A question for global warming deniers


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
We have increased atmospheric CO2 by 40% in the last 200 years.

Atmospheric CO2 is now at its highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Every year we are adding 10 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

At the current rate in 100 years we will have added 1,000 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

What do you think the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 will be?
We have increased atmospheric CO2 by 40% in the last 200 years.

Atmospheric CO2 is now at its highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Every year we are adding 10 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

At the current rate in 100 years we will have added 1,000 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

What do you think the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 will be?

How much does the atmosphere weigh? What percentage of that is CO2? Now when the CO2 concentration was 20 times what it is today the temps were only around 10 to 15 degrees higher than now....and the planet was wonderful. The largest plants, the largest animals the world has ever seen existed back then. The evidence says that warmth is good and cold is bad. Also according to the paleoclimate record the world now is cooler than it has been for over 90% of its history....so if we were looking at averages we are colder than we should be.

Riddle me that batman.
We have increased atmospheric CO2 by 40% in the last 200 years.

Atmospheric CO2 is now at its highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Every year we are adding 10 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

At the current rate in 100 years we will have added 1,000 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

What do you think the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 will be?

How much does the atmosphere weigh? What percentage of that is CO2? Now when the CO2 concentration was 20 times what it is today the temps were only around 10 to 15 degrees higher than now....and the planet was wonderful. The largest plants, the largest animals the world has ever seen existed back then. The evidence says that warmth is good and cold is bad. Also according to the paleoclimate record the world now is cooler than it has been for over 90% of its history....so if we were looking at averages we are colder than we should be.

Riddle me that batman.
I sense a string of 20 or so posts by Chris showing high temps in cities to bury your comment coming on :)
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bogus dishonest numbers by disingenuous bureaucrats cooking books to secure increased funding are not very convincing.
We have increased atmospheric CO2 by 40% in the last 200 years.

Atmospheric CO2 is now at its highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Every year we are adding 10 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

At the current rate in 100 years we will have added 1,000 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

What do you think the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 will be?

How much does the atmosphere weigh? What percentage of that is CO2? Now when the CO2 concentration was 20 times what it is today the temps were only around 10 to 15 degrees higher than now....and the planet was wonderful. The largest plants, the largest animals the world has ever seen existed back then. The evidence says that warmth is good and cold is bad. Also according to the paleoclimate record the world now is cooler than it has been for over 90% of its history....so if we were looking at averages we are colder than we should be.

Riddle me that batman.
I sense a sting of 20 or so posts by Chris showing high temps in cities to bury your comment coming on :)

:lol: Yeah, he doesn't seem to understand that one of my posts equals about 15 of his so I am well covered!
We have increased atmospheric CO2 by 40% in the last 200 years.

Atmospheric CO2 is now at its highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Every year we are adding 10 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

At the current rate in 100 years we will have added 1,000 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

What do you think the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 will be?

How much does the atmosphere weigh? What percentage of that is CO2? Now when the CO2 concentration was 20 times what it is today the temps were only around 10 to 15 degrees higher than now....and the planet was wonderful. The largest plants, the largest animals the world has ever seen existed back then. The evidence says that warmth is good and cold is bad. Also according to the paleoclimate record the world now is cooler than it has been for over 90% of its history....so if we were looking at averages we are colder than we should be.

Riddle me that batman.

When it was 20 times higher then today the sun was far dimmer and had far lower output being at the time it was a much younger star. It boggles the mind that it can be putting out more energy little by little as time goes by and here is here being at possibly at one of the coldest periods in its 4.6 billion year history. Only 300-350 million years ago and 15 milion until today has been colder or the same as today. We should be expecting a warming planet back towards its avg.

No question in my mind if co2 levels where that high again today with the sun we have today that we would likely be a good amount warmer. Yes venus warming is because of the pressure/density of the Atmosphere and the fact it gets twice as much, but not all. Some of it is caused by the gas ability to trap the input from the sun that makes it through and stop any output going into space.

Agree with most of what your saying about it being good for life.
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As I suspected.

The deniers have no answer.

Once again, what will be the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 added to the atmosphere?
As I suspected.

The deniers have no answer.

Once again, what will be the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 added to the atmosphere?

No one is denying it might be getting warmer you liar, we deny that YU can prove man caused it. The evidence just isn't there.
As I suspected.

The deniers have no answer.

Once again, what will be the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 added to the atmosphere?

No one is denying it might be getting warmer you liar, we deny that YU can prove man caused it. The evidence just isn't there.

Like I said, no answer to the question, just insults and changing the subject.

What will be the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 added to the atmosphere?
As I suspected.

