A perfect government


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
If this was the real Romney, he would make a perfect government for this county if he applied this to the government. Not exactly what he has planned for us.

"He served a mission for his church over in France, a very difficult mission by the way where people come up to you and say, 'I'm an atheist and I'm a Catholic.' But he learned to love people, he learned to work with people, he learned to serve, and that's what you get from those kind of experiences."

Romney's faith could be a potentially difficult issue for voters unfamiliar with Mormonism, but Hatch seems to want to lay those concerns to rest.

"If you look at his church background, he voluntarily gave a good deal of his life to help others without any kind of compensation, without any kind of fanfare, behind the scenes in most cases and frankly, he has always lived a real Christian life," says Hatch.
Sen. Hatch to Mitt Romney: Advice from one Mormon Republican to another | Power Players - Yahoo! News
If this was the real Romney, he would make a perfect government for this county if he applied this to the government

How exactly do you apply the voluntary help that people give of their own time and money to authorizing some people to give things that belong to other people by force?
If this was the real Romney, he would make a perfect government for this county if he applied this to the government. Not exactly what he has planned for us.

"He served a mission for his church over in France, a very difficult mission by the way where people come up to you and say, 'I'm an atheist and I'm a Catholic.' But he learned to love people, he learned to work with people, he learned to serve, and that's what you get from those kind of experiences."

Romney's faith could be a potentially difficult issue for voters unfamiliar with Mormonism, but Hatch seems to want to lay those concerns to rest.

"If you look at his church background, he voluntarily gave a good deal of his life to help others without any kind of compensation, without any kind of fanfare, behind the scenes in most cases and frankly, he has always lived a real Christian life," says Hatch.
Sen. Hatch to Mitt Romney: Advice from one Mormon Republican to another | Power Players - Yahoo! News

As a point of fact, though, Mormons are NOT Christians. Not in any true sense of the term.
If this was the real Romney, he would make a perfect government for this county if he applied this to the government. Not exactly what he has planned for us.

"He served a mission for his church over in France, a very difficult mission by the way where people come up to you and say, 'I'm an atheist and I'm a Catholic.' But he learned to love people, he learned to work with people, he learned to serve, and that's what you get from those kind of experiences."

Romney's faith could be a potentially difficult issue for voters unfamiliar with Mormonism, but Hatch seems to want to lay those concerns to rest.

"If you look at his church background, he voluntarily gave a good deal of his life to help others without any kind of compensation, without any kind of fanfare, behind the scenes in most cases and frankly, he has always lived a real Christian life," says Hatch.
Sen. Hatch to Mitt Romney: Advice from one Mormon Republican to another | Power Players - Yahoo! News

Bull Shit

Mitt gave of his time in France to avoid going to Viet Nam

France sure looks like a tough assignment compared to Nam
If this was the real Romney, he would make a perfect government for this county if he applied this to the government. Not exactly what he has planned for us.

"He served a mission for his church over in France, a very difficult mission by the way where people come up to you and say, 'I'm an atheist and I'm a Catholic.' But he learned to love people, he learned to work with people, he learned to serve, and that's what you get from those kind of experiences."

Romney's faith could be a potentially difficult issue for voters unfamiliar with Mormonism, but Hatch seems to want to lay those concerns to rest.

"If you look at his church background, he voluntarily gave a good deal of his life to help others without any kind of compensation, without any kind of fanfare, behind the scenes in most cases and frankly, he has always lived a real Christian life," says Hatch.
Sen. Hatch to Mitt Romney: Advice from one Mormon Republican to another | Power Players - Yahoo! News

As a point of fact, though, Mormons are NOT Christians. Not in any true sense of the term.

Ok I suppose Catholics aren't either, or what about Protestants?? or Methodists?? Are you Jesus Christ proclaiming who is a Christian and who isn't?? Holy Moley, Christ's second coming!!!! :eek:
If this was the real Romney, he would make a perfect government for this county if he applied this to the government. Not exactly what he has planned for us.

As a point of fact, though, Mormons are NOT Christians. Not in any true sense of the term.

Ok I suppose Catholics aren't either, or what about Protestants?? or Methodists?? Are you Jesus Christ proclaiming who is a Christian and who isn't?? Holy Moley, Christ's second coming!!!! :eek:

Mormons are Christian. No clue what true sense he is referring to.
As a point of fact, though, Mormons are NOT Christians. Not in any true sense of the term.

Ok I suppose Catholics aren't either, or what about Protestants?? or Methodists?? Are you Jesus Christ proclaiming who is a Christian and who isn't?? Holy Moley, Christ's second coming!!!! :eek:

Mormons are Christian. No clue what true sense he is referring to.

THIS is what I refer to, Leweman:

  • Mormons believe that the Trinity consists not of three persons in one God but rather of three distinct gods, and according to Mormonism, there are potentially many thousands of gods besides these. Trusting in or worshiping more than one god is explicitly condemned throughout the Bible.
  • Mormons believe that humans, like God the Father, can go through a process of exaltation to godhood.
  • Mormons believe that Jesus Christ was the firstborn spirit-child of the heavenly Father and a heavenly Mother. Jesus then progressed to deity in the spirit world. He was later physically conceived in Mary’s womb, as the literal “only begotten” Son of God the Father in the flesh (though many present-day Mormons remain somewhat vague as to how this occurred).
  • Mormons believe that most people will end up in one of three kingdoms of glory, depending on one’s level of faithfulness. Belief in Christ, or even in God, is not necessary to obtain immortality in one of these three kingdoms, and therefore only the most spiritually perverse will go to hell.
  • Mormons believe that Adam’s transgression was a noble act that made it possible for humans to become mortal, a necessary step on the path to exaltation to godhood. They think that Christ’s atonement secures immortality for virtually all people, whether they repent and believe or not.
  • Mormons believe that God gives to (virtually) everyone a general salvation to immortal life in one of the heavenly kingdoms, which is how they understand salvation by grace. Belief in Christ is necessary only to obtain passage to the highest, celestial kingdom—for which not only faith but participation in Mormon temple rituals and obedience to its “laws of the gospel” are also prerequisites.
  • For Mormons, the one they call “God the Father” is really an elevate man from another planet who became “divine” but not in the ancient Christian sense of “divinization.”

Did that clear anything up for you at all?

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