A question for Christians only please


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads
I have been a Christian since 1997, accepted Christ as my Savior back then. I have been dealing with the same sin for years and years. I blame it 100% on myself, no excuses. I feel hopeless many many times partly because of this same sin I keep committing. I pray each day for forgiveness from this sin, and all my others.

Have any of you guys (Christians please) deal with one sin over and over again, repent or at least try to and keep falling into the same sin? Honest answers please and please do not judge me. I trust God and have faith we will get through this but it has been years. I actually have been committing this sin since I was a child in the 80's.

Would like to hear your stories, advice and thoughts. Whether you have come through it to the other side or still "stuck" in it. Thank you. I guess the Holy Spirit convicting me still after all this time is a good thing? Otherwise I would be even in deeper trouble?

eta- I'm not asking for pity or justification as I know this particular sin is wrong (all sin is wrong but you know what I mean). I feel daily like there is an internal struggle to do good and not bad, but often I do the bad anyway KNOWING I'm doing bad and hurting myself and disappointing God:(
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What sin is it ? I do a bunch of sins over and over again, like smoking, drinking beer sleeping with married women, I just like to consider my self like the arch angel Michael :)
I have been a Christian since 1997, accepted Christ as my Savior back then. I have been dealing with the same sin for years and years. I blame it 100% on myself, no excuses. I feel hopeless many many times partly because of this same sin I keep committing. I pray each day for forgiveness from this sin, and all my others.

Have any of you guys (Christians please) deal with one sin over and over again, repent or at least try to and keep falling into the same sin? Honest answers please and please do not judge me. I trust God and have faith we will get through this but it has been years. I actually have been committing this sin since I was a child in the 80's.

Would like to hear your stories, advice and thoughts. Whether you have come through it to the other side or still "stuck" in it. Thank you. I guess the Holy Spirit convicting me still after all this time is a good thing? Otherwise I would be even in deeper trouble?

eta- I'm not asking for pity or justification as I know this particular sin is wrong (all sin is wrong but you know what I mean). I feel daily like there is an internal struggle to do good and not bad, but often I do the bad anyway KNOWING I'm doing bad and hurting myself and disappointing God:(

Yes, and there is only 1 answer to get out of it. Change who you hang out with. Make it a goal to hang out with your fellow Christians from church every week, and get involved. The closer you are to Christ the easier it is to not even think of the sin let alone commit it. This is me being very serious for once on here, because someone finally asked a worth question that was meaningful.

Now this is where I get non serious and say my porn addiction I'm screwed for life due to having something called labido. To help me I need to blow up all electronics devices. I don't see how anybody can do that. I'm really screwed.

Just kidding. The solution I gave you is the same solution for me. It works. It takes reputition to make it a habit to get involved with your church and other Christians. Do this and I will guarantee backed by 1 million dollars cash, that you will PM me thanking me in a month or two from now. Been a Christian for 19 years. I think J would agree with me on this.
What sin is it ? I do a bunch of sins over and over again, like smoking, drinking beer sleeping with married women, I just like to consider my self like the arch angel Michael :)

Yes, we all know you are talking about me... Nothing gets by me, dude. I expect you to know that.
What lying, cheating, cheating wife ?those sins I tried real hard not to do, but each his own
What sin is it ? I do a bunch of sins over and over again, like smoking, drinking beer sleeping with married women, I just like to consider my self like the arch angel Michael :)

Yes, we all know you are talking about me... Nothing gets by me, dude. I expect you to know that.
You are a strange on indeed

I have you as a stalker now. I got 3 A&D of course, you, and Goddess now. I don't mind the 2 females, but you, there might be an issue. Time will tell/.
God gave you the power to put your flesh in subjection. You have to exercise that power. Christ conquered the world and made us more than conquerers. Tell your flesh in the name of Jesus Christ you will do as my spirit commands. Tell your flesh you will not draw me away from God.

Your flesh is yours to command but only through Jesus Christ.
I really hope you are not talking about masturbation. The old testament story about spilling your seed is a story about disobience not masturbation. Its better to masturbate than to commit fornication. If that is your sin you can ease off yourself.
I have been a Christian since 1997, accepted Christ as my Savior back then. I have been dealing with the same sin for years and years. I blame it 100% on myself, no excuses. I feel hopeless many many times partly because of this same sin I keep committing. I pray each day for forgiveness from this sin, and all my others.

Have any of you guys (Christians please) deal with one sin over and over again, repent or at least try to and keep falling into the same sin? Honest answers please and please do not judge me. I trust God and have faith we will get through this but it has been years. I actually have been committing this sin since I was a child in the 80's.

Would like to hear your stories, advice and thoughts. Whether you have come through it to the other side or still "stuck" in it. Thank you. I guess the Holy Spirit convicting me still after all this time is a good thing? Otherwise I would be even in deeper trouble?

eta- I'm not asking for pity or justification as I know this particular sin is wrong (all sin is wrong but you know what I mean). I feel daily like there is an internal struggle to do good and not bad, but often I do the bad anyway KNOWING I'm doing bad and hurting myself and disappointing God:(

The parable Christ told of the demon may come in handy here. The demon was swept out, and all was empty. The demon returned, saw how empty things were, so brought along several of his friends and things were even worse.

