A proper introduction....

I am advocating a return to a way of life of the 50's, not 50's technology.
It's really quite amusing when an individual's persecution complex causes that person to react in an absurdly radical way against their imagined threat. "Fascism" seems to be the manner in which this sort of delusional mania manifests itself politically. In the quoted statement above, you suggest reverting to a society in which rights and privileges are based on superficial differences in melanin. You're either a troll with way too much time on his hands or somebody who's about to give USMB's worst and dullest a run for their money. Welcome. :eusa_whistle:
I am advocating a return to a way of life of the 50's, not 50's technology.
It's really quite amusing when an individual's persecution complex causes that person to react in an absurdly radical way against their imagined threat. "Fascism" seems to be the manner in which this sort of delusional mania manifests itself politically. In the quoted statement above, you suggest reverting to a society in which rights and privileges are based on superficial differences in melanin. You're either a troll with way too much time on his hands or somebody who's about to give USMB's worst and dullest a run for their money. Welcome. :eusa_whistle:

I'd rather live in a European-American conservative United States than along side trash like you that have hijacked this country and turned it into a filthy mess.

Give me back my America and you can have yours in it's current form. You should also be thankful that America is even tolerant to your kind or you'd likely be shining one of your religious leader's shoes for a living.
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I'd rather live in a European-American conservative United States than along side trash like you that have hijacked this country and turned it into a filthy mess.
I'm of primarily Southern European origin and none of my ancestors arrived here after World War I. I'll extend to you the same invitation that I extend to other blundering neanderthals who express a desire for a Muslim-free America: practice what you preach and attempt to start your deportations or mass executions with me. :thup:

Give me back my America and you can have yours in it's current form. You should also be thankful that America is even tolerant to your kind or you'd likely be shining one of your religious leader's shoes for a living.
I have no religious leaders. Conversely, you should be thankful that America tolerates idiotic political opinions, or you'd likely be having your fudge packed in some minimum security prison. :lol:
I am advocating a return to a way of life of the 50's, not 50's technology.
It's really quite amusing when an individual's persecution complex causes that person to react in an absurdly radical way against their imagined threat. "Fascism" seems to be the manner in which this sort of delusional mania manifests itself politically. In the quoted statement above, you suggest reverting to a society in which rights and privileges are based on superficial differences in melanin. You're either a troll with way too much time on his hands or somebody who's about to give USMB's worst and dullest a run for their money. Welcome. :eusa_whistle:

I'd rather live in a European-American conservative United States than along side trash like you that have hijacked this country and turned it into a filthy mess.

Give me back my America and you can have yours in it's current form. You should also be thankful that America is even tolerant to your kind or you'd likely be shining one of your religious leader's shoes for a living.

actually last time I checked china owned most of America and held the rest as collateral
Essay for an intro ...


Yeah, he could have just said he was fascist without all the hoopla.
There should at least be a National Socialist Republic where a white male is free to live in peace

Welcome to Stormfront!

You have come to the right place to discuss issues regarding the advancement of the Aryan race.
I'm of primarily Southern European origin and none of my ancestors arrived here after World War I. I'll extend to you the same invitation that I extend to other blundering neanderthals who express a desire for a Muslim-free America: practice what you preach and attempt to start your deportations or mass executions with me. :thup::

Eh, whatever. I could care less where you come from. It's probably all lies regardless.

I have no religious leaders. Conversely, you should be thankful that America tolerates idiotic political opinions, or you'd likely be having your fudge packed in some minimum security prison. :lol:

As a white muslim in an American prison system, I guarantee you would be made someone's sperm-receptacale in a heartbeat and I would find allies much earlier and with more ease than you would. And the whole while I would laugh at you because you got what you deserved for being an ignorant twit that would dismiss my opinions as idiotic when on the whole you should be thankful we allow the lot of you to live under the same flag.

