A perfect example of why I am not voting for John Kerry

Uhm, hello, these statements are NOT mutually exclusive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The first one gives the president the authority to go to war. The authority to use force as a LAST resort.

The second statement deals with whether KERRY would have used the authority if given to him by Congress with the set of facts surrounding Iraq, his answer was no.

One of you please, please explain to me how these two statements are contradictory.

Kerry's plan does not involve immediate withdrawal. His plan is to be out within a year or so after training (while actually protecting as well) Iraqi police and troops to provide security in their own country.

acludem said:
Kerry's plan does not involve immediate withdrawal. His plan is to be out within a year or so after training (while actually protecting as well) Iraqi police and troops to provide security in their own country.


Which is the same as Bush's plan. It wasn't a year either, the lowest number I have seen even from Kerry was 4 years. Kerry's plan depends on countries that have already said they would not help. They have made it clear they will not regardless if Kerry gets elected or not.

Kerry's "plan" is simply a photocopied plan from Bush's website.
acludem said:
Uhm, hello, these statements are NOT mutually exclusive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The first one gives the president the authority to go to war. The authority to use force as a LAST resort.

The second statement deals with whether KERRY would have used the authority if given to him by Congress with the set of facts surrounding Iraq, his answer was no.

One of you please, please explain to me how these two statements are contradictory.

Kerry's plan does not involve immediate withdrawal. His plan is to be out within a year or so after training (while actually protecting as well) Iraqi police and troops to provide security in their own country.


Well ACLU you're just going to have to excuse us conservatives. We're not nearly as "nuanced" as you libs.

We don't make a statement in such a manner that it can be interpreted in 57 different ways. We tend to say what we mean and mean what we say - a concept foreign to Democrats and a practice to which kerry is apparently allergic.
Avatar4321 said:
Well thats the goal. The fact that you seem to think its impossible speaks more about your lack of vision then anything Bush has done or said.

I started to answer PJ when he accused me of contradicting myself. But then I figured - what's the point? Libs are professional whiners and nay-sayers. They have become the very antithesis of what this country is all about.

Rabid lib kerrymites like PJ do not know what they are for or against until Pres. Bush makes a decision. Then they come out against whatever that decision may have been. They have the luxury of second-guessing because they lack the courage to act. If you don't do anything, it's hard to be criticized for it. Although now we're paying for eight years of the Clinton do-nothing policy. But somehow libs like PJ find that acceptable but see our effort in Iraq as abhorent.

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