The moral of the story is that you cannot stop sinning and leave an empty room. What do you wish to put in place of this sin? Every time you are tempted, instead of giving into temptation, have a plan in place, and implement that plan instead giving into the sin.
I have been a Christian since 1997, accepted Christ as my Savior back then. I have been dealing with the same sin for years and years. I blame it 100% on myself, no excuses. I feel hopeless many many times partly because of this same sin I keep committing. I pray each day for forgiveness from this sin, and all my others.

Have any of you guys (Christians please) deal with one sin over and over again, repent or at least try to and keep falling into the same sin? Honest answers please and please do not judge me. I trust God and have faith we will get through this but it has been years. I actually have been committing this sin since I was a child in the 80's.

Would like to hear your stories, advice and thoughts. Whether you have come through it to the other side or still "stuck" in it. Thank you. I guess the Holy Spirit convicting me still after all this time is a good thing? Otherwise I would be even in deeper trouble?

eta- I'm not asking for pity or justification as I know this particular sin is wrong (all sin is wrong but you know what I mean). I feel daily like there is an internal struggle to do good and not bad, but often I do the bad anyway KNOWING I'm doing bad and hurting myself and disappointing God:(

2 Corinthians 12
English Standard Version (ESV)

Paul's Visions and His Thorn

I must go on boasting. Though there is nothing to be gained by it, I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord. I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows. And I know that this man was caught up into paradise—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows— and he heard things that cannot be told, which man may not utter. On behalf of this man I will boast, but on my own behalf I will not boast, except of my weaknesses— though if I should wish to boast, I would not be a fool, for I would be speaking the truth; but I refrain from it, so that no one may think more of me than he sees in me or hears from me.

So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
ninja007, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance so you understand why the Lord answered:

Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Paul expressed his understanding as a paradox (a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory but in reality expresses a possible truth):

For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Paradox - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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I have been a Christian since 1997, accepted Christ as my Savior back then. I have been dealing with the same sin for years and years. I blame it 100% on myself, no excuses. I feel hopeless many many times partly because of this same sin I keep committing. I pray each day for forgiveness from this sin, and all my others.

Have any of you guys (Christians please) deal with one sin over and over again, repent or at least try to and keep falling into the same sin? Honest answers please and please do not judge me. I trust God and have faith we will get through this but it has been years. I actually have been committing this sin since I was a child in the 80's.

Would like to hear your stories, advice and thoughts. Whether you have come through it to the other side or still "stuck" in it. Thank you. I guess the Holy Spirit convicting me still after all this time is a good thing? Otherwise I would be even in deeper trouble?

eta- I'm not asking for pity or justification as I know this particular sin is wrong (all sin is wrong but you know what I mean). I feel daily like there is an internal struggle to do good and not bad, but often I do the bad anyway KNOWING I'm doing bad and hurting myself and disappointing God:(
Get professional help. No, I am not kidding. If it is bothering you this much seek out a good therapist and have a few sessions. I hope you have insurance though, can get expensive. Sometimes a few words and couple of questions in the right place can give you the insight you need to get over something.
I don't know if I am a "christian" or not. I believe in God. I believe in Jesus. But I don't much care for how "christians" do His work.I have my own unique path.

With that said...I think you are worrying too much. If you think God knows your heart, then why stress over little stuff?
thanks guys, and yes its porn. Regarding J.R.- I agree. I do not party, drink, do drugs, smoke, gamble. My two main vices are porn and food. I do not hang out with the wrong crowd. I'm kind of a loner. I'm 42, single, no kids.

TBH I have not been to my church in forever. I do pray every day many times a day, read and post in here and on another Christian Board for fellowship, read the Word..not as much as I should though.

I will take everyone's advice and always praying. I think I'm just not "trying" hard enough to stop. I can go several days at a time but then I sin like that for one, 2, 3 days in a row...rinse and repeat. FOR YEARS. I thought this sin would get "better" after knowing God. ughhh.
All living Christians have sinned, will sin again...and will be forgiven simply for the asking.
thanks guys, and yes its porn. Regarding J.R.- I agree. I do not party, drink, do drugs, smoke, gamble. My two main vices are porn and food. I do not hang out with the wrong crowd. I'm kind of a loner. I'm 42, single, no kids.

TBH I have not been to my church in forever. I do pray every day many times a day, read and post in here and on another Christian Board for fellowship, read the Word..not as much as I should though.

I will take everyone's advice and always praying. I think I'm just not "trying" hard enough to stop. I can go several days at a time but then I sin like that for one, 2, 3 days in a row...rinse and repeat. FOR YEARS. I thought this sin would get "better" after knowing God. ughhh.

Ninja you are killing me. You really are. i know I have been tough on you on other threads, but where on earth did you get the idea that you are going to go to hell if you watch porn and have a wank? Show me anywhere in scripture and even in non-cannonical writings where it says you can't have a little "me time". Yes yes...people always bring up "better to spill your seed in the belly of a whore...." blah, blah, blah...that story is not about masturbation it's about a violation of cultural mores where it was a brother's responsibility to give his brother's widow a son to care for her in her old age.

It's ok to whack off Ninja. You will not be damned for watching porn

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