Furthermore, that's all the respone I'm warranting you. Your kind is hardly worthy of that and I don't need to justify myself to the likes of you. I'd rather do what I came here to do, discuss and debate.
I'm of primarily Southern European origin and none of my ancestors arrived here after World War I. I'll extend to you the same invitation that I extend to other blundering neanderthals who express a desire for a Muslim-free America: practice what you preach and attempt to start your deportations or mass executions with me. :thup::

Eh, whatever. I could care less where you come from. It's probably all lies regardless.

I have no religious leaders. Conversely, you should be thankful that America tolerates idiotic political opinions, or you'd likely be having your fudge packed in some minimum security prison. :lol:

As a white muslim in an American prison system, I guarantee you would be made someone's sperm-receptacale in a heartbeat and I would find allies much earlier and with more ease than you would. And the whole while I would laugh at you because you got what you deserved for being an ignorant twit that would dismiss my opinions as idiotic when on the whole you should be thankful we allow the lot of you to live under the same flag.

Furthermore, that's all the respone I'm warranting you. Your kind is hardly worthy of that and I don't need to justify myself to the likes of you. I'd rather do what I came here to do, discuss and debate.

OK lets discuss or debate if you are a closet homosexual..I say you are...discuss
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I'm of primarily Southern European origin and none of my ancestors arrived here after World War I. I'll extend to you the same invitation that I extend to other blundering neanderthals who express a desire for a Muslim-free America: practice what you preach and attempt to start your deportations or mass executions with me. :thup::

Eh, whatever. I could care less where you come from. It's probably all lies regardless.

I have no religious leaders. Conversely, you should be thankful that America tolerates idiotic political opinions, or you'd likely be having your fudge packed in some minimum security prison. :lol:

As a white muslim in an American prison system, I guarantee you would be made someone's sperm-receptacale in a heartbeat and I would find allies much earlier and with more ease than you would. And the whole while I would laugh at you because you got what you deserved for being an ignorant twit that would dismiss my opinions as idiotic when on the whole you should be thankful we allow the lot of you to live under the same flag.

Furthermore, that's all the respone I'm warranting you. Your kind is hardly worthy of that and I don't need to justify myself to the likes of you. I'd rather do what I came here to do, discuss and debate.

OK lets discuss or debate if your closet homosexual..I say you are...discuss

The answer is no, I am not.

I actually think you are the one uncomfortable with your own sexuality, since that it the only thing you have to say and have contributed nothing in your post.
Eh, whatever. I could care less where you come from. It's probably all lies regardless.

As a white muslim in an American prison system, I guarantee you would be made someone's sperm-receptacale in a heartbeat and I would find allies much earlier and with more ease than you would. And the whole while I would laugh at you because you got what you deserved for being an ignorant twit that would dismiss my opinions as idiotic when on the whole you should be thankful we allow the lot of you to live under the same flag.

Furthermore, that's all the respone I'm warranting you. Your kind is hardly worthy of that and I don't need to justify myself to the likes of you. I'd rather do what I came here to do, discuss and debate.

OK lets discuss or debate if your closet homosexual..I say you are...discuss

The answer is no, I am not.

I actually think you are the one uncomfortable with your own sexuality, since that it the only thing you have to say and have contributed nothing in your post.

Well I'm not the one having prison gay sex fantasies with Muslims ..that would of been.. you... and I also contributed this piece of brilliance


but you must of missed the the hidden meaning...
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OK lets discuss or debate if your closet homosexual..I say you are...discuss

The answer is no, I am not.

I actually think you are the one uncomfortable with your own sexuality, since that it the only thing you have to say and have contributed nothing in your post.

Well I'm not the one having prison gay sex fantasies with Muslims ..that would of been.. you... and I also contributed this piece of brilliance

but you must of missed the the hidden meaning...

You contributed nothing.

Your profile picture looks like the a pitiful cross-breeding result of a mentally-retarded middle aged man, and an ape.

Eugenics would have done wonders for your kind.

I am going to take my lunch break now as my day is halfway finished and continue to contemplate the beauty of that idea.
So it's the White Race you're protecting, now, is it?

I remember when it was only the White Anglo Saxon Protestant race that you guys cared about.

Interesting to see that even racists like you have begun to understand the political benefits of ethnic diversity.
I think it's time for a song right about now:


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