The deniers have no answer.

Once again, what will be the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 added to the atmosphere?

No one is denying it might be getting warmer you liar, we deny that YU can prove man caused it. The evidence just isn't there.

Like I said, no answer to the question, just insults and changing the subject.

What will be the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 added to the atmosphere?

What was the effect when it was 20 times higher in the past? I allready told you so now it is your turn and for your information calling sceptics deniers is just as much an insult.
We have increased atmospheric CO2 by 40% in the last 200 years.

Atmospheric CO2 is now at its highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Every year we are adding 10 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

At the current rate in 100 years we will have added 1,000 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

What do you think the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 will be?
Plants will grow more quickly, thereby absorbing more CO2....I'm more than certain that flora won't be the only natural mitigating influence.

What makes you think that industrial mankind is more than a trifling influence, to a planetary ecosystem that has survived and thrived for billions of years?
We have increased atmospheric CO2 by 40% in the last 200 years.

Atmospheric CO2 is now at its highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Every year we are adding 10 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

At the current rate in 100 years we will have added 1,000 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

What do you think the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 will be?
Plants will grow more quickly, thereby absorbing more CO2....I'm more than certain that flora won't be the only natural mitigating influence.

What makes you think that industrial mankind is more than a trifling influence, to a planetary ecosystem that has survived and thrived for billions of years?

There is a hole in the ozone larger than Antarctica, that we created.

There is a garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean twice the size of Texas, that we created.

There was an oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico larger than the state of Maryland, that we created.

Man is more than a "trifling influence" on the earth.

And "making plants grow faster" is not the correct answer.

1,000 billion tons of CO2 added to the atmosphere will heat the earth significantly.

And the only people denying it are people with connections to the oil industry.

The Koch brothers, the American Petroleum Institute, and Senators from the oil patch.
We have increased atmospheric CO2 by 40% in the last 200 years.

Atmospheric CO2 is now at its highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Every year we are adding 10 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

At the current rate in 100 years we will have added 1,000 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

What do you think the effect of 1,000 billion tons of CO2 will be?
Plants will grow more quickly, thereby absorbing more CO2....I'm more than certain that flora won't be the only natural mitigating influence.

What makes you think that industrial mankind is more than a trifling influence, to a planetary ecosystem that has survived and thrived for billions of years?

There is a hole in the ozone larger than Antarctica, that we created.

There is a garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean twice the size of Texas, that we created.

There was an oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico larger than the state of Maryland, that we created.

Man is more than a "trifling influence" on the earth.

And "making plants grow faster" is not the correct answer.

1,000 billion tons of CO2 added to the atmosphere will heat the earth significantly.

And the only people denying it are people with connections to the oil industry.

The Koch brothers, the American Petroleum Institute, and Senators from the oil patch.

For your information Goldman Sachs did more damage to the people of the US then have all of the oil companies to date.

We only started measuring the "ozone hole" in the 1980's so we honestly have no idea what was happening before.

You must think people are really stupid to think they would believe your assertion that the atmospheric CO2 levels are the highest ever recorded. We KNOW that CO2 levels have been up to 20 times higher than now, that is more than your 1000 billion more tons of CO2

The oil slick is gone if you hadn't noticed. Oil oxidizes pretty rapidly and within a hundred years or so there will be no evidence that it ever occured. Oil seeps are natural BTW and right now in the Gulf of Mexico the same amount of oil is being leaked into the ocean as was released in the spill.

We don't know for sure if we are the cause for the increase in CO2. As the Vostock ice cores show heating occurs first then CO2 levels rise after a period of about 800 years. The MWP coincidentally occured 800 years ago so it is just as likely that that is the cause for the increase in CO2.

Your assertion that the people who don't follow your religion are all employed by the petroleum industry is laughable and only shows how removed from reality you are.

No one denies that man can have a detrimental effect on a small scale (and yes a 1000 square miles is small scale) but you are dreaming if you think we can affect the climate with the amount of energy we can produce now.

I can refute just about any assertion you choose to make so have at it. I'm having fun it keeps me on my toes!
Poor Chris.

I don't think he understands that he is that rather dull cousin at the party that gets his turn to speak but as soon as he is finished everyone goes back to the real conversation.
Poor Chris.

I don't think he understands that he is that rather dull cousin at the party that gets his turn to speak but as soon as he is finished everyone goes back to the real conversation.

He brings it on himself. He seems to think that like the typical "ugly American" when talking to a foreigner all he has to do is say it loud enough and often enough and the guy will get it. Unfortunately it is Chris who doesn't get it.

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