for ignoring our own laws.

This is a revenue neutral proposal if payrolls are no more than half of transactions subject to the federal sales tax. I suspect aggregate payrolls are approximately a third of such sales transactions. Rather than income qualifying recipients, wealthier taxpayers will be subject to greater aggregate taxes and Social Security benefits should not be subject to income taxes.

Respectfully, Supposn
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The initial purpose of Social Security was "needs based". If someone does not need it...let them Volunteeringly allow the money to go back in the system.

Then No One would be forced to give their SS back. Let's see who has a heart and who doesn't....

How much of your wealth have you given away, Karl?

I am not a 1%er....Adolph....

LOL. Exactly what I was expecting you to say. So typical of your ilk. Everybody else is supposed to give while you sit on your greedy ass judging everyone
The initial purpose of Social Security was "needs based". If someone does not need it...let them Volunteeringly allow the money to go back in the system.

Then No One would be forced to give their SS back. Let's see who has a heart and who doesn't....

How much of your wealth have you given away, Karl?

I am not a 1%er....Adolph....

LOL. Exactly what I was expecting you to say. So typical of your ilk. Everybody else is supposed to give while you sit on your greedy ass judging everyone

Ask yourself....Why should Bill Gates....Warren Buffet....and Donald trump receive a Social Security check.

Should they Volunteeringly be able to direct that money back into the system to ensure solvency?

Why do you dislike that idea. No one is forcibly taking their money. Maybe the chance to actually illustrate a benevolent character scares Repubs?
The initial purpose of Social Security was "needs based". If someone does not need it...let them Volunteeringly allow the money to go back in the system.

Then No One would be forced to give their SS back. Let's see who has a heart and who doesn't....

How much of your wealth have you given away, Karl?

I am not a 1%er....Adolph....

LOL. Exactly what I was expecting you to say. So typical of your ilk. Everybody else is supposed to give while you sit on your greedy ass judging everyone

Ask yourself....Why should Bill Gates....Warren Buffet....and Donald trump receive a Social Security check.

Should they Volunteeringly be able to direct that money back into the system to ensure solvency?

Why do you dislike that idea. No one is forcibly taking their money. Maybe the chance to actually illustrate a benevolent character scares Repubs?

Stop being so heartless, Karl
So you want them to pay in and not receive what they are entitled to?
You fuckin commies disgust me
The initial purpose of Social Security was "needs based". ...
JimH52, Social Security retirement benefits were not meant to be, and should not be considered as a charity. For the majority of Social Security retirement recipients, those monthly benefit checks are their entire, or almost their entire incomes.

Supplemental Security Income, (SSI) program is also administered by the Social Security Administration, (SSA). That's essentially a federal charity and statistically I would suppose recipients effectively are entirely dependent upon those benefits.

If those two SSA programs were terminated without a reasonable replacement, our nation's increased poverty and its economic consequences would be clearly perceivable.

Respectfully, Supposn
Means Test recipients to reduce the expenditures. Millionaires and Billionaires do not need to be receiving Social Security checks. Over 1 Billion dollars a year could be saved...FIXED

Does Congress have the Guts to do it....or will the 1%er Lobby kill the effort.

Over 1 Billion dollars a year could be saved...FIXED

I knew liberals were bad at math, but ….DAMN!
Anyone who thinks $1 billion a year would fix Social Security is too dumb to collect Social Security.
Means Test recipients to reduce the expenditures. Millionaires and Billionaires do not need to be receiving Social Security checks. Over 1 Billion dollars a year could be saved...FIXED

Does Congress have the Guts to do it....or will the 1%er Lobby kill the effort.

Over 1 Billion dollars a year could be saved...FIXED

I knew liberals were bad at math, but ….DAMN!
Anyone who thinks $1 billion a year would fix Social Security is too dumb to collect Social Security.

I knew not long after the Repub tax cut...Repubs would start shouting that SS and Medicare need to be cut....they awarded their rich friends and now that the deficit is ballooning....they blame SS and Medicare....bunch of liars....

SS would be fine except for the idiots that have been borrowing from it to fight wars...
Means Test recipients to reduce the expenditures. Millionaires and Billionaires do not need to be receiving Social Security checks. Over 1 Billion dollars a year could be saved...FIXED

Does Congress have the Guts to do it....or will the 1%er Lobby kill the effort.

Over 1 Billion dollars a year could be saved...FIXED

I knew liberals were bad at math, but ….DAMN!
Anyone who thinks $1 billion a year would fix Social Security is too dumb to collect Social Security.

I knew not long after the Repub tax cut...Repubs would start shouting that SS and Medicare need to be cut....they awarded their rich friends and now that the deficit is ballooning....they blame SS and Medicare....bunch of liars....

SS would be fine except for the idiots that have been borrowing from it to fight wars...

now that the deficit is ballooning....they blame SS and Medicare....bunch of liars....

How much did SS and Medicare take in last year? How was did they spend last year?
What'll those numbers be in 2025? 2030?

SS would be fine except for the idiots that have been borrowing from it to fight wars..

What'd they do, scoop up the gold bars in the trust fund to buy bullets